# ============================================================================ # This file is part of Pwman3. # # Pwman3 is free software; you can redistribute iut and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2 # as published by the Free Software Foundation; # # Pwman3 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Pwman3; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # ============================================================================ # Copyright (C) 2012, 2013, 2014 Oz Nahum Tiram # ============================================================================ # Copyright (C) 2006 Ivan Kelly # ============================================================================ """SQLite Database implementation.""" from pwman.data.database import Database, DatabaseException from pwman.data.database import __DB_FORMAT__ import sqlite3 as sqlite class SQLite(Database): @classmethod def check_db_version(cls, fname): """ check the data base version. """ con = sqlite.connect(fname) cur = con.cursor() cur.execute("PRAGMA TABLE_INFO(DBVERSION)") row = cur.fetchone() if not row: return "0.3" # pragma: no cover try: return row[-2] except IndexError: # pragma: no cover raise DatabaseException("Something seems fishy with the DB") def __init__(self, filename, dbformat=__DB_FORMAT__): """Initialise SQLitePwmanDatabase instance.""" self._filename = filename self.dbformat = dbformat self._filtertags = None # TODO: get rid of this property def _open(self): self._con = sqlite.connect(self._filename) self._cur = self._con.cursor() self._create_tables() def listnodes(self, filter=None): """return a list of node ids""" if not filter: sql_all = "SELECT ID FROM NODE" self._cur.execute(sql_all) ids = self._cur.fetchall() return [id[0] for id in ids] else: tagid = self._get_tag(filter) if not tagid: return [] sql_filter = "SELECT NODEID FROM LOOKUP WHERE TAGID = ? " self._cur.execute(sql_filter, (tagid)) ids = self._cur.fetchall() return [id[0] for id in ids] def listtags(self): self._clean_orphands() get_tags = "select data from tag" self._cur.execute(get_tags) tags = self._cur.fetchall() if tags: return [t[0] for t in tags] return [] def _create_tables(self): self._cur.execute("PRAGMA TABLE_INFO(NODE)") if self._cur.fetchone() is not None: return self._cur.execute("CREATE TABLE NODE (ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY " "AUTOINCREMENT, " "USER TEXT NOT NULL, " "PASSWORD TEXT NOT NULL, " "URL TEXT NOT NULL," "NOTES TEXT NOT NULL)") self._cur.execute("CREATE TABLE TAG" "(ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT," "DATA BLOB NOT NULL UNIQUE)") self._cur.execute("CREATE TABLE LOOKUP (" "nodeid INTEGER NOT NULL, " "tagid INTEGER NOT NULL, " "FOREIGN KEY(nodeid) REFERENCES NODE(ID)," "FOREIGN KEY(tagid) REFERENCES TAG(ID))") self._cur.execute("CREATE TABLE CRYPTO" "(SEED TEXT," " DIGEST TEXT)") # create a table to hold DB version info self._cur.execute("CREATE TABLE DBVERSION" "(DB VERSION TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '%s')" % self.dbformat) self._cur.execute("INSERT INTO DBVERSION VALUES('%s')" % self.dbformat) try: self._con.commit() except DatabaseException as e: # pragma: no cover self._con.rollback() raise e def fetch_crypto_info(self): self._cur.execute("SELECT * FROM CRYPTO") keyrow = self._cur.fetchone() return keyrow def save_crypto_info(self, seed, digest): """save the random seed and the digested key""" self._cur.execute("DELETE FROM CRYPTO") self._cur.execute("INSERT INTO CRYPTO VALUES(?, ?)", [seed, digest]) self._con.commit() def add_node(self, node): sql = ("INSERT INTO NODE(USER, PASSWORD, URL, NOTES)" "VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)") node_tags = list(node) node, tags = node_tags[:4], node_tags[-1] self._cur.execute(sql, (node)) self._setnodetags(self._cur.lastrowid, tags) self._con.commit() def _get_tag(self, tagcipher): sql_search = "SELECT ID FROM TAG WHERE DATA = ?" self._cur.execute(sql_search, ([tagcipher])) rv = self._cur.fetchone() return rv def _get_or_create_tag(self, tagcipher): rv = self._get_tag(tagcipher) if rv: return rv[0] else: sql_insert = "INSERT INTO TAG(DATA) VALUES(?)" self._cur.execute(sql_insert, ([tagcipher])) return self._cur.lastrowid def _update_tag_lookup(self, nodeid, tid): sql_lookup = "INSERT INTO LOOKUP(nodeid, tagid) VALUES(?,?)" self._cur.execute(sql_lookup, (nodeid, tid)) self._con.commit() def _setnodetags(self, nodeid, tags): for tag in tags: tid = self._get_or_create_tag(tag) self._update_tag_lookup(nodeid, tid) def _get_node_tags(self, node): sql = "SELECT tagid FROM LOOKUP WHERE NODEID = ?" tagids = self._cur.execute(sql, (str(node[0]))).fetchall() sql = ("SELECT DATA FROM TAG WHERE ID IN (%s)" "" % ','.join('?'*len(tagids))) tagids = [str(id[0]) for id in tagids] self._cur.execute(sql, (tagids)) tags = self._cur.fetchall() for t in tags: yield t[0] def getnodes(self, ids): """ get nodes as raw ciphertext """ sql = "SELECT * FROM NODE WHERE ID IN (%s)" % ','.join('?'*len(ids)) self._cur.execute(sql, (ids)) nodes = self._cur.fetchall() nodes_w_tags = [] for node in nodes: tags = list(self._get_node_tags(node)) nodes_w_tags.append(list(node) + tags) return nodes_w_tags def editnode(self, nid, **kwargs): tags = kwargs.pop('tags', None) sql = ("UPDATE NODE SET %s WHERE ID = ? " "" % ','.join('%s=?' % k for k in list(kwargs))) self._cur.execute(sql, (list(kwargs.values()) + [nid])) if tags: # update all old node entries in lookup # create new entries # clean all old tags sql_clean = "DELETE FROM LOOKUP WHERE NODEID=?" self._cur.execute(sql_clean, str(nid)) self._setnodetags(nid, tags) self._con.commit() def removenodes(self, nids): sql_rm = "delete from node where id in (%s)" % ','.join('?'*len(nids)) self._cur.execute(sql_rm, (nids)) def _clean_orphands(self): clean = ("delete from tag where not exists " "(select 'x' from lookup l where l.tagid = tag.id)") self._cur.execute(clean) self._con.commit() def savekey(self, key): salt, digest = key.split('$6$') sql = "INSERT INTO CRYPTO(SEED, DIGEST) VALUES(?,?)" self._cur.execute("DELETE FROM CRYPTO") self._cur.execute(sql, (salt, digest)) self._digest = digest.encode('utf-8') self._salt = salt.encode('utf-8') self._con.commit() def loadkey(self): # TODO: rename this method! """ return _keycrypted """ sql = "SELECT * FROM CRYPTO" try: seed, digest = self._cur.execute(sql).fetchone() return seed + u'$6$' + digest except TypeError: return None def close(self): self._clean_orphands() self._cur.close() self._con.close()