test_base_ui.py 6.6 KB

  1. # ============================================================================
  2. # This file is part of Pwman3.
  3. #
  4. # Pwman3 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  5. # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2
  6. # as published by the Free Software Foundation;
  7. #
  8. # Pwman3 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  9. # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  11. # GNU General Public License for more details.
  12. #
  13. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  14. # along with Pwman3; if not, write to the Free Software
  15. # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
  16. # ============================================================================
  17. # Copyright (C) 2014 Oz Nahum Tiram <nahumoz@gmail.com>
  18. # ============================================================================
  19. import os
  20. import unittest
  21. from io import StringIO, BytesIO
  22. import sys
  23. from pwman.util.crypto_engine import CryptoEngine
  24. from .test_crypto_engine import give_key, DummyCallback
  25. from pwman.data.database import __DB_FORMAT__
  26. from .test_tools import (SetupTester)
  27. from pwman.data import factory
  28. from pwman.data.nodes import Node
  29. testdb = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
  30. "test-baseui.pwman.db"))
  31. class dummy_stdin(object):
  32. def __init__(self):
  33. self.idx = -1
  34. self.ans = ['4', 'some fucking notes', 'X']
  35. def __call__(self, msg):
  36. self.idx += 1
  37. return self.ans[self.idx]
  38. class TestBaseUI(unittest.TestCase):
  39. @classmethod
  40. def tearDownClass(cls):
  41. for item in (testdb, 'foo.csv', 'pwman-export.csv'):
  42. try:
  43. os.unlink(item)
  44. except OSError:
  45. continue
  46. SetupTester().clean()
  47. def setUp(self):
  48. "test that the right db instance was created"
  49. dbver = __DB_FORMAT__
  50. self.db = factory.createdb('sqlite://' + testdb, dbver)
  51. self.tester = SetupTester(dbver, testdb)
  52. self.tester.create()
  53. def test_get_tags(self):
  54. sys.stdin = StringIO("foo bar baz\n")
  55. tags = self.tester.cli._get_tags(reader=lambda: "foo bar baz")
  56. self.assertListEqual(['foo', 'bar', 'baz'], tags)
  57. sys.stdin = sys.__stdin__
  58. def test_1_do_new(self):
  59. sys.stdin = BytesIO((b"alice\nsecret\nexample.com\nsome notes"
  60. b"\nfoo bar baz"))
  61. _node = self.tester.cli._do_new('')
  62. sys.stdin = sys.__stdin__
  63. self.assertListEqual([b'foo', b'bar', b'baz'], [t for t
  64. in _node.tags])
  65. nodeid = self.tester.cli._db.listnodes()
  66. self.assertListEqual([1], nodeid)
  67. nodes = self.tester.cli._db.getnodes(nodeid)
  68. ce = CryptoEngine.get()
  69. user = ce.decrypt(nodes[0][1])
  70. self.assertTrue(user, 'alice')
  71. tags = nodes[0][5:]
  72. for idx, t in enumerate(['foo', 'bar', 'baz']):
  73. self.assertTrue(t, tags[idx])
  74. def test_2_do_list(self):
  75. self.output = StringIO()
  76. sys.stdout = self.output
  77. self.tester.cli.do_list('')
  78. self.tester.cli.do_list('foo')
  79. self.tester.cli.do_list('bar')
  80. sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
  81. self.output.getvalue()
  82. def test_3_do_export(self):
  83. self.tester.cli.do_export("{'filename':'foo.csv'}")
  84. with open('foo.csv') as f:
  85. l = f.readlines()
  86. self.assertIn('alice;example.com;secret;some notes;foo,bar,baz', l[1])
  87. self.tester.cli.do_export("f")
  88. with open('pwman-export.csv') as f:
  89. l = f.readlines()
  90. self.assertIn('alice;example.com;secret;some notes;foo,bar,baz', l[1])
  91. def test_4_do_forget(self):
  92. self.tester.cli.do_forget('')
  93. ce = CryptoEngine.get()
  94. self.assertIsNone(ce._cipher)
  95. def test_5_do_print(self):
  96. v = StringIO()
  97. sys.stdout = v
  98. self.tester.cli.do_print('1')
  99. self.assertIn('\x1b[31mUsername:\x1b[0m alice', v.getvalue())
  100. self.tester.cli.do_print('a')
  101. self.assertIn("print accepts only a single ID ...", v.getvalue())
  102. sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
  103. def test_6_do_tags(self):
  104. v = StringIO()
  105. sys.stdout = v
  106. self.tester.cli.do_tags('1')
  107. v = v.getvalue()
  108. for t in ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']:
  109. t in v
  110. sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
  111. print(v)
  112. def test_7_get_ids(self):
  113. # used by do_cp or do_open,
  114. # this spits many time could not understand your input
  115. self.assertEqual([1], self.tester.cli._get_ids('1'))
  116. self.assertListEqual([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], self.tester.cli._get_ids('1-5'))
  117. self.assertListEqual([], self.tester.cli._get_ids('5-1'))
  118. self.assertListEqual([], self.tester.cli._get_ids('5x-1'))
  119. self.assertListEqual([], self.tester.cli._get_ids('5x'))
  120. self.assertListEqual([], self.tester.cli._get_ids('5\\'))
  121. def test_8_do_edit_1(self):
  122. node = self.tester.cli._db.getnodes([1])[0]
  123. node = node[1:5] + [node[5:]]
  124. node = Node.from_encrypted_entries(*node)
  125. sys.stdin = StringIO(("1\nfoo\nx\n"))
  126. self.tester.cli.do_edit('1')
  127. v = StringIO()
  128. sys.stdin = sys.__stdin__
  129. sys.stdout = v
  130. self.tester.cli.do_print('1')
  131. self.assertIn('\x1b[31mUsername:\x1b[0m foo', v.getvalue())
  132. def test_8_do_edit_2(self):
  133. node = self.tester.cli._db.getnodes([1])[0]
  134. node = node[1:5] + [node[5:]]
  135. node = Node.from_encrypted_entries(*node)
  136. sys.stdin = StringIO(("2\ns3kr3t\nx\n"))
  137. self.tester.cli.do_edit('1')
  138. v = StringIO()
  139. sys.stdin = sys.__stdin__
  140. sys.stdout = v
  141. self.tester.cli.do_print('1')
  142. self.assertIn('\x1b[31mPassword:\x1b[0m s3kr3t', v.getvalue())
  143. def test_9_do_delete(self):
  144. self.assertIsNone(self.tester.cli._do_rm('x'))
  145. sys.stdin = StringIO("y\n")
  146. self.tester.cli.do_rm('1')
  147. sys.stdin = sys.__stdin__
  148. sys.stdout = StringIO()
  149. self.tester.cli.do_ls('')
  150. self.assertNotIn('alice', sys.stdout.getvalue())
  151. sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
  152. def test_10_do_info(self):
  153. self.output = StringIO()
  154. sys.stdout = self.output
  155. self.tester.cli.do_info(b'')
  156. self.assertIn("test.pwman.db", sys.stdout.getvalue())
  157. if __name__ == '__main__':
  158. ce = CryptoEngine.get()
  159. ce.callback = DummyCallback()
  160. ce.changepassword(reader=give_key)
  161. unittest.main(verbosity=2, failfast=True)