#============================================================================ # This file is part of Pwman3. # # Pwman3 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2 # as published by the Free Software Foundation; # # Pwman3 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Pwman3; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA #============================================================================ # Copyright (C) 2012 Oz Nahum #============================================================================ # Copyright (C) 2006 Ivan Kelly #============================================================================ import pwman import pwman.exchange.importer as importer import pwman.exchange.exporter as exporter import pwman.util.generator as generator from pwman.data.nodes import Node from pwman.data.tags import Tag from pwman.util.crypto import CryptoEngine, CryptoBadKeyException, \ CryptoPasswordMismatchException from pwman.util.callback import Callback import pwman.util.config as config import re import sys import os import struct import getpass import cmd #import traceback import time import select as uselect import subprocess as sp if sys.platform != 'win32': import tty import termios import fcntl try: import readline _readline_available = True except ImportError, e: _readline_available = False class CLICallback(Callback): def getinput(self, question): return raw_input(question) def getsecret(self, question): return getpass.getpass(question + ":") class ANSI(object): Reset = 0 Bold = 1 Underscore = 2 Black = 30 Red = 31 Green = 32 Yellow = 33 Blue = 34 Magenta = 35 Cyan = 36 White = 37 class PwmanCli(cmd.Cmd): def error(self, exception): if (isinstance(exception, KeyboardInterrupt)): print else: # traceback.print_exc() print "Error: %s " % (exception) def do_EOF(self, args): return self.do_exit(args) def do_exit(self, args): print #try: # print "goodbye" self._db.close() #except DatabaseException, e: # self.error(e) return True def get_ids(self, args): ids = [] rx =re.compile(r"^(\d+)-(\d+)$") idstrs = args.split() for i in idstrs: m = rx.match(i) if m == None: try: ids.append(int(i)) except ValueError, e: self._db.clearfilter() self._db.filter([Tag(i)]) ids += self._db.listnodes() else: ids += range(int(m.group(1)), int(m.group(2))+1) return ids def get_filesystem_path(self, default=""): return getinput("Enter filename: ", default) def get_username(self, default=""): return getinput("Username: ", default) def get_password(self, default=""): password = getpassword("Password (Blank to generate): ", _defaultwidth,\ False) if len(password) == 0: length = getinput("Password length (default 7): ", "7") length = int(length) numerics = config.get_value("Generator", "numerics") == 'true' leetify = config.get_value("Generator", "leetify") == 'true' (password, dumpme) = generator.generate_password(length, length, \ True, leetify, numerics) print "New password: %s" % (password) return password else: return password def get_url(self, default=""): return getinput("Url: ", default) def get_notes(self, default=""): return getinput("Notes: ", default) def get_tags(self, default=[]): defaultstr = '' if len(default) > 0: for t in default: defaultstr += "%s " % (t.get_name()) else: tags = self._db.currenttags() for t in tags: defaultstr += "%s " % (t.get_name()) strings = [] tags = self._db.listtags(True) for t in tags: strings.append(t.get_name()) def complete(text, state): count = 0 for s in strings: if s.startswith(text): if count == state: return s else: count += 1 taglist = getinput("Tags: ", defaultstr, complete) tagstrings = taglist.split() tags = [] for tn in tagstrings: tags.append(Tag(tn)) return tags def print_node(self, node): width = str(_defaultwidth) print "Node %d." % (node.get_id()) print ("%"+width+"s %s") % (typeset("Username:", ANSI.Red), node.get_username()) print ("%"+width+"s %s") % (typeset("Password:", ANSI.Red), node.get_password()) print ("%"+width+"s %s") % (typeset("Url:", ANSI.Red), node.get_url()) print ("%"+width+"s %s") % (typeset("Notes:", ANSI.Red), node.get_notes()) print typeset("Tags: ", ANSI.Red), for t in node.get_tags(): print " %s " % t.get_name(), print def heardEnter(): i,o,e = uselect.select([sys.stdin],[],[],0.0001) for s in i: if s == sys.stdin: input = sys.stdin.readline() return True return False def heardEnterWin(): import msvcrt c = msvcrt.kbhit() if c == 1: ret = msvcrt.getch() if ret is not None: return True return False def waituntil_enter(somepredicate,timeout, period=0.25): mustend = time.time() + timeout while time.time() < mustend: cond = somepredicate() if cond: break time.sleep(period) self.do_cls('') if sys.platform != 'win32': print "Type Enter to flush screen (autoflash in 5 sec.)" waituntil_enter(heardEnter, 5) else: print "Press any key to flush screen (autoflash in 5 sec.)" waituntil_enter(heardEnterWin, 5) def do_tags(self, arg): tags = self._db.listtags() if len(tags) > 0: tags[0].get_name() # hack to get password request before output print "Tags: ", if len(tags) == 0: print "None", for t in tags: print "%s " % (t.get_name()), print def complete_filter(self, text, line, begidx, endidx): strings = [] enc = CryptoEngine.get() if not enc.alive(): return strings tags = self._db.listtags() for t in tags: name = t.get_name() if name.startswith(text): strings.append(t.get_name()) return strings def do_filter(self, args): tagstrings = args.split() try: tags = [] for ts in tagstrings: tags.append(Tag(ts)) self._db.filter(tags) tags = self._db.currenttags() print "Current tags: ", if len(tags) == 0: print "None", for t in tags: print "%s " % (t.get_name()), print except Exception, e: self.error(e) def do_clear(self, args): try: self._db.clearfilter() except Exception, e: self.error(e) def do_e(self, arg): self.do_edit(arg) def do_edit(self, arg): ids = self.get_ids(arg) for i in ids: try: i = int(i) node = self._db.getnodes([i])[0] menu = CliMenu() print "Editing node %d." % (i) menu.add(CliMenuItem("Username", self.get_username, node.get_username, node.set_username)) menu.add(CliMenuItem("Password", self.get_password, node.get_password, node.set_password)) menu.add(CliMenuItem("Url", self.get_url, node.get_url, node.set_url)) menu.add(CliMenuItem("Notes", self.get_notes, node.get_notes, node.set_notes)) menu.add(CliMenuItem("Tags", self.get_tags, node.get_tags, node.set_tags)) menu.run() self._db.editnode(i, node) except Exception, e: self.error(e) def do_import(self, arg): try: args = arg.split() if len(args) == 0: types = importer.Importer.types() type = select("Select filetype:", types) imp = importer.Importer.get(type) file = getinput("Select file:") imp.import_data(self._db, file) else: for i in args: types = importer.Importer.types() type = select("Select filetype:", types) imp = importer.Importer.get(type) imp.import_data(self._db, i) except Exception, e: self.error(e) def do_export(self, arg): try: nodes = self.get_ids(arg) types = exporter.Exporter.types() type = select("Select filetype:", types) exp = exporter.Exporter.get(type) file = getinput("Select output file:") if len(nodes) > 0: b = getyesno("Export nodes %s?" % (nodes), True) if not b: return exp.export_data(self._db, file, nodes) else: nodes = self._db.listnodes() tags = self._db.currenttags() tagstr = "" if len(tags) > 0: tagstr = " for " for t in tags: tagstr += "'%s' " % (t.get_name()) b = getyesno("Export all nodes%s?" % (tagstr), True) if not b: return exp.export_data(self._db, file, nodes) print "Data exported." except Exception, e: self.error(e) def do_h(self, arg): self.do_help(arg) def do_n(self, arg): self.do_new(arg) def do_new(self, arg): try: username = self.get_username() password = self.get_password() url = self.get_url() notes = self.get_notes() node = Node(username, password, url, notes) tags = self.get_tags() node.set_tags(tags) self._db.addnodes([node]) print "Password ID: %d" % (node.get_id()) except Exception, e: self.error(e) def do_p(self, arg): self.do_print(arg) def do_print(self, arg): for i in self.get_ids(arg): try: node = self._db.getnodes([i]) self.print_node(node[0]) except Exception, e: self.error(e) def do_rm(self, arg): self.do_delete(arg) def do_delete(self, arg): ids = self.get_ids(arg) try: nodes = self._db.getnodes(ids) for n in nodes: b = getyesno("Are you sure you want to delete '%s@%s'?" % (n.get_username(), n.get_url()), False) if b == True: self._db.removenodes([n]) print "%s@%s deleted" % (n.get_username(), n.get_url()) except Exception, e: self.error(e) def do_l(self, args): self.do_list(args) def do_ls(self, args): self.do_list(args) def do_list(self, args): if len(args.split()) > 0: self.do_clear('') self.do_filter(args) try: if sys.platform != 'win32': rows, cols = gettermsize() else: rows,cols = 18, 80 # fix this ! nodeids = self._db.listnodes() nodes = self._db.getnodes(nodeids) cols -= 8 i = 0 for n in nodes: tags=n.get_tags() tagstring = '' first = True for t in tags: if not first: tagstring += ", " else: first=False tagstring += t.get_name() name = "%s@%s" % (n.get_username(), n.get_url()) name_len = cols * 2 / 3 tagstring_len = cols / 3 if len(name) > name_len: name = name[:name_len-3] + "..." if len(tagstring) > tagstring_len: tagstring = tagstring[:tagstring_len-3] + "..." fmt = "%%5d. %%-%ds %%-%ds" % (name_len, tagstring_len) print typeset(fmt % (n.get_id(), name, tagstring), ANSI.Yellow, False) i += 1 if i > rows-2: i = 0 c = getonechar("Press for more, or 'Q' to cancel") if c == 'q': break except Exception, e: self.error(e) def do_forget(self, args): try: enc = CryptoEngine.get() enc.forget() except Exception,e: self.error(e) def do_passwd(self, args): try: self._db.changepassword() except Exception, e: self.error(e) def do_set(self, args): argstrs = args.split() try: if len(argstrs) == 0: conf = config.get_conf() for s in conf.keys(): for n in conf[s].keys(): print "%s.%s = %s" % (s, n, conf[s][n]) elif len(argstrs) == 1: r = re.compile("(.+)\.(.+)") m = r.match(argstrs[0]) if m is None or len(m.groups()) != 2: print "Invalid option format" self.help_set() return print "%s.%s = %s" % (m.group(1), m.group(2), config.get_value(m.group(1), m.group(2))) elif len(argstrs) == 2: r = re.compile("(.+)\.(.+)") m = r.match(argstrs[0]) if m is None or len(m.groups()) != 2: print "Invalid option format" self.help_set() return config.set_value(m.group(1), m.group(2), argstrs[1]) else: self.help_set() except Exception, e: self.error(e) def do_save(self, args): argstrs = args.split() try: if len(argstrs) > 0: config.save(argstrs[0]) else: config.save() print "Config saved." except Exception, e: self.error(e) def do_cls(self,args): os.system('clear') def do_copy(self,args): if self.hasxsel: ids= self.get_ids(args) if len(ids) > 1: print "Can copy only 1 password at a time..." return None try: node = self._db.getnodes(ids) text_to_clipboards(node[0].get_password()) print """copied password for %s@%s clipboard... erasing in 10 sec...""" %\ (node[0].get_username(), node[0].get_url()) time.sleep(10) text_to_clipboards("") except Exception, e: self.error(e) else: print "Can't copy to clipboard, no xsel found in the system!" def do_cp(self,args): self.do_copy(args) def do_open(self, args): ids = self.get_ids(args) if len(ids) > 1: print "Can open only 1 link at a time ..." return None try: node = self._db.getnodes(ids) url = node[0].get_url() open_url(url) except Exception, e: self.error(e) def do_o(self, args): self.do_open(args) ## ## Help functions ## def usage(self, string): print "Usage: %s" % (string) def help_open(self): self.usage("open ") print "Launch default browser with 'xdg-open url',\n\ the url must contain http:// or https://." def help_o(self): self.help_open() def help_copy(self): self.usage("copy ") print "Copy password to X clipboard (xsel required)" def help_cp(self): self.help_copy() def help_cls(self): self.usage("cls") print "Clear the Screen from information." def help_ls(self): self.help_list() def help_list(self): self.usage("list ...") print "List nodes that match current or specified filter. ls is an alias." def help_EOF(self): self.help_exit() def help_delete(self): self.usage("delete ...") print "Deletes nodes. rm is an alias." self._mult_id_help() def help_h(self): self.help_help() def help_help(self): self.usage("help [topic]") print "Prints a help message for a command." def help_e(self): self.help_edit() def help_n(self): self.help_new() def help_p(self): self.help_print() def help_l(self): self.help_list() def help_edit(self): self.usage("edit ... ") print "Edits a nodes." self._mult_id_help() def help_import(self): self.usage("import [filename] ...") print "Imports a nodes from a file." def help_export(self): self.usage("export ... ") print "Exports a list of ids to an external format. If no IDs or tags are specified, then all nodes under the current filter are exported." self._mult_id_help() def help_new(self): self.usage("new") print "Creates a new node." def help_rm(self): self.help_delete() def help_print(self): self.usage("print ...") print "Displays a node. ", self._mult_id_help() def _mult_id_help(self): print "Multiple ids and nodes can be specified, separated by a space. A range of ids can be specified in the format n-N. e.g. '10-20' would specify all nodes having ids from 10 to 20 inclusive. Tags are considered one-by-one. e.g. 'foo 2 bar' would yield to all nodes with tag 'foo', node 2 and all nodes with tag 'bar'." def help_exit(self): self.usage("exit") print "Exits the application." def help_save(self): self.usage("save [filename]") print "Saves the current configuration to [filename]. If no filename is given, the configuration is saved to the file from which the initial configuration was loaded." def help_set(self): self.usage("set [configoption] [value]") print "Sets a configuration option. If no value is specified, the current value for [configoption] is output. If neither [configoption] nor [value] are specified, the whole current configuration is output. [configoption] must be of the format