Jelajahi Sumber

More cleanup of old cli ui

oz123 11 tahun lalu
1 mengubah file dengan 97 tambahan dan 180 penghapusan
  1. 97 180

+ 97 - 180

@@ -190,7 +190,6 @@ class BaseUI(object):
             return _tags
 import as importer
-from import Node
 from pwman.util.crypto import CryptoEngine
 from pwman.util.crypto import zerome
 import pwman.util.config as config
@@ -209,12 +208,6 @@ from import CMDLoop
 import getpass
 from import TagNew
-    import readline
-    _readline_available = True
-except ImportError, e:  # pragma: no cover
-    _readline_available = False
 def get_pass_conf():
     numerics = config.get_value("Generator", "numerics").lower() == 'true'
@@ -227,56 +220,12 @@ def get_pass_conf():
 # pylint: disable=R0904
 class PwmanCliOld(HelpUI, BaseUI):
-    def error(self, exception):
-        if (isinstance(exception, KeyboardInterrupt)):
-            print('')
-        else:
-            print("Error: {0} ".format(exception))
     def do_exit(self, args):
         """exit the ui"""
         return True
-    def get_ids(self, args):
-        """
-        Command can get a single ID or
-        a range of IDs, with begin-end.
-        e.g. 1-3 , will get 1 to 3.
-        """
-        ids = []
-        rex = re.compile("^(?P<begin>\d+)(?:-(?P<end>\d+))?$")
-        rex = rex.match(args)
-        if hasattr(rex, 'groupdict'):
-            try:
-                begin = int(rex.groupdict()['begin'])
-                end = int(rex.groupdict()['end'])
-                if not end > begin:
-                    print("Start node should be smaller than end node")
-                    return ids
-                ids += range(begin, end+1)
-                return ids
-            except TypeError:
-                ids.append(int(begin))
-        else:
-            print("Could not understand your input...")
-        return ids
-    def get_username(self, default="", reader=raw_input):
-        return tools.getinput("Username: ", default, reader)
-    def get_url(self, default="", reader=raw_input):
-        return tools.getinput("Url: ", default, reader)
-    def get_notes(self, default="", reader=raw_input):
-        return tools.getinput("Notes: ", default, reader)
-    def do_clear(self, args):
-        try:
-            self._db.clearfilter()
-        except Exception, e:
-            self.error(e)
     def do_edit(self, arg):
         ids = self.get_ids(arg)
         for i in ids:
@@ -328,57 +277,6 @@ class PwmanCliOld(HelpUI, BaseUI):
     def do_export(self, arg):
         print('Not implemented...')
-    def do_new(self, args):
-        """
-        can override default config settings the following way:
-        Pwman3 0.2.1 (c) visit:
-        pwman> n {'leetify':False, 'numerics':True, 'special_chars':True}
-        Password (Blank to generate):
-        """
-        errmsg = ("could not parse config override, please input some"
-                  " kind of dictionary, e.g.: n {'leetify':False, "
-                  " numerics':True, 'special_chars':True}")
-        try:
-            username = self.get_username()
-            if args:
-                try:
-                    args = ast.literal_eval(args)
-                except Exception:
-                    raise Exception(errmsg)
-                if not isinstance(args, dict):
-                    raise Exception(errmsg)
-                password = self.get_password(1, **args)
-            else:
-                numerics = config.get_value("Generator",
-                                            "numerics").lower() == 'true'
-                # TODO: allow custom leetifying through the config
-                leetify = config.get_value("Generator",
-                                           "leetify").lower() == 'true'
-                special_chars = config.get_value("Generator",
-                                                 "special_chars").lower() == \
-                    'true'
-                password = self.get_password(0,
-                                             numerics=numerics,
-                                             symbols=leetify,
-                                             special_signs=special_chars)
-            url = self.get_url()
-            notes = self.get_notes()
-            node = Node(username, password, url, notes)
-            tags = self.get_tags()
-            node.set_tags(tags)
-            self._db.addnodes([node])
-            print ("Password ID: %d" % (node.get_id()))
-        except Exception, e:
-            self.error(e)
-    def do_print(self, arg):
-        for i in self.get_ids(arg):
-            try:
-                node = self._db.getnodes([i])
-                self.print_node(node[0])
-            except Exception, e:  # pragma: no cover
-                self.error(e)
     def do_delete(self, arg):
         ids = self.get_ids(arg)
@@ -451,78 +349,6 @@ class PwmanCliOld(HelpUI, BaseUI):
         except Exception, e:
-    def do_passwd(self, args):
-        try:
-            key = self._db.changepassword()
-            self._db._save(key)
-        except Exception, e:
-            self.error(e)
-    def do_set(self, args):
-        argstrs = args.split()
-        try:
-            if len(argstrs) == 0:
-                conf = config.get_conf()
-                for s in conf.keys():
-                    for n in conf[s].keys():
-                        print ("%s.%s = %s" % (s, n, conf[s][n]))
-            elif len(argstrs) == 1:
-                r = re.compile("(.+)\.(.+)")
-                m = r.match(argstrs[0])
-                if m is None or len(m.groups()) != 2:
-                    print ("Invalid option format")
-                    self.help_set()
-                    return
-                print ("%s.%s = %s" % (,,
-                                       config.get_value(,
-            elif len(argstrs) == 2:
-                r = re.compile("(.+)\.(.+)")
-                m = r.match(argstrs[0])
-                if m is None or len(m.groups()) != 2:
-                    print ("Invalid option format")
-                    self.help_set()
-                    return
-                config.set_value(,, argstrs[1])
-            else:
-                self.help_set()
-        except Exception, e:
-            self.error(e)
-    def do_save(self, args):
-        argstrs = args.split()
-        try:
-            if len(argstrs) > 0:
-      [0])
-            else:
-            print ("Config saved.")
-        except Exception, e:
-            self.error(e)
-    def do_cls(self, args):
-        os.system('clear')
-    def do_copy(self, args):
-        if self.hasxsel:
-            ids = self.get_ids(args)
-            if len(ids) > 1:
-                print ("Can copy only 1 password at a time...")
-                return None
-            try:
-                node = self._db.getnodes(ids)
-                tools.text_to_clipboards(node[0].get_password())
-                print ("copied password for {}@{} clipboard".format(
-                       node[0].get_username(), node[0].get_url()))
-                print ("erasing in 10 sec...")
-                time.sleep(10)
-                tools.text_to_clipboards("")
-            except Exception, e:
-                self.error(e)
-        else:
-            print ("Can't copy to clipboard, no xsel found in the system!")
     def do_open(self, args):
         ids = self.get_ids(args)
         if not args:
@@ -538,12 +364,6 @@ class PwmanCliOld(HelpUI, BaseUI):
         except Exception, e:
-    def postloop(self):
-        try:
-            readline.write_history_file(self._historyfile)
-        except Exception:
-            pass
     def __init__(self, db, hasxsel):
         initialize CLI interface, set up the DB
@@ -569,6 +389,12 @@ class BaseCommands(PwmanCliOld):
     You can define the aliases here too, but it makes
     the class code really long and unclear.
+    def error(self, exception):
+        if (isinstance(exception, KeyboardInterrupt)):
+            print('')
+        else:
+            print("Error: {0} ".format(exception))
     def do_copy(self, args):
         if self.hasxsel:
             ids = self.get_ids(args)
@@ -589,6 +415,46 @@ class BaseCommands(PwmanCliOld):
             print ("Can't copy to clipboard, no xsel found in the system!")
+    def do_set(self, args):
+        argstrs = args.split()
+        try:
+            if len(argstrs) == 0:
+                conf = config.get_conf()
+                for s in conf.keys():
+                    for n in conf[s].keys():
+                        print ("%s.%s = %s" % (s, n, conf[s][n]))
+            elif len(argstrs) == 1:
+                r = re.compile("(.+)\.(.+)")
+                m = r.match(argstrs[0])
+                if m is None or len(m.groups()) != 2:
+                    print ("Invalid option format")
+                    self.help_set()
+                    return
+                print ("%s.%s = %s" % (,,
+                                       config.get_value(,
+            elif len(argstrs) == 2:
+                r = re.compile("(.+)\.(.+)")
+                m = r.match(argstrs[0])
+                if m is None or len(m.groups()) != 2:
+                    print ("Invalid option format")
+                    self.help_set()
+                    return
+                config.set_value(,, argstrs[1])
+            else:
+                self.help_set()
+        except Exception, e:
+            self.error(e)
+    def get_username(self, default="", reader=raw_input):
+        return tools.getinput("Username: ", default, reader)
+    def get_url(self, default="", reader=raw_input):
+        return tools.getinput("Url: ", default, reader)
+    def get_notes(self, default="", reader=raw_input):
+        return tools.getinput("Notes: ", default, reader)
     def do_open(self, args):
         ids = self.get_ids(args)
         if not args:
@@ -604,6 +470,15 @@ class BaseCommands(PwmanCliOld):
         except Exception, e:
+    def do_clear(self, args):
+        try:
+            self._db.clearfilter()
+        except Exception, e:
+            self.error(e)
+    def do_cls(self, args):
+        os.system('clear')
     def do_edit(self, arg, menu=None):
         ids = self.get_ids(arg)
         for i in ids:
@@ -680,6 +555,24 @@ class BaseCommands(PwmanCliOld):
                    "%d sec.)" % flushtimeout)
             waituntil_enter(heardEnter, flushtimeout)
+    def do_passwd(self, args):
+        try:
+            key = self._db.changepassword()
+            self._db._save(key)
+        except Exception, e:
+            self.error(e)
+    def do_save(self, args):
+        argstrs = args.split()
+        try:
+            if len(argstrs) > 0:
+      [0])
+            else:
+            print ("Config saved.")
+        except Exception, e:
+            self.error(e)
     def do_tags(self, arg):
         enc = CryptoEngine.get()
         if not enc.alive():
@@ -858,6 +751,30 @@ class BaseCommands(PwmanCliOld):
         except Exception, e:
+    def get_ids(self, args):
+        """
+        Command can get a single ID or
+        a range of IDs, with begin-end.
+        e.g. 1-3 , will get 1 to 3.
+        """
+        ids = []
+        rex = re.compile("^(?P<begin>\d+)(?:-(?P<end>\d+))?$")
+        rex = rex.match(args)
+        if hasattr(rex, 'groupdict'):
+            try:
+                begin = int(rex.groupdict()['begin'])
+                end = int(rex.groupdict()['end'])
+                if not end > begin:
+                    print("Start node should be smaller than end node")
+                    return ids
+                ids += range(begin, end+1)
+                return ids
+            except TypeError:
+                ids.append(int(begin))
+        else:
+            print("Could not understand your input...")
+        return ids
     def get_password(self, argsgiven, numerics=False, leetify=False,
                      symbols=False, special_signs=False,
                      reader=getpass.getpass, length=None):