@@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ import shlex
import platform
import colorama
import os
-#from pwman.util.config import get_pass_conf
from pwman.util.callback import Callback
+from pwman.util.crypto_engine import generate_password
if sys.version_info.major > 2: # pragma: no cover
@@ -128,55 +128,6 @@ def open_url(link, macosx=False): # pragma: no cover
print("Executing open_url failed with:\n", e)
-def get_password(question, config):
- # TODO: enable old functionallity, with password generator.
- if sys.stdin.isatty(): # pragma: no cover
- p = getpass.getpass()
- else:
- p = sys.stdin.readline().rstrip()
- return p
-def getpassword(question, argsgiven=None,
- width=_defaultwidth, echo=False,
- reader=getpass.getpass, numerics=False, leetify=False,
- symbols=False, special_signs=False,
- length=None, config=None): # pragma: no cover
- if argsgiven == 1 or length:
- while not length:
- try:
- default_length = config.get_value(
- 'Generator', 'default_pw_length') or '8'
- length = getinput(
- "Password length (default %s): " % default_length,
- default=default_length)
- length = int(length)
- except ValueError:
- print("please enter a proper integer")
- #password, dumpme = generator.generate_password(
- # length, length, True, symbols=leetify, numerics=numerics,
- # special_chars=special_signs)
- #print ("New password: %s" % (password))
- #return password
- # no args given
- while True:
- a1 = reader(question.ljust(width))
- if not a1:
- return getpassword(
- '', argsgiven=1, width=width, echo=echo, reader=reader,
- numerics=numerics, leetify=leetify, symbols=symbols,
- special_signs=special_signs, length=length, config=config)
- a2 = reader("[Repeat] %s" % (question.ljust(width)))
- if a1 == a2:
- if leetify:
- pass # return generator.leetify(a1)
- else:
- return a1
- else:
- print ("Passwords don't match. Try again.")
def get_terminal_size():
""" getTerminalSize()
- get width and height of console
@@ -300,6 +251,32 @@ def getinput(question, default="", reader=raw_input,
return reader()
+def get_or_create_pass():
+ p = getpass.getpass(prompt='Password (leave empty to create one):')
+ if not p:
+ while True:
+ try:
+ print("Password length (default: 8):", end="")
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ l = sys.stdin.readline().strip()
+ l = int(l) if l else 8
+ break
+ except ValueError:
+ print("You did not enter an integer...")
+ p = generate_password(l)
+ return p
+def _get_secret():
+ # TODO: enable old functionallity, with password generator.
+ if sys.stdin.isatty(): # pragma: no cover
+ p = get_or_create_pass()
+ else:
+ p = sys.stdin.readline().rstrip()
+ return p
class CMDLoop(object): # pragma: no cover
@@ -337,7 +314,7 @@ class CMDLoop(object): # pragma: no cover
self.items[0].getter = new_node.username
self.items[0].setter = new_node.username
elif selection == 1: # for password
- new_node.password = get_password("Password:", self.config)
+ new_node.password = _get_secret()
self.items[1].getter = new_node.password
self.items[1].setter = new_node.password
elif selection == 2: