123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315 |
- #============================================================================
- # This file is part of Pwman3.
- #
- # Pwman3 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2
- # as published by the Free Software Foundation;
- #
- # Pwman3 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- # GNU General Public License for more details.
- #
- # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- # along with Pwman3; if not, write to the Free Software
- # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- #============================================================================
- # Copyright (C) 2012 Oz Nahum <nahumoz@gmail.com>
- #============================================================================
- #============================================================================
- # Copyright (C) 2006 Ivan Kelly <ivan@ivankelly.net>
- #============================================================================
- """Encryption Module used by PwmanDatabase
- Supports AES, ARC2, Blowfish, CAST, DES, DES3, IDEA, RC5.
- Usage:
- import pwman.util.crypto.CryptoEngine as CryptoEngine
- class myCallback(CryptoEngine.Callback):
- def execute(self):
- return "mykey"
- params = {'encryptionAlgorithm': 'AES',
- 'encryptionCallback': callbackFunction}
- CryptoEngine.init(params)
- crypto = CryptoEngine.get()
- ciphertext = crypto.encrypt("plaintext")
- plaintext = cyypto.decrypt(ciphertext)
- """
- from Crypto.Cipher import *
- from Crypto.Util.randpool import RandomPool
- from pwman.util.callback import Callback
- import pwman.util.config as config
- import cPickle
- import time
- _instance = None
- # Use this to tell if crypto is successful or not
- class CryptoException(Exception):
- """Generic Crypto Exception."""
- def __init__(self, message):
- self.message = message
- def __str__(self):
- return "CryptoException: " + self.message
- class CryptoUnsupportedException(CryptoException):
- """Unsupported feature requested."""
- def __str__(self):
- return "CryptoUnsupportedException: " +self.message
- class CryptoBadKeyException(CryptoException):
- """Encryption key is incorrect."""
- def __str__(self):
- return "CryptoBadKeyException: " + self.message
- class CryptoNoKeyException(CryptoException):
- """No key has been initalised."""
- def __str__(self):
- return "CryptoNoKeyException: " + self.message
- class CryptoNoCallbackException(CryptoException):
- """No Callback has been set."""
- def __str__(self):
- return "CryptoNoCallbackException: " + self.message
- class CryptoPasswordMismatchException(CryptoException):
- """Entered passwords do not match."""
- def __str__(self):
- return "CryptoPasswordMismatchException: " + self.message
- class CryptoEngine:
- """Cryptographic Engine"""
- _timeoutcount = 0
- _instance = None
- _callback = None
- def get(cls):
- """
- get() -> CryptoEngine
- Return an instance of CryptoEngine.
- If no instance is found, a CryptoException is raised.
- """
- if (CryptoEngine._instance == None):
- algo = config.get_value("Encryption", "algorithm")
- if algo == "Dummy":
- CryptoEngine._instance = DummyCryptoEngine()
- else:
- CryptoEngine._instance = CryptoEngine()
- return CryptoEngine._instance
- get = classmethod(get)
- def __init__(self):
- """Initialise the Cryptographic Engine
- params is a dictionary. Valid keys are:
- algorithm: Which cipher to use
- callback: Callback class.
- keycrypted: This should be set by the database layer.
- timeout: Time after which key will be forgotten.
- Default is -1 (disabled).
- """
- algo = config.get_value("Encryption", "algorithm")
- if len(algo) > 0:
- self._algo = algo
- else:
- raise CryptoException("Parameters missing [%s]" % (e) )
- callback = config.get_value("Encryption", "callback")
- if isinstance(callback, Callback):
- self._callback = callback
- else:
- self._callback = None
- keycrypted = config.get_value("Encryption", "keycrypted")
- if len(keycrypted) > 0:
- self._keycrypted = keycrypted
- else:
- self._keycrypted = None
- timeout = config.get_value("Encryption", "timeout")
- if timeout.isdigit():
- self._timeout = timeout
- else:
- self._timeout = -1
- self._cipher = None
- def encrypt(self, obj):
- """
- encrypt(obj) -> ciphertext
- Encrypt obj and return its ciphertext. obj must be a picklable class.
- Can raise a CryptoException and CryptoUnsupportedException"""
- cipher = self._getcipher()
- plaintext = self._preparedata(obj, cipher.block_size)
- ciphertext = cipher.encrypt(plaintext)
- return str(ciphertext).encode('base64')
- def decrypt(self, ciphertext):
- """
- decrypt(ciphertext) -> obj
- Decrypt ciphertext and returns the obj that was encrypted.
- If key is bad, a CryptoBadKeyException is raised
- Can also raise a CryptoException and CryptoUnsupportedException"""
- cipher = self._getcipher()
- ciphertext = str(ciphertext).decode('base64')
- plaintext = cipher.decrypt(ciphertext)
- return self._retrievedata(plaintext)
- def set_cryptedkey(self, key):
- self._keycrypted = key
- def get_cryptedkey(self):
- return self._keycrypted
- def set_callback(self, callback):
- self._callback = callback
- def get_callback(self):
- return self._callback
- def changepassword(self):
- """
- Creates a new key. The key itself is actually stored in
- the database in crypted form. This key is encrypted using the
- password that the user provides. This makes it easy to change the
- password for the database.
- If oldKeyCrypted is none, then a new password is generated."""
- if (self._callback == None):
- raise CryptoNoCallbackException("No call back class has been specified")
- if (self._keycrypted == None):
- # Generate a new key, 32 bits in length, if that's
- # too long for the Cipher, _getCipherReal will sort it out
- random = RandomPool()
- key = str(random.get_bytes(32)).encode('base64')
- else:
- password = self._callback.getsecret("Please enter your current password")
- cipher = self._getcipher_real(password, self._algo)
- plainkey = cipher.decrypt(str(self._keycrypted).decode('base64'))
- key = self._retrievedata(plainkey)
- newpassword1 = self._callback.getsecret("Please enter your new password");
- newpassword2 = self._callback.getsecret("Please enter your new password again");
- if (newpassword1 != newpassword2):
- raise CryptoPasswordMismatchException("Passwords do not match")
- newcipher = self._getcipher_real(newpassword1, self._algo)
- self._keycrypted = str(newcipher.encrypt(self._preparedata(key, newcipher.block_size))).encode('base64')
- # we also want to create the cipher if there isn't one already
- # so this CryptoEngine can be used from now on
- if (self._cipher == None):
- self._cipher = self._getcipher_real(str(key).decode('base64'), self._algo)
- CryptoEngine._timeoutcount = time.time()
- return self._keycrypted
- def alive(self):
- if (self._cipher != None):
- return True
- else:
- return False
- def forget(self):
- self._cipher = None
- def _getcipher(self):
- if (self._cipher != None
- and (self._timeout == -1
- or (time.time() - CryptoEngine._timeoutcount) < self._timeout)):
- return self._cipher
- if (self._callback == None):
- raise CryptoNoCallbackException("No Callback exception")
- if (self._keycrypted == None):
- raise CryptoNoKeyException("Encryption key has not been generated")
- password = self._callback.getsecret("Please enter your password")
- tmpcipher = self._getcipher_real(password, self._algo)
- plainkey = tmpcipher.decrypt(str(self._keycrypted).decode('base64'))
- key = self._retrievedata(plainkey)
- self._cipher = self._getcipher_real(str(key).decode('base64'), self._algo)
- CryptoEngine._timeoutcount = time.time()
- return self._cipher
- def _getcipher_real(self, key, algo):
- if (algo == "AES"):
- key = self._padkey(key, [16, 24, 32])
- cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_ECB)
- elif (algo == 'ARC2'):
- cipher = ARC2.new(key, ARC2.MODE_ECB)
- elif (algo == 'ARC4'):
- raise CryptoUnsupportedException("ARC4 is currently unsupported")
- elif (algo == 'Blowfish'):
- cipher = Blowfish.new(key, Blowfish.MODE_ECB)
- elif (algo == 'CAST'):
- cipher = CAST.new(key, CAST.MODE_ECB)
- elif (algo == 'DES'):
- self._padkey(key, [8])
- cipher = DES.new(key, DES.MODE_ECB)
- elif (algo == 'DES3'):
- key = self._padkey(key, [16, 24])
- cipher = DES3.new(key, DES3.MODE_ECB)
- elif (algo == 'IDEA'):
- key = self._padkey(key, [16])
- cipher = IDEA.new(key, IDEA.MODE_ECB)
- elif (algo == 'RC5'):
- cipher = RC5.new(key, RC5.MODE_ECB)
- elif (algo == 'XOR'):
- raise CryptoUnsupportedException("XOR is currently unsupported")
- else:
- raise CryptoException("Invalid algorithm specified")
- return cipher
- def _padkey(self, key, acceptable_lengths):
- maxlen = max(acceptable_lengths)
- keylen = len(key)
- if (keylen > maxlen):
- return key[0:maxlen]
- acceptable_lengths.sort()
- acceptable_lengths.reverse()
- newkeylen = None
- for i in acceptable_lengths:
- if (i < keylen):
- break
- newkeylen = i
- return key.ljust(newkeylen)
- def _preparedata(self, obj, blocksize):
- plaintext = cPickle.dumps(obj)
- plaintext = _TAG + plaintext
- numblocks = (len(plaintext)/blocksize) + 1
- newdatasize = blocksize*numblocks
- return plaintext.ljust(newdatasize)
- def _retrievedata(self, plaintext):
- if (plaintext.startswith(_TAG)):
- plaintext = plaintext[len(_TAG):]
- else:
- raise CryptoBadKeyException("Error decrypting, bad key")
- return cPickle.loads(plaintext)
- class DummyCryptoEngine(CryptoEngine):
- """Dummy CryptoEngine used when database doesn't ask for encryption.
- Only for testing and debugging the DB drivers really."""
- def __init__(self):
- pass
- def encrypt(self, obj):
- """Return the object pickled."""
- return cPickle.dumps(obj)
- def decrypt(self, ciphertext):
- """Unpickle the object."""
- return cPickle.loads(str(ciphertext))
- def changepassword(self):
- return ''