123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593 |
- # =============================================================================
- # Copyright (c) 2008 Christophe Oosterlynck <christophe.oosterlynck_AT_gmail.com>
- # & NXP ( Philippe Teuwen <philippe.teuwen_AT_nxp.com> )
- #
- # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
- # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
- # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
- # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
- # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
- # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
- #
- # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
- # all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
- #
- # =============================================================================
- import util
- import padding
- MODE_ECB = 1
- MODE_CBC = 2
- MODE_CFB = 3
- MODE_OFB = 5
- MODE_CTR = 6
- MODE_XTS = 7
- class BlockCipher():
- """ Base class for all blockciphers
- """
- key_error_message = "Wrong key size" #should be overwritten in child classes
- def __init__(self,key,mode,IV,counter,cipher_module,segment_size,args={}):
- # Cipher classes inheriting from this one take care of:
- # self.blocksize
- # self.cipher
- self.key = key
- self.mode = mode
- self.cache = ''
- self.ed = None
- if 'keylen_valid' in dir(self): #wrappers for pycrypto functions don't have this function
- if not self.keylen_valid(key) and type(key) is not tuple:
- raise ValueError(self.key_error_message)
- if IV == None:
- self.IV = '\x00'*self.blocksize
- else:
- self.IV = IV
- if mode <> MODE_XTS:
- self.cipher = cipher_module(self.key,**args)
- if mode == MODE_ECB:
- self.chain = ECB(self.cipher, self.blocksize)
- elif mode == MODE_CBC:
- if len(self.IV) <> self.blocksize:
- raise Exception,"the IV length should be %i bytes"%self.blocksize
- self.chain = CBC(self.cipher, self.blocksize,self.IV)
- elif mode == MODE_CFB:
- if len(self.IV) <> self.blocksize:
- raise Exception,"the IV length should be %i bytes"%self.blocksize
- if segment_size == None:
- raise ValueError,"segment size must be defined explicitely for CFB mode"
- if segment_size > self.blocksize*8 or segment_size%8 <> 0:
- # current CFB implementation doesn't support bit level acces => segment_size should be multiple of bytes
- raise ValueError,"segment size should be a multiple of 8 bits between 8 and %i"%(self.blocksize*8)
- self.chain = CFB(self.cipher, self.blocksize,self.IV,segment_size)
- elif mode == MODE_OFB:
- if len(self.IV) <> self.blocksize:
- raise ValueError("the IV length should be %i bytes"%self.blocksize)
- self.chain = OFB(self.cipher, self.blocksize,self.IV)
- elif mode == MODE_CTR:
- if (counter == None) or not callable(counter):
- raise Exception,"Supply a valid counter object for the CTR mode"
- self.chain = CTR(self.cipher,self.blocksize,counter)
- elif mode == MODE_XTS:
- if self.blocksize <> 16:
- raise Exception,'XTS only works with blockcipher that have a 128-bit blocksize'
- if not(type(key) == tuple and len(key) == 2):
- raise Exception,'Supply two keys as a tuple when using XTS'
- if 'keylen_valid' in dir(self): #wrappers for pycrypto functions don't have this function
- if not self.keylen_valid(key[0]) or not self.keylen_valid(key[1]):
- raise ValueError(self.key_error_message)
- self.cipher = cipher_module(self.key[0],**args)
- self.cipher2 = cipher_module(self.key[1],**args)
- self.chain = XTS(self.cipher, self.cipher2)
- elif mode == MODE_CMAC:
- if self.blocksize not in (8,16):
- raise Exception,'CMAC only works with blockcipher that have a 64 or 128-bit blocksize'
- self.chain = CMAC(self.cipher,self.blocksize,self.IV)
- else:
- raise Exception,"Unknown chaining mode!"
- def encrypt(self,plaintext,n=''):
- """Encrypt some plaintext
- plaintext = a string of binary data
- n = the 'tweak' value when the chaining mode is XTS
- The encrypt function will encrypt the supplied plaintext.
- The behavior varies slightly depending on the chaining mode.
- ---------
- When the supplied plaintext is not a multiple of the blocksize
- of the cipher, then the remaining plaintext will be cached.
- The next time the encrypt function is called with some plaintext,
- the new plaintext will be concatenated to the cache and then
- cache+plaintext will be encrypted.
- --------------
- When the chaining mode allows the cipher to act as a stream cipher,
- the encrypt function will always encrypt all of the supplied
- plaintext immediately. No cache will be kept.
- XTS:
- ----
- Because the handling of the last two blocks is linked,
- it needs the whole block of plaintext to be supplied at once.
- Every encrypt function called on a XTS cipher will output
- an encrypted block based on the current supplied plaintext block.
- -----
- Everytime the function is called, the hash from the input data is calculated.
- No finalizing needed.
- The hashlength is equal to block size of the used block cipher.
- """
- #self.ed = 'e' if chain is encrypting, 'd' if decrypting,
- # None if nothing happened with the chain yet
- #assert self.ed in ('e',None)
- # makes sure you don't encrypt with a cipher that has started decrypting
- self.ed = 'e'
- if self.mode == MODE_XTS:
- # data sequence number (or 'tweak') has to be provided when in XTS mode
- return self.chain.update(plaintext,'e',n)
- else:
- return self.chain.update(plaintext,'e')
- def decrypt(self,ciphertext,n=''):
- """Decrypt some ciphertext
- ciphertext = a string of binary data
- n = the 'tweak' value when the chaining mode is XTS
- The decrypt function will decrypt the supplied ciphertext.
- The behavior varies slightly depending on the chaining mode.
- ---------
- When the supplied ciphertext is not a multiple of the blocksize
- of the cipher, then the remaining ciphertext will be cached.
- The next time the decrypt function is called with some ciphertext,
- the new ciphertext will be concatenated to the cache and then
- cache+ciphertext will be decrypted.
- --------------
- When the chaining mode allows the cipher to act as a stream cipher,
- the decrypt function will always decrypt all of the supplied
- ciphertext immediately. No cache will be kept.
- XTS:
- ----
- Because the handling of the last two blocks is linked,
- it needs the whole block of ciphertext to be supplied at once.
- Every decrypt function called on a XTS cipher will output
- a decrypted block based on the current supplied ciphertext block.
- -----
- Mode not supported for decryption as this does not make sense.
- """
- #self.ed = 'e' if chain is encrypting, 'd' if decrypting,
- # None if nothing happened with the chain yet
- #assert self.ed in ('d',None)
- # makes sure you don't decrypt with a cipher that has started encrypting
- self.ed = 'd'
- if self.mode == MODE_XTS:
- # data sequence number (or 'tweak') has to be provided when in XTS mode
- return self.chain.update(ciphertext,'d',n)
- else:
- return self.chain.update(ciphertext,'d')
- def final(self,padfct=padding.PKCS7):
- # TODO: after calling final, reset the IV? so the cipher is as good as new?
- """Finalizes the encryption by padding the cache
- padfct = padding function
- import from CryptoPlus.Util.padding
- For ECB, CBC: the remaining bytes in the cache will be padded and
- encrypted.
- For OFB,CFB, CTR: an encrypted padding will be returned, making the
- total outputed bytes since construction of the cipher
- a multiple of the blocksize of that cipher.
- If the cipher has been used for decryption, the final function won't do
- anything. You have to manually unpad if necessary.
- After finalization, the chain can still be used but the IV, counter etc
- aren't reset but just continue as they were after the last step (finalization step).
- """
- assert self.mode not in (MODE_XTS, MODE_CMAC) # finalizing (=padding) doesn't make sense when in XTS or CMAC mode
- if self.ed == 'e':
- # when the chain is in encryption mode, finalizing will pad the cache and encrypt this last block
- if self.mode in (MODE_OFB,MODE_CFB,MODE_CTR):
- dummy = '0'*(self.chain.totalbytes%self.blocksize) # a dummy string that will be used to get a valid padding
- else: #ECB, CBC
- dummy = self.chain.cache
- pad = padfct(dummy,padding.PAD,self.blocksize)[len(dummy):] # construct the padding necessary
- return self.chain.update(pad,'e') # supply the padding to the update function => chain cache will be "cache+padding"
- else:
- # final function doesn't make sense when decrypting => padding should be removed manually
- pass
- class ECB:
- """ECB chaining mode
- """
- def __init__(self, codebook, blocksize):
- self.cache = ''
- self.codebook = codebook
- self.blocksize = blocksize
- def update(self, data, ed):
- """Processes the given ciphertext/plaintext
- Inputs:
- data: raw string of any length
- ed: 'e' for encryption, 'd' for decryption
- Output:
- processed raw string block(s), if any
- When the supplied data is not a multiple of the blocksize
- of the cipher, then the remaining input data will be cached.
- The next time the update function is called with some data,
- the new data will be concatenated to the cache and then
- cache+data will be processed and full blocks will be outputted.
- """
- output_blocks = []
- self.cache += data
- if len(self.cache) < self.blocksize:
- return ''
- for i in xrange(0, len(self.cache)-self.blocksize+1, self.blocksize):
- #the only difference between encryption/decryption in the chain is the cipher block
- if ed == 'e':
- output_blocks.append(self.codebook.encrypt( self.cache[i:i + self.blocksize] ))
- else:
- output_blocks.append(self.codebook.decrypt( self.cache[i:i + self.blocksize] ))
- self.cache = self.cache[i+self.blocksize:]
- return ''.join(output_blocks)
- class CBC:
- """CBC chaining mode
- """
- def __init__(self, codebook, blocksize, IV):
- self.IV = IV
- self.cache = ''
- self.codebook = codebook
- self.blocksize = blocksize
- def update(self, data, ed):
- """Processes the given ciphertext/plaintext
- Inputs:
- data: raw string of any length
- ed: 'e' for encryption, 'd' for decryption
- Output:
- processed raw string block(s), if any
- When the supplied data is not a multiple of the blocksize
- of the cipher, then the remaining input data will be cached.
- The next time the update function is called with some data,
- the new data will be concatenated to the cache and then
- cache+data will be processed and full blocks will be outputted.
- """
- if ed == 'e':
- encrypted_blocks = ''
- self.cache += data
- if len(self.cache) < self.blocksize:
- return ''
- for i in xrange(0, len(self.cache)-self.blocksize+1, self.blocksize):
- self.IV = self.codebook.encrypt(util.xorstring(self.cache[i:i+self.blocksize],self.IV))
- encrypted_blocks += self.IV
- self.cache = self.cache[i+self.blocksize:]
- return encrypted_blocks
- else:
- decrypted_blocks = ''
- self.cache += data
- if len(self.cache) < self.blocksize:
- return ''
- for i in xrange(0, len(self.cache)-self.blocksize+1, self.blocksize):
- plaintext = util.xorstring(self.IV,self.codebook.decrypt(self.cache[i:i + self.blocksize]))
- self.IV = self.cache[i:i + self.blocksize]
- decrypted_blocks+=plaintext
- self.cache = self.cache[i+self.blocksize:]
- return decrypted_blocks
- class CFB:
- # TODO: bit access instead of only byte level access
- """CFB Chaining Mode
- Can be accessed as a stream cipher.
- """
- def __init__(self, codebook, blocksize, IV,segment_size):
- self.codebook = codebook
- self.IV = IV
- self.blocksize = blocksize
- self.segment_size = segment_size/8
- self.keystream = []
- self.totalbytes = 0
- def update(self, data, ed):
- """Processes the given ciphertext/plaintext
- Inputs:
- data: raw string of any multiple of bytes
- ed: 'e' for encryption, 'd' for decryption
- Output:
- processed raw string
- The encrypt/decrypt functions will always process all of the supplied
- input data immediately. No cache will be kept.
- """
- output = list(data)
- for i in xrange(len(data)):
- if ed =='e':
- if len(self.keystream) == 0:
- block = self.codebook.encrypt(self.IV)
- self.keystream = list(block)[:self.segment_size] # keystream consists of the s MSB's
- self.IV = self.IV[self.segment_size:] # keeping (b-s) LSB's
- output[i] = chr(ord(output[i]) ^ ord(self.keystream.pop(0)))
- self.IV += output[i] # the IV for the next block in the chain is being built byte per byte as the ciphertext flows in
- else:
- if len(self.keystream) == 0:
- block = self.codebook.encrypt(self.IV)
- self.keystream = list(block)[:self.segment_size]
- self.IV = self.IV[self.segment_size:]
- self.IV += output[i]
- output[i] = chr(ord(output[i]) ^ ord(self.keystream.pop(0)))
- self.totalbytes += len(output)
- return ''.join(output)
- class OFB:
- """OFB Chaining Mode
- Can be accessed as a stream cipher.
- """
- def __init__(self, codebook, blocksize, IV):
- self.codebook = codebook
- self.IV = IV
- self.blocksize = blocksize
- self.keystream = []
- self.totalbytes = 0
- def update(self, data, ed):
- """Processes the given ciphertext/plaintext
- Inputs:
- data: raw string of any multiple of bytes
- ed: 'e' for encryption, 'd' for decryption
- Output:
- processed raw string
- The encrypt/decrypt functions will always process all of the supplied
- input data immediately. No cache will be kept.
- """
- #no difference between encryption and decryption mode
- n = len(data)
- blocksize = self.blocksize
- output = list(data)
- for i in xrange(n):
- if len(self.keystream) == 0: #encrypt a new counter block when the current keystream is fully used
- self.IV = self.codebook.encrypt(self.IV)
- self.keystream = list(self.IV)
- output[i] = chr(ord(output[i]) ^ ord(self.keystream.pop(0))) #as long as an encrypted counter value is available, the output is just "input XOR keystream"
- self.totalbytes += len(output)
- return ''.join(output)
- class CTR:
- """CTR Chaining Mode
- Can be accessed as a stream cipher.
- """
- # initial counter value can be choosen, decryption always starts from beginning
- # -> you can start from anywhere yourself: just feed the cipher encoded blocks and feed a counter with the corresponding value
- def __init__(self, codebook, blocksize, counter):
- self.codebook = codebook
- self.counter = counter
- self.blocksize = blocksize
- self.keystream = [] #holds the output of the current encrypted counter value
- self.totalbytes = 0
- def update(self, data, ed):
- """Processes the given ciphertext/plaintext
- Inputs:
- data: raw string of any multiple of bytes
- ed: 'e' for encryption, 'd' for decryption
- Output:
- processed raw string
- The encrypt/decrypt functions will always process all of the supplied
- input data immediately. No cache will be kept.
- """
- # no need for the encryption/decryption distinction: both are the same
- n = len(data)
- blocksize = self.blocksize
- output = list(data)
- for i in xrange(n):
- if len(self.keystream) == 0: #encrypt a new counter block when the current keystream is fully used
- block = self.codebook.encrypt(self.counter())
- self.keystream = list(block)
- output[i] = chr(ord(output[i])^ord(self.keystream.pop(0))) #as long as an encrypted counter value is available, the output is just "input XOR keystream"
- self.totalbytes += len(output)
- return ''.join(output)
- class XTS:
- """XTS Chaining Mode
- Usable with blockciphers with a 16-byte blocksize
- """
- # TODO: allow other blocksizes besides 16bytes?
- def __init__(self,codebook1, codebook2):
- self.cache = ''
- self.codebook1 = codebook1
- self.codebook2 = codebook2
- def update(self, data, ed,tweak=''):
- # supply n as a raw string
- # tweak = data sequence number
- """Perform a XTS encrypt/decrypt operation.
- Because the handling of the last two blocks is linked,
- it needs the whole block of ciphertext to be supplied at once.
- Every decrypt function called on a XTS cipher will output
- a decrypted block based on the current supplied ciphertext block.
- """
- output = ''
- assert len(data) > 15, "At least one block of 128 bits needs to be supplied"
- assert len(data) < 128*pow(2,20)
- # initializing T
- # e_k2_n = E_K2(tweak)
- e_k2_n = self.codebook2.encrypt(tweak+ '\x00' * (16-len(tweak)))[::-1]
- self.T = util.string2number(e_k2_n)
- i=0
- while i < ((len(data) // 16)-1): #Decrypt all the blocks but one last full block and opt one last partial block
- # C = E_K1(P xor T) xor T
- output += self.__xts_step(ed,data[i*16:(i+1)*16],self.T)
- # T = E_K2(n) mul (a pow i)
- self.__T_update()
- i+=1
- # Check if the data supplied is a multiple of 16 bytes -> one last full block and we're done
- if len(data[i*16:]) == 16:
- # C = E_K1(P xor T) xor T
- output += self.__xts_step(ed,data[i*16:(i+1)*16],self.T)
- # T = E_K2(n) mul (a pow i)
- self.__T_update()
- else:
- T_temp = [self.T]
- self.__T_update()
- T_temp.append(self.T)
- if ed=='d':
- # Permutation of the last two indexes
- T_temp.reverse()
- # Decrypt/Encrypt the last two blocks when data is not a multiple of 16 bytes
- Cm1 = data[i*16:(i+1)*16]
- Cm = data[(i+1)*16:]
- PP = self.__xts_step(ed,Cm1,T_temp[0])
- Cp = PP[len(Cm):]
- Pm = PP[:len(Cm)]
- CC = Cm+Cp
- Pm1 = self.__xts_step(ed,CC,T_temp[1])
- output += Pm1 + Pm
- return output
- def __xts_step(self,ed,tocrypt,T):
- T_string = util.number2string_N(T,16)[::-1]
- # C = E_K1(P xor T) xor T
- if ed == 'd':
- return util.xorstring(T_string, self.codebook1.decrypt(util.xorstring(T_string, tocrypt)))
- else:
- return util.xorstring(T_string, self.codebook1.encrypt(util.xorstring(T_string, tocrypt)))
- def __T_update(self):
- # Used for calculating T for a certain step using the T value from the previous step
- self.T = self.T << 1
- # if (Cout)
- if self.T >> (8*16):
- #T[0] ^= GF_128_FDBK;
- self.T = self.T ^ 0x100000000000000000000000000000087L
- class CMAC:
- """CMAC chaining mode
- Supports every cipher with a blocksize available
- in the list CMAC.supported_blocksizes.
- The hashlength is equal to block size of the used block cipher.
- Usable with blockciphers with a 8 or 16-byte blocksize
- """
- # TODO: move to hash module?
- # TODO: change update behaviour to .update() and .digest() as for all hash modules?
- # -> other hash functions in pycrypto: calling update, concatenates current input with previous input and hashes everything
- __Rb_dictionary = {64:0x000000000000001b,128:0x00000000000000000000000000000087}
- supported_blocksizes = __Rb_dictionary.keys()
- def __init__(self,codebook,blocksize,IV):
- # Purpose of init: calculate Lu & Lu2
- #blocksize (in bytes): to select the Rb constant in the dictionary
- #Rb as a dictionary: adding support for other blocksizes is easy
- self.cache=''
- self.blocksize = blocksize
- self.codebook = codebook
- self.IV = IV
- #Rb_dictionary: holds values for Rb for different blocksizes
- # values for 64 and 128 bits found here: http://www.nuee.nagoya-u.ac.jp/labs/tiwata/omac/omac.html
- # explanation from: http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/nistpubs/800-38B/SP_800-38B.pdf
- # Rb is a representation of a certain irreducible binary polynomial of degree b, namely,
- # the lexicographically first among all such polynomials with the minimum possible number of
- # nonzero terms. If this polynomial is expressed as ub+cb-1ub-1+...+c2u2+c1u+c0, where the
- # coefficients cb-1, cb-2, ..., c2, c1, c0 are either 0 or 1, then Rb is the bit string cb-1cb-2...c2c1c0.
- self.Rb = self.__Rb_dictionary[blocksize*8]
- mask1 = int(('\xff'*blocksize).encode('hex'),16)
- mask2 = int(('\x80' + '\x00'*(blocksize-1) ).encode('hex'),16)
- L = int(self.codebook.encrypt('\x00'*blocksize).encode('hex'),16)
- if L & mask2:
- Lu = ((L << 1) & mask1) ^ self.Rb
- else:
- Lu = L << 1
- Lu = Lu & mask1
- if Lu & mask2:
- Lu2 = ((Lu << 1) & mask1)^ self.Rb
- else:
- Lu2 = Lu << 1
- Lu2 = Lu2 & mask1
- self.Lu =util.number2string_N(Lu,self.blocksize)
- self.Lu2=util.number2string_N(Lu2,self.blocksize)
- def update(self, data, ed):
- """Processes the given ciphertext/plaintext
- Inputs:
- data: raw string of any length
- ed: 'e' for encryption, 'd' for decryption
- Output:
- hashed data as raw string
- This is not really an update function:
- Everytime the function is called, the hash from the input data is calculated.
- No finalizing needed.
- """
- assert ed == 'e'
- blocksize = self.blocksize
- m = (len(data)+blocksize-1)/blocksize #m = amount of datablocks
- i=0
- for i in range(1,m):
- self.IV = self.codebook.encrypt( util.xorstring(data[(i-1)*blocksize:(i)*blocksize],self.IV) )
- if len(data[(i)*blocksize:])==blocksize:
- X = util.xorstring(util.xorstring(data[(i)*blocksize:],self.IV),self.Lu)
- else:
- tmp = data[(i)*blocksize:] + '\x80' + '\x00'*(blocksize - len(data[(i)*blocksize:])-1)
- X = util.xorstring(util.xorstring(tmp,self.IV),self.Lu2)
- T = self.codebook.encrypt(X)
- return T