# ============================================================================ # This file is part of Pwman3. # # Pwman3 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2 # as published by the Free Software Foundation; # # Pwman3 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Pwman3; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # ============================================================================ # Copyright (C) 2012-2017 Oz Nahum Tiram <oz.tiram@gmail.com> # ============================================================================ # pylint: disable=I0011 from __future__ import print_function import sys import os sys.path.insert(0, os.getcwd()) from pwman.data.database import Database, DatabaseException from pwman.data.drivers.sqlite import SQLiteDatabaseNewForm from pwman.data.nodes import Node from pwman.data.nodes import NewNode from pwman.util.crypto_engine import CryptoEngine from pwman.data.tags import Tag from db_tests import node_factory from pwman.util.callback import CLICallback import sqlite3 as sqlite import pwman.util.config as config from pwman import default_config import cPickle from test_tools import SetupTester, DummyCallback4 from pwman.data.convertdb import DBConverter import copy import unittest class SQLiteDatabase(Database): """SQLite Database implementation""" def __init__(self, fname): """Initialise SQLitePwmanDatabase instance.""" Database.__init__(self) try: self._filename = fname except KeyError as e: raise DatabaseException( "SQLite: missing parameter [%s]" % (e)) def _open(self): try: self._con = sqlite.connect(self._filename) self._cur = self._con.cursor() self._checktables() except sqlite.DatabaseError as e: raise DatabaseException("SQLite: %s" % (e)) def close(self): self._cur.close() self._con.close() def listtags(self, all=False): sql = '' params = [] if len(self._filtertags) == 0 or all: sql = "SELECT DATA FROM TAGS ORDER BY DATA ASC" else: sql = ("SELECT TAGS.DATA FROM LOOKUP" + " INNER JOIN TAGS ON LOOKUP.TAG = TAGS.ID" + " WHERE NODE IN (") first = True for t in self._filtertags: if not first: sql += " INTERSECT " else: first = False sql += (("SELECT NODE FROM LOOKUP OUTER JOIN TAGS ON " "TAG = TAGS.ID " " WHERE TAGS.DATA = ?")) params.append(cPickle.dumps(t)) sql += ") EXCEPT SELECT DATA FROM TAGS WHERE " first = True for t in self._filtertags: if not first: sql += " OR " else: first = False sql += "TAGS.DATA = ?" params.append(cPickle.dumps(t)) try: self._cur.execute(sql, params) tags = [] row = self._cur.fetchone() while (row is not None): tag = cPickle.loads(str(row[0])) tags.append(tag) row = self._cur.fetchone() return tags except sqlite.DatabaseError as e: raise DatabaseException("SQLite: %s" % (e)) def getnodes(self, ids): nodes = [] for i in ids: sql = "SELECT DATA FROM NODES WHERE ID = ?" try: self._cur.execute(sql, [i]) row = self._cur.fetchone() if row is not None: node = cPickle.loads(str(row[0])) node.set_id(i) nodes.append(node) except sqlite.DatabaseError as e: raise DatabaseException("SQLite: %s" % (e)) return nodes def editnode(self, id, node): if not isinstance(node, Node): raise DatabaseException( "Tried to insert foreign object into database [%s]" % node) try: sql = "UPDATE NODES SET DATA = ? WHERE ID = ?" self._cur.execute(sql, [cPickle.dumps(node), id]) except sqlite.DatabaseError as e: raise DatabaseException("SQLite: %s" % (e)) self._setnodetags(node) self._checktags() self._commit() def addnodes(self, nodes): for n in nodes: sql = "INSERT INTO NODES(DATA) VALUES(?)" if not isinstance(n, Node): raise DatabaseException(("Tried to insert foreign object" "into database [%s]", n)) value = cPickle.dumps(n) try: self._cur.execute(sql, [value]) except sqlite.DatabaseError as e: raise DatabaseException("SQLite: %s" % (e)) id = self._cur.lastrowid n.set_id(id) self._setnodetags(n) self._commit() def removenodes(self, nodes): for n in nodes: if not isinstance(n, Node): raise DatabaseException( "Tried to delete foreign object from database [%s]", n) try: sql = "DELETE FROM NODES WHERE ID = ?" self._cur.execute(sql, [n.get_id()]) except sqlite.DatabaseError as e: raise DatabaseException("SQLite: %s" % (e)) self._deletenodetags(n) self._checktags() self._commit() def listnodes(self): sql = '' params = [] if len(self._filtertags) == 0: sql = "SELECT ID FROM NODES ORDER BY ID ASC" else: first = True for t in self._filtertags: if not first: sql += " INTERSECT " else: first = False sql += ("SELECT NODE FROM LOOKUP OUTER JOIN " "TAGS ON TAG = TAGS.ID" " WHERE TAGS.DATA = ? ") params.append(cPickle.dumps(t)) try: self._cur.execute(sql, params) ids = [] row = self._cur.fetchone() while (row is not None): ids.append(row[0]) row = self._cur.fetchone() return ids except sqlite.DatabaseError as e: raise DatabaseException("SQLite: %s" % (e)) def _commit(self): try: self._con.commit() except sqlite.DatabaseError as e: self._con.rollback() raise DatabaseException( "SQLite: Error commiting data to db [%s]" % (e)) def _tagids(self, tags): ids = [] for t in tags: sql = "SELECT ID FROM TAGS WHERE DATA = ?" if not isinstance(t, Tag): raise DatabaseException("Tried to insert foreign " "object into database [%s]", t) data = cPickle.dumps(t) try: self._cur.execute(sql, [data]) row = self._cur.fetchone() if (row is not None): ids.append(row[0]) else: sql = "INSERT INTO TAGS(DATA) VALUES(?)" self._cur.execute(sql, [data]) ids.append(self._cur.lastrowid) except sqlite.DatabaseError as e: raise DatabaseException("SQLite: %s" % (e)) return ids def _deletenodetags(self, node): try: sql = "DELETE FROM LOOKUP WHERE NODE = ?" self._cur.execute(sql, [node.get_id()]) except sqlite.DatabaseError as e: raise DatabaseException("SQLite: %s" % (e)) self._commit() def _setnodetags(self, node): self._deletenodetags(node) ids = self._tagids(node.get_tags()) for i in ids: sql = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO LOOKUP VALUES(?, ?)" params = [node.get_id(), i] try: self._cur.execute(sql, params) except sqlite.DatabaseError as e: raise DatabaseException("SQLite: %s" % (e)) self._commit() def _checktags(self): try: sql = ("DELETE FROM TAGS WHERE ID NOT " "IN (SELECT TAG FROM LOOKUP GROUP BY TAG)") self._cur.execute(sql) except sqlite.DatabaseError as e: raise DatabaseException("SQLite: %s" % (e)) self._commit() def _checktables(self): """ Check if the Pwman tables exist """ self._cur.execute("PRAGMA TABLE_INFO(NODES)") if (self._cur.fetchone() is None): # table doesn't exist, create it # SQLite does have constraints implemented at the moment # so datatype will just be a string self._cur.execute("CREATE TABLE NODES" + "(ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT," + "DATA BLOB NOT NULL)") self._cur.execute("CREATE TABLE TAGS" + "(ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT," + "DATA BLOB NOT NULL UNIQUE)") self._cur.execute("CREATE TABLE LOOKUP" + "(NODE INTEGER NOT NULL, TAG INTEGER NOT NULL," + " PRIMARY KEY(NODE, TAG))") self._cur.execute("CREATE TABLE KEY" + "(THEKEY TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '')") self._cur.execute("INSERT INTO KEY VALUES('')") try: self._con.commit() except DatabaseException as e: self._con.rollback() raise e def savekey(self, key): sql = "UPDATE KEY SET THEKEY = ?" values = [key] self._cur.execute(sql, values) try: self._con.commit() except sqlite.DatabaseError as e: self._con.rollback() raise DatabaseException( "SQLite: Error saving key [%s]" % (e)) def loadkey(self): self._cur.execute("SELECT THEKEY FROM KEY") keyrow = self._cur.fetchone() if (keyrow[0] == ''): return None else: return keyrow[0] class CreateTestDataBases(object): def __init__(self): config.set_defaults(default_config) enc = CryptoEngine.get(dbver=0.4) enc.callback = DummyCallback4() self.enc1 = copy.copy(enc) enc = CryptoEngine.get(dbver=0.5) enc.callback = DummyCallback4() self.enc2 = copy.copy(enc) self.db1 = SQLiteDatabaseNewForm('konverter-v0.4.db', dbformat=0.4) self.db2 = SQLiteDatabaseNewForm('konverter-v0.5.db', dbformat=0.5) assert self.enc1 is not self.enc2 def open_dbs(self): self.db1._open() self.db2._open() self.db1.close() self.db2.close() def add_nodes_to_db1(self): username = 'tester' password = 'Password' url = 'example.org' notes = 'some notes' node = node_factory(username, password, url, notes, ['testing1', 'testing2']) self.db1.addnodes([node]) idx_created = node._id new_node = self.db1.getnodes([idx_created])[0] for key, attr in {'password': password, 'username': username, 'url': url, 'notes': notes}.iteritems(): assert attr == getattr(new_node, key) self.db1.close() def add_nodes_to_db2(self): username = 'tester' password = 'Password' url = 'example.org' notes = 'some notes' node = node_factory(username, password, url, notes, ['testing1', 'testing2']) self.db2.addnodes([node]) idx_created = node._id new_node = self.db2.getnodes([idx_created])[0] for key, attr in {'password': password, 'username': username, 'url': url, 'notes': notes}.iteritems(): assert attr == getattr(new_node, key) self.db2.close() def run(self): # before add nodes to db1 we have to create an encryption key! # this is handeld by the open method self.db1._open() enc1 = CryptoEngine.get(dbver=0.4) enc1.callback = DummyCallback4() key = self.db1.loadkey() if key is not None: enc1.set_cryptedkey(key) else: newkey = enc1.changepassword() self.db1.savekey(newkey) enc1c = copy.copy(enc1) if key is not None: enc1.set_cryptedkey(key) self.add_nodes_to_db1() CryptoEngine._instance = None self.db2._open() enc2 = CryptoEngine.get(dbver=0.5) enc2.callback = DummyCallback4() key = self.db2.loadkey() if key is not None: enc2.set_cryptedkey(key) else: newkey = enc2.changepassword() self.db2.savekey(newkey) enc2c = copy.copy(enc2) if key is not None: enc2.set_cryptedkey(key) self.add_nodes_to_db2() assert enc1 is not enc2 assert enc1c is not enc2c class TestConverter(unittest.TestCase): pass if __name__ == '__main__': tester = CreateTestDataBases() tester.run() # afther the test databases are created, invoking # pwman3 -d konverter-v0.5.db assert "0.4" == DBConverter.detect_db_version('konverter-v0.4.db') assert "0.5" == DBConverter.detect_db_version('konverter-v0.5.db') # python scripts/pwman3 -d konverter-v0.5.db -e AES, # works !