Ivan Kelly преди 16 години

+ 10 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Metadata-Version: 1.0
+Name: Pwman3
+Version: 0.0.6
+Summary: Pwman is a password management application.
+Home-page: http://pwman.bleurgh.com/
+Author: Ivan Kelly
+Author-email: pwman@bleurgh.com
+License: GNU GPL
+Description: UNKNOWN
+Platform: UNKNOWN

+ 10 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+== Installing ==
+Pwman3 requires the following debian packages:
+	python-pysqlite2
+	python-celementtree
+	python-crypto
+To install:
+$ python setup.py install

+ 27 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# This file is part of Pwman3.
+# Pwman3 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; 
+# Pwman3 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with Pwman3; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+# Copyright (C) 2006 Ivan Kelly <ivan@ivankelly.net>
+appname = "Pwman3"
+version = "0.0.6"
+website = "http://pwman.bleurgh.com/"
+author = "Ivan Kelly"
+authoremail = "pwman@bleurgh.com"
+description = "Pwman is a password management application."
+keywords = "password management sqlite crypto"

+ 0 - 0

+ 85 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+# This file is part of Pwman3.
+# Pwman3 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; 
+# Pwman3 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with Pwman3; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+# Copyright (C) 2006 Ivan Kelly <ivan@ivankelly.net>
+from pwman.data.nodes import Node
+from pwman.util.crypto import CryptoEngine
+class DatabaseException(Exception):
+    pass
+class Database:
+    def __init__(self):
+        self._filtertags = []
+    def open(self):
+        """Open the database."""
+        self._open()
+        enc = CryptoEngine.get()
+        key = self.loadkey()
+        if (key != None):
+            enc.set_cryptedkey(key)
+        else:
+            self.changepassword()
+    def close(self):
+        pass
+    def changepassword(self):
+        """Change the databases password."""
+        enc = CryptoEngine.get()
+        newkey = enc.changepassword()
+        return self.savekey(newkey)
+    def listtags(self, all=False):
+        pass
+    def currenttags(self):
+        return self._filtertags
+    def filter(self, tags):
+        for t in tags:
+            if not (t in self._filtertags):
+                self._filtertags.append(t)
+    def clearfilter(self):
+        self._filtertags = []
+    def getnodes(self, ids):
+        pass
+    def addnodes(self, nodes):
+        pass
+    def editnode(self, id, node):
+        pass
+    def removenodes(self, nodes):
+        pass
+    def listnodes(self):
+        pass
+    def savekey(self, key):
+        pass
+    def loadkey(self):
+        pass

+ 0 - 0

+ 369 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
+# This file is part of Pwman3.
+# Pwman3 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; 
+# Pwman3 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with Pwman3; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+# Copyright (C) 2006 Ivan Kelly <ivan@ivankelly.net>
+"""MySQL Database implementation."""
+from pwman.data.database import Database, DatabaseException
+from pwman.data.nodes import Node
+from pwman.data.tags import Tag
+import MySQLdb
+import pwman.util.config as config
+import cPickle
+class MySQLDatabase(Database):
+    """MySQL Database implementation"""
+    def __init__(self):
+        """Initialise MySQLDatabase instance."""
+        Database.__init__(self)
+        self._tagidcache = {}
+        config.add_defaults({"Database" : {"server": "localhost",
+                                           "port"  : "3306",
+                                           "database" : "pwman",
+                                           "table_prefix" : "pwman_"}})
+        try:
+            self._server = config.get_value('Database', 'server')
+            self._port = config.get_value('Database', 'port')
+            self._user = config.get_value('Database', 'user')
+            self._password = config.get_value('Database', 'password')
+            self._database = config.get_value('Database', 'database')
+            self._prefix = config.get_value('Database', 'table_prefix')
+        except KeyError, e:
+            raise DatabaseException(
+                "MySQL: missing parameter [%s]" % (e))
+    def _open(self):
+        try:
+            self._con = None
+#            server = "%s:%s" % (self._server, self._port)
+#            self._con = pgdb.connect(host = server,
+#                                     database = self._database,
+#                                     user = self._user,
+#                                     password = self._password)
+#            self._cur = self._con.cursor()
+            self._checktables()
+        except MySQLdb.DatabaseError, e:
+            raise DatabaseException("MySQL: %s" % (e))
+    def _get_cur(self):
+        try:
+            if (self._con != None):
+                return self._con.cursor()
+        except MySQLdb.DatabaseError, e:
+            pass
+        self._con = MySQLdb.connect(host = self._server,
+                                 port = int(self._port),
+                                 db = self._database,
+                                 user = self._user,
+                                 passwd = self._password)
+        self._cur = self._con.cursor()
+        return self._cur
+    def close(self):
+        self._cur.close()
+        self._con.close()
+    def listtags(self, all=False):
+        sql = ''
+        params = []
+        i = 0
+        if len(self._filtertags) == 0 or all:
+            sql = "SELECT DATA FROM %sTAGS ORDER BY DATA ASC" % (self._prefix)
+        else:
+            sql = ("SELECT %sTAGS.DATA FROM %sLOOKUP"
+                   +" INNER JOIN %sTAGS ON %sLOOKUP.TAG = %sTAGS.ID"
+                   +" WHERE NODE IN (") % (self._prefix, self._prefix, self._prefix,
+                                           self._prefix, self._prefix)
+            first = True
+            i += 1
+            for t in self._filtertags:
+                if not first:
+                    sql += " INTERSECT "
+                else:
+                    first = False
+                sql += ("SELECT NODE FROM %sLOOKUP LEFT JOIN %sTAGS ON TAG = %sTAGS.ID "
+                        + " WHERE %sTAGS.DATA = %%s") % (self._prefix, self._prefix,
+                                                             self._prefix, self._prefix)
+                params.append(cPickle.dumps(t))
+            sql += ") EXCEPT SELECT DATA FROM %sTAGS WHERE " %(self._prefix)
+            first = True
+            for t in self._filtertags:
+                if not first:
+                    sql += " OR "
+                else:
+                    first = False
+                sql += "%sTAGS.DATA = %%s" % (self._prefix)
+                params.append(cPickle.dumps(t))
+        try:
+            cursor = self._get_cur()
+            cursor.execute(sql, params)
+            tags = []
+            row = cursor.fetchone()
+            while (row != None):
+                tag = cPickle.loads(str(row[0]))
+                tags.append(tag)
+                row = cursor.fetchone()
+            return tags
+        except MySQLdb.DatabaseError, e:
+            raise DatabaseException("MySQL: %s" % (e))
+    def getnodes(self, ids):
+        nodes = []
+        idstr = ""
+        first = True
+        if len(ids) == 0:
+            idstr = "-1"
+        for i in ids:
+            if first:
+                idstr += "%d" % (i)
+                first = False
+            else:
+                idstr += ", %d" % (i)
+        sql = "SELECT ID,DATA FROM %sNODES WHERE ID IN (%s)" % (self._prefix,
+                                                                MySQLdb.escape_string(idstr))
+        try:
+            cursor = self._get_cur()
+            cursor.execute(sql)
+            row = cursor.fetchone()
+            while row != None:
+                node = cPickle.loads(str(row[1]))
+                node.set_id(row[0])
+                nodes.append(node)
+                row = cursor.fetchone()
+        except MySQLdb.DatabaseError, e:
+            raise DatabaseException("MySQL: %s" % (e))
+        return nodes
+    def editnode(self, id, node):
+        if not isinstance(node, Node): raise DatabaseException(
+                "Tried to insert foreign object into database [%s]" % node)
+        try:
+            cursor = self._get_cur()
+            sql = "UPDATE %sNODES SET DATA = %%s WHERE ID = %%s" % (self._prefix)
+            cursor.execute(sql, (cPickle.dumps(node), id))
+        except MySQL.DatabaseError, e:
+            raise DatabaseException("MySQL: %s" % (e))
+        self._setnodetags(node)
+        self._checktags()
+        self._commit()
+    def addnodes(self, nodes):
+        cursor = self._get_cur()
+        for n in nodes:
+            sql = "INSERT INTO %sNODES(DATA) VALUES(%%s)" % (self._prefix)
+            if not isinstance(n, Node): raise DatabaseException(
+                "Tried to insert foreign object into database [%s]", n)
+            values = [cPickle.dumps(n)]
+            try:
+                cursor.execute(sql, values)
+            except MySQLdb.DatabaseError, e:
+                raise DatabaseException("MySQL: %s" % (e))
+            id = cursor.lastrowid
+            print "id: %d" % (id)
+            n.set_id(id)
+            self._setnodetags(n)
+        self._commit()
+    def removenodes(self, nodes):
+        cursor = self._get_cur()
+        for n in nodes:
+            if not isinstance(n, Node): raise DatabaseException(
+                "Tried to delete foreign object from database [%s]", n)
+            try:
+                sql = "DELETE FROM %sNODES WHERE ID = %%s" % (self._prefix)
+                cursor.execute(sql, [n.get_id()])
+            except MySQLdb.DatabaseError, e:
+                raise DatabaseException("MySQL: %s" % (e))
+            self._deletenodetags(n)
+        self._checktags()
+        self._commit()
+    def listnodes(self):
+        sql = ''
+        params = []
+        i = 0
+        cursor = self._get_cur()
+        if len(self._filtertags) == 0:
+            sql = "SELECT ID FROM %sNODES ORDER BY ID ASC" % (self._prefix)
+        else:
+            first = True
+            for t in self._filtertags:
+                if not first:
+                    sql += " INTERSECT "
+                else:
+                    first = False
+                i += 1
+                sql += (("SELECT NODE FROM %sLOOKUP LEFT JOIN %sTAGS ON TAG = %sTAGS.ID"
+                         + " WHERE %sTAGS.DATA = %%s ") % (self._prefix, self._prefix,
+                                                           self._prefix, self._prefix))
+                params.append(cPickle.dumps(t))
+        try:
+            print sql
+            cursor.execute(sql, params)
+            ids = []
+            row = cursor.fetchone()
+            while (row != None):
+                ids.append(row[0])
+                row = cursor.fetchone()
+            return ids
+        except MySQLdb.DatabaseError, e:
+            raise DatabaseException("MySQL: %s" % (e))
+    def _commit(self):
+        try:
+            self._con.commit()
+        except MySQLdb.DatabaseError, e:
+            self._con.rollback()
+            raise DatabaseException(
+                "MySQL: Error commiting data to db [%s]" % (e))
+    def _tagids(self, tags):
+        ids = []
+        cursor = self._get_cur()
+        for t in tags:
+            pickled = cPickle.dumps(t)
+            try:
+                ids.append(self._tagidcache[pickled])
+                continue
+            except KeyError, e:
+                pass # not in cache
+            sql = "SELECT ID FROM %sTAGS WHERE DATA = %%s" % (self._prefix)
+            if not isinstance(t, Tag): raise DatabaseException(
+                "Tried to insert foreign object into database [%s]", t)
+            data = [ pickled ]
+            try:
+                cursor.execute(sql, data)
+                row = cursor.fetchone()
+                if (row != None):
+                    ids.append(row[0])
+                    self._tagidcache[pickled] = row[0]
+                else:
+                    sql = "INSERT INTO %sTAGS(DATA) VALUES(%%s)" % (self._prefix)
+                    cursor.execute(sql, data)
+                    id = cursor.lastrowid
+                    ids.append(id)
+                    self._tagidcache[pickled] = id
+            except MySQLdb.DatabaseError, e:
+                raise DatabaseException("MySQLdb: %s" % (e))
+        return ids
+    def _deletenodetags(self, node):
+        try:
+            cursor = self._get_cur()
+            sql = "DELETE FROM %sLOOKUP WHERE NODE = %%s" % (self._prefix)
+            cursor.execute(sql, [node.get_id()])
+        except MySQLdb.DatabaseError, e:
+            raise DatabaseException("MySQLdb: %s" % (e))
+    def _setnodetags(self, node):
+        self._deletenodetags(node)
+        ids = self._tagids(node.get_tags())
+        for i in ids:
+            sql = "INSERT INTO %sLOOKUP VALUES(%%s, %%s)" % (self._prefix)
+            params = [ node.get_id(), i ]
+            try:
+                cursor = self._get_cur()
+                cursor.execute(sql, params)
+            except MySQLdb.DatabaseError, e:
+                raise DatabaseException("MySQLdb: %s" % (e))
+    def _checktags(self):
+        self._tagidcache.clear()
+        try:
+            cursor = self._get_cur()
+            sql = ("DELETE FROM %sTAGS WHERE ID NOT IN "
+                   + "(SELECT TAG FROM %sLOOKUP GROUP BY TAG)") % (self._prefix,
+                                                                   self._prefix)
+            cursor.execute(sql)
+        except MySQLdb.DatabaseError, e:
+            raise DatabaseException("MySQL: %s" % (e))
+        self._commit()
+    def _checktables(self):
+        """ Check if the Pwman tables exist """
+        cursor = self._get_cur()
+        cursor.execute(
+            % (self._prefix))
+        if (cursor.fetchone() == None):
+            # table doesn't exist, create it
+            cursor.execute(("CREATE TABLE %sNODES" 
+                               +"(ID INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, DATA TEXT NOT NULL)")
+                              % (self._prefix))
+            cursor.execute(("CREATE TABLE %sTAGS"
+                               + "(ID INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY,"
+                               + "DATA VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL UNIQUE)")
+                              % (self._prefix))
+            cursor.execute(("CREATE TABLE %sLOOKUP"
+                               + "(NODE INTEGER NOT NULL, TAG INTEGER NOT NULL,"
+                               + " PRIMARY KEY(NODE, TAG))")
+                              % (self._prefix))
+            cursor.execute(("CREATE TABLE %sKEY"
+                               + "(THEKEY TEXT(1024) NOT NULL DEFAULT '')")
+                              % (self._prefix));
+            cursor.execute("INSERT INTO %sKEY VALUES('')" % (self._prefix));
+            try:
+                self._con.commit()
+            except MySQLdb.DatabaseError, e:
+                self._con.rollback()
+                raise e
+    def savekey(self, key):
+        sql = "UPDATE %sKEY SET THEKEY = %%s" % (self._prefix)
+        values = ( key )
+        cursor = self._get_cur()
+        cursor.execute(sql, values)
+        try:
+            self._con.commit()
+        except MySQLdb.DatabaseError, e:
+            self._con.rollback()
+            raise DatabaseException(
+                "MySQL: Error saving key [%s]" % (e))
+    def loadkey(self):
+        cursor = self._get_cur()
+        cursor.execute("SELECT THEKEY FROM %sKEY" % (self._prefix));
+        keyrow = cursor.fetchone()
+        if (keyrow[0] == ''):
+            return None
+        else:
+            return keyrow[0]

+ 379 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
+# This file is part of Pwman3.
+# Pwman3 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; 
+# Pwman3 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with Pwman3; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+# Copyright (C) 2006 Ivan Kelly <ivan@ivankelly.net>
+"""Postgresql Database implementation."""
+from pwman.data.database import Database, DatabaseException
+from pwman.data.nodes import Node
+from pwman.data.tags import Tag
+import pgdb
+import pwman.util.config as config
+import cPickle
+class PostgresqlDatabase(Database):
+    """Postgresql Database implementation"""
+    def __init__(self):
+        """Initialise PostgresqlDatabase instance."""
+        Database.__init__(self)
+        self._tagidcache = {}
+        config.add_defaults({"Database" : {"server": "localhost",
+                                           "port"  : "5432",
+                                           "database" : "pwman",
+                                           "table_prefix" : "pwman_"}})
+        try:
+            self._server = config.get_value('Database', 'server')
+            self._port = config.get_value('Database', 'port')
+            self._user = config.get_value('Database', 'user')
+            self._password = config.get_value('Database', 'password')
+            self._database = config.get_value('Database', 'database')
+            self._prefix = config.get_value('Database', 'table_prefix')
+        except KeyError, e:
+            raise DatabaseException(
+                "Postgresql: missing parameter [%s]" % (e))
+    def _open(self):
+        try:
+            self._con = None
+#            server = "%s:%s" % (self._server, self._port)
+#            self._con = pgdb.connect(host = server,
+#                                     database = self._database,
+#                                     user = self._user,
+#                                     password = self._password)
+#            self._cur = self._con.cursor()
+            self._checktables()
+        except pgdb.DatabaseError, e:
+            raise DatabaseException("Postgresql: %s" % (e))
+    def _get_cur(self):
+        try:
+            if (self._con != None):
+                return self._con.cursor()
+        except pgdb.DatabaseError, e:
+            pass
+        server = "%s:%s" % (self._server, self._port)
+        self._con = pgdb.connect(host = server,
+                                 database = self._database,
+                                 user = self._user,
+                                 password = self._password)
+        self._cur = self._con.cursor()
+        return self._cur
+    def close(self):
+        self._cur.close()
+        self._con.close()
+    def listtags(self, all=False):
+        sql = ''
+        params = {}
+        i = 0
+        if len(self._filtertags) == 0 or all:
+            sql = "SELECT DATA FROM %sTAGS ORDER BY DATA ASC" % (self._prefix)
+        else:
+            sql = ("SELECT %sTAGS.DATA FROM %sLOOKUP"
+                   +" INNER JOIN %sTAGS ON %sLOOKUP.TAG = %sTAGS.ID"
+                   +" WHERE NODE IN (") % (self._prefix, self._prefix, self._prefix,
+                                           self._prefix, self._prefix)
+            first = True
+            i += 1
+            paramname = "tag%d" % (i)
+            for t in self._filtertags:
+                if not first:
+                    sql += " INTERSECT "
+                else:
+                    first = False
+                sql += ("SELECT NODE FROM %sLOOKUP LEFT JOIN %sTAGS ON TAG = %sTAGS.ID "
+                        + " WHERE %sTAGS.DATA = %%(%s)s") % (self._prefix, self._prefix,
+                                                             self._prefix, self._prefix,
+                                                             paramname)
+                params[paramname] = cPickle.dumps(t)
+            sql += ") EXCEPT SELECT DATA FROM %sTAGS WHERE " %(self._prefix)
+            first = True
+            for t in self._filtertags:
+                if not first:
+                    sql += " OR "
+                else:
+                    first = False
+                sql += "%sTAGS.DATA = %%(%s)s" % (self._prefix, paramname)
+        try:
+            cursor = self._get_cur()
+            cursor.execute(sql, params)
+            tags = []
+            row = cursor.fetchone()
+            while (row != None):
+                tag = cPickle.loads(str(row[0]))
+                tags.append(tag)
+                row = cursor.fetchone()
+            return tags
+        except pgdb.DatabaseError, e:
+            raise DatabaseException("Postgresql: %s" % (e))
+    def getnodes(self, ids):
+        nodes = []
+        idstr = ""
+        first = True
+        if len(ids) == 0:
+            idstr = "-1"
+        for i in ids:
+            if first:
+                idstr += "%d" % (i)
+                first = False
+            else:
+                idstr += ", %d" % (i)
+        sql = "SELECT ID,DATA FROM %sNODES WHERE ID IN (%s)" % (self._prefix,
+                                                                pgdb.escape_string(idstr))
+        try:
+            cursor = self._get_cur()
+            cursor.execute(sql)
+            row = cursor.fetchone()
+            while row != None:
+                node = cPickle.loads(str(row[1]))
+                node.set_id(row[0])
+                nodes.append(node)
+                row = cursor.fetchone()
+        except pgdb.DatabaseError, e:
+            raise DatabaseException("Postgresql: %s" % (e))
+        return nodes
+    def editnode(self, id, node):
+        if not isinstance(node, Node): raise DatabaseException(
+                "Tried to insert foreign object into database [%s]" % node)
+        try:
+            cursor = self._get_cur()
+            sql = "UPDATE %sNODES SET DATA = %%(data)s WHERE ID = %%(id)d" % (self._prefix)
+            cursor.execute(sql, {"data":cPickle.dumps(node),
+                                 "id": id})
+        except pgdb.DatabaseError, e:
+            raise DatabaseException("Postgresql: %s" % (e))
+        self._setnodetags(node)
+        self._checktags()
+        self._commit()
+    def addnodes(self, nodes):
+        cursor = self._get_cur()
+        for n in nodes:
+            sql = "INSERT INTO %sNODES(DATA) VALUES(%%(data)s)" % (self._prefix)
+            if not isinstance(n, Node): raise DatabaseException(
+                "Tried to insert foreign object into database [%s]", n)
+            values = {"data": cPickle.dumps(n)}
+            try:
+                cursor.execute(sql, values)
+            except pgdb.DatabaseError, e:
+                raise DatabaseException("Postgresql: %s" % (e))
+            id = self._lastrowid("NODES")
+            n.set_id(id)
+            self._setnodetags(n)
+        self._commit()
+    def removenodes(self, nodes):
+        cursor = self._get_cur()
+        for n in nodes:
+            if not isinstance(n, Node): raise DatabaseException(
+                "Tried to delete foreign object from database [%s]", n)
+            try:
+                sql = "DELETE FROM %sNODES WHERE ID = %%(id)d" % (self._prefix)
+                cursor.execute(sql, {"id": n.get_id()})
+            except pgdb.DatabaseError, e:
+                raise DatabaseException("Postgresql: %s" % (e))
+            self._deletenodetags(n)
+        self._checktags()
+        self._commit()
+    def listnodes(self):
+        sql = ''
+        params = {}
+        i = 0
+        cursor = self._get_cur()
+        if len(self._filtertags) == 0:
+            sql = "SELECT ID FROM %sNODES ORDER BY ID ASC" % (self._prefix)
+        else:
+            first = True
+            for t in self._filtertags:
+                if not first:
+                    sql += " INTERSECT "
+                else:
+                    first = False
+                i += 1
+                paramname = "tag%d" % (i)
+                sql += (("SELECT NODE FROM %sLOOKUP LEFT JOIN %sTAGS ON TAG = %sTAGS.ID"
+                         + " WHERE %sTAGS.DATA = %%(%s)s ") % (self._prefix, self._prefix,
+                                                               self._prefix, self._prefix,
+                                                               paramname))
+                params[paramname] = cPickle.dumps(t)
+        try:
+            cursor.execute(sql, params)
+            ids = []
+            row = cursor.fetchone()
+            while (row != None):
+                ids.append(row[0])
+                row = cursor.fetchone()
+            return ids
+        except pgdb.DatabaseError, e:
+            raise DatabaseException("Postgresql: %s" % (e))
+    def _commit(self):
+        try:
+            self._con.commit()
+        except pgdb.DatabaseError, e:
+            self._con.rollback()
+            raise DatabaseException(
+                "Postgresql: Error commiting data to db [%s]" % (e))
+    def _tagids(self, tags):
+        ids = []
+        cursor = self._get_cur()
+        for t in tags:
+            pickled = cPickle.dumps(t)
+            try:
+                ids.append(self._tagidcache[pickled])
+                continue
+            except KeyError, e:
+                pass # not in cache
+            sql = "SELECT ID FROM %sTAGS WHERE DATA = %%(tag)s" % (self._prefix)
+            if not isinstance(t, Tag): raise DatabaseException(
+                "Tried to insert foreign object into database [%s]", t)
+            data = {"tag" : pickled }
+            try:
+                cursor.execute(sql, data)
+                row = cursor.fetchone()
+                if (row != None):
+                    ids.append(row[0])
+                    self._tagidcache[pickled] = row[0]
+                else:
+                    sql = "INSERT INTO %sTAGS(DATA) VALUES(%%(tag)s)" % (self._prefix)
+                    cursor.execute(sql, data)
+                    id = self._lastrowid("TAGS")
+                    ids.append(id)
+                    self._tagidcache[pickled] = id
+            except pgdb.DatabaseError, e:
+                raise DatabaseException("Postgresql: %s" % (e))
+        return ids
+    def _deletenodetags(self, node):
+        try:
+            cursor = self._get_cur()
+            sql = "DELETE FROM %sLOOKUP WHERE NODE = %%(node)d" % (self._prefix)
+            cursor.execute(sql, {"node":node.get_id()})
+        except pgdb.DatabaseError, e:
+            raise DatabaseException("Postgresql: %s" % (e))
+    def _setnodetags(self, node):
+        self._deletenodetags(node)
+        ids = self._tagids(node.get_tags())
+        for i in ids:
+            sql = "INSERT INTO %sLOOKUP VALUES(%%(node)d, %%(tag)d)" % (self._prefix)
+            params = {"node": node.get_id(), "tag": i}
+            try:
+                cursor = self._get_cur()
+                cursor.execute(sql, params)
+            except pgdb.DatabaseError, e:
+                raise DatabaseException("Postgresql: %s" % (e))
+    def _checktags(self):
+        self._tagidcache.clear()
+        try:
+            cursor = self._get_cur()
+            sql = ("DELETE FROM %sTAGS WHERE ID NOT IN "
+                   + "(SELECT TAG FROM %sLOOKUP GROUP BY TAG)") % (self._prefix,
+                                                                   self._prefix)
+            cursor.execute(sql)
+        except pgdb.DatabaseError, e:
+            raise DatabaseException("Postgresql: %s" % (e))
+        self._commit()
+    def _lastrowid(self, name):
+        cursor = self._get_cur()
+        cursor.execute("SELECT LAST_VALUE FROM %s%s_ID_SEQ" % (self._prefix, name))
+        row = cursor.fetchone()
+        if row == None:
+            return 0;
+        else:
+            return row[0]
+    def _checktables(self):
+        """ Check if the Pwman tables exist """
+        cursor = self._get_cur()
+        cursor.execute(
+            % (self._prefix))
+        if (cursor.fetchone() == None):
+            # table doesn't exist, create it
+            cursor.execute(("CREATE TABLE %sNODES" 
+                               +"(ID SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, DATA TEXT NOT NULL)")
+                              % (self._prefix))
+            cursor.execute(("CREATE TABLE %sTAGS"
+                               + "(ID SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,"
+                               + "DATA TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE)")
+                              % (self._prefix))
+            cursor.execute(("CREATE TABLE %sLOOKUP"
+                               + "(NODE INTEGER NOT NULL, TAG INTEGER NOT NULL,"
+                               + " PRIMARY KEY(NODE, TAG))")
+                              % (self._prefix))
+            cursor.execute(("CREATE TABLE %sKEY"
+                               + "(THEKEY TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '')")
+                              % (self._prefix));
+            cursor.execute("INSERT INTO %sKEY VALUES('')" % (self._prefix));
+            try:
+                self._con.commit()
+            except pgdb.DatabaseError, e:
+                self._con.rollback()
+                raise e
+    def savekey(self, key):
+        sql = "UPDATE %sKEY SET THEKEY = %%(key)s" % (self._prefix)
+        values = {"key": key}
+        cursor = self._get_cur()
+        cursor.execute(sql, values)
+        try:
+            self._con.commit()
+        except pgdb.DatabaseError, e:
+            self._con.rollback()
+            raise DatabaseException(
+                "Postgresql: Error saving key [%s]" % (e))
+    def loadkey(self):
+        cursor = self._get_cur()
+        cursor.execute("SELECT THEKEY FROM %sKEY" % (self._prefix));
+        keyrow = cursor.fetchone()
+        if (keyrow[0] == ''):
+            return None
+        else:
+            return keyrow[0]

+ 288 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+# This file is part of Pwman3.
+# Pwman3 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; 
+# Pwman3 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with Pwman3; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+# Copyright (C) 2006 Ivan Kelly <ivan@ivankelly.net>
+"""SQLite Database implementation."""
+from pwman.data.database import Database, DatabaseException
+from pwman.data.nodes import Node
+from pwman.data.tags import Tag
+from pysqlite2 import dbapi2 as sqlite
+import pwman.util.config as config
+import cPickle
+class SQLiteDatabase(Database):
+    """SQLite Database implementation"""
+    def __init__(self):
+        """Initialise SQLitePwmanDatabase instance."""
+        Database.__init__(self)
+        try:
+            self._filename = config.get_value('Database', 'filename')
+        except KeyError, e:
+            raise DatabaseException(
+                "SQLite: missing parameter [%s]" % (e))
+    def _open(self):
+        try:
+            self._con = sqlite.connect(self._filename)
+            self._cur = self._con.cursor()
+            self._checktables()
+        except sqlite.DatabaseError, e:
+            raise DatabaseException("SQLite: %s" % (s))
+    def close(self):
+        self._cur.close()
+        self._con.close()
+    def listtags(self, all=False):
+        sql = ''
+        params = []
+        if len(self._filtertags) == 0 or all:
+        else:
+            sql = ("SELECT TAGS.DATA FROM LOOKUP"
+                   +" INNER JOIN TAGS ON LOOKUP.TAG = TAGS.ID"
+                   +" WHERE NODE IN (")
+            first = True
+            for t in self._filtertags:
+                if not first:
+                    sql += " INTERSECT "
+                else:
+                    first = False
+                        + " WHERE TAGS.DATA = ?")
+                params.append(cPickle.dumps(t))
+            sql += ") EXCEPT SELECT DATA FROM TAGS WHERE "
+            first = True
+            for t in self._filtertags:
+                if not first:
+                    sql += " OR "
+                else:
+                    first = False
+                sql += "TAGS.DATA = ?"
+                params.append(cPickle.dumps(t))
+        try:
+            self._cur.execute(sql, params)
+            tags = []
+            row = self._cur.fetchone()
+            while (row != None):
+                tag = cPickle.loads(str(row[0]))
+                tags.append(tag)
+                row = self._cur.fetchone()
+            return tags
+        except sqlite.DatabaseError, e:
+            raise DatabaseException("SQLite: %s" % (e))
+    def getnodes(self, ids):
+        nodes = []
+        for i in ids:
+            sql = "SELECT DATA FROM NODES WHERE ID = ?"
+            try:
+                self._cur.execute(sql, [i])
+                row = self._cur.fetchone()
+                if row != None:
+                    node = cPickle.loads(str(row[0]))
+                    node.set_id(i)
+                    nodes.append(node)
+            except sqlite.DatabaseError, e:
+                raise DatabaseException("SQLite: %s" % (e))
+        return nodes
+    def editnode(self, id, node):
+        if not isinstance(node, Node): raise DatabaseException(
+                "Tried to insert foreign object into database [%s]" % node)
+        try:
+            sql = "UPDATE NODES SET DATA = ? WHERE ID = ?";
+            self._cur.execute(sql, [cPickle.dumps(node), id])
+        except sqlite.DatabaseError, e:
+            raise DatabaseException("SQLite: %s" % (e))
+        self._setnodetags(node)
+        self._checktags()
+        self._commit()
+    def addnodes(self, nodes):
+        for n in nodes:
+            sql = "INSERT INTO NODES(DATA) VALUES(?)"
+            if not isinstance(n, Node): raise DatabaseException(
+                "Tried to insert foreign object into database [%s]", n)
+            value = cPickle.dumps(n)
+            try:
+                self._cur.execute(sql, [value])
+            except sqlite.DatabaseError, e:
+                raise DatabaseException("SQLite: %s" % (e))
+            id = self._cur.lastrowid
+            n.set_id(id)
+            self._setnodetags(n)
+            self._commit()
+    def removenodes(self, nodes):
+        for n in nodes:
+            if not isinstance(n, Node): raise DatabaseException(
+                "Tried to delete foreign object from database [%s]", n)
+            try:
+                sql = "DELETE FROM NODES WHERE ID = ?";
+                self._cur.execute(sql, [n.get_id()])
+            except sqlite.DatabaseError, e:
+                raise DatabaseException("SQLite: %s" % (e))
+            self._deletenodetags(n)
+        self._checktags()
+        self._commit()
+    def listnodes(self):
+        sql = ''
+        params = []
+        if len(self._filtertags) == 0:
+        else:
+            first = True
+            for t in self._filtertags:
+                if not first:
+                    sql += " INTERSECT "
+                else:
+                    first = False
+                        + " WHERE TAGS.DATA = ? ")
+                params.append(cPickle.dumps(t))
+        try:
+            self._cur.execute(sql, params)
+            ids = []
+            row = self._cur.fetchone()
+            while (row != None):
+                ids.append(row[0])
+                row = self._cur.fetchone()
+            return ids
+        except sqlite.DatabaseError, e:
+            raise DatabaseException("SQLite: %s" % (e))
+    def _commit(self):
+        try:
+            self._con.commit()
+        except sqlite.DatabaseError, e:
+            self._con.rollback()
+            raise DatabaseException(
+                "SQLite: Error commiting data to db [%s]" % (e))
+    def _tagids(self, tags):
+        ids = []
+        for t in tags:
+            sql = "SELECT ID FROM TAGS WHERE DATA = ?"
+            if not isinstance(t, Tag): raise DatabaseException(
+                "Tried to insert foreign object into database [%s]", t)
+            data = cPickle.dumps(t)
+            try:
+                self._cur.execute(sql, [data])
+                row = self._cur.fetchone()
+                if (row != None):
+                    ids.append(row[0])
+                else:
+                    sql = "INSERT INTO TAGS(DATA) VALUES(?)"
+                    self._cur.execute(sql, [data])
+                    ids.append(self._cur.lastrowid)
+            except sqlite.DatabaseError, e:
+                raise DatabaseException("SQLite: %s" % (e))
+        return ids
+    def _deletenodetags(self, node):
+        try:
+            sql = "DELETE FROM LOOKUP WHERE NODE = ?"
+            self._cur.execute(sql, [node.get_id()])
+        except sqlite.DatabaseError, e:
+            raise DatabaseException("SQLite: %s" % (e))
+        self._commit()
+    def _setnodetags(self, node):
+        self._deletenodetags(node)
+        ids = self._tagids(node.get_tags())
+        for i in ids:
+            sql = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO LOOKUP VALUES(?, ?)"
+            params = [node.get_id(), i]
+            try:
+                self._cur.execute(sql, params)
+            except sqlite.DatabaseError, e:
+                raise DatabaseException("SQLite: %s" % (e))
+        self._commit()
+    def _checktags(self):
+        try:
+            self._cur.execute(sql)
+        except sqlite.DatabaseError, e:
+            raise DatabaseException("SQLite: %s" % (e))
+        self._commit()
+    def _checktables(self):
+        """ Check if the Pwman tables exist """
+        self._cur.execute("PRAGMA TABLE_INFO(NODES)")
+        if (self._cur.fetchone() == None):
+            # table doesn't exist, create it
+            # SQLite does have constraints implemented at the moment
+            # so datatype will just be a string
+            self._cur.execute("CREATE TABLE NODES"
+                             + "(ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,"
+                             + "DATA BLOB NOT NULL)")
+            self._cur.execute("CREATE TABLE TAGS"
+                              + "(ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,"
+                              + "DATA BLOB NOT NULL UNIQUE)")
+            self._cur.execute("CREATE TABLE LOOKUP"
+                              + "(NODE INTEGER NOT NULL, TAG INTEGER NOT NULL,"
+                              + " PRIMARY KEY(NODE, TAG))")
+            self._cur.execute("CREATE TABLE KEY"
+                              + "(THEKEY TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '')");
+            self._cur.execute("INSERT INTO KEY VALUES('')");
+            try:
+                self._con.commit()
+            except DatabaseError, e:
+                self._con.rollback()
+                raise e
+    def savekey(self, key):
+        sql = "UPDATE KEY SET THEKEY = ?"
+        values = [key]
+        self._cur.execute(sql, values)
+        try:
+            self._con.commit()
+        except sqlite.DatabaseError, e:
+            self._con.rollback()
+            raise DatabaseException(
+                "SQLite: Error saving key [%s]" % (e))
+    def loadkey(self):
+        self._cur.execute("SELECT THEKEY FROM KEY");
+        keyrow = self._cur.fetchone()
+        if (keyrow[0] == ''):
+            return None
+        else:
+            return keyrow[0]

+ 64 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+# This file is part of Pwman3.
+# Pwman3 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; 
+# Pwman3 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with Pwman3; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+# Copyright (C) 2006 Ivan Kelly <ivan@ivankelly.net>
+"""Factory to create Database instances
+import pwlib.db.DatabaseFactory as DBFactory
+db = DBFactory.create(params)
+from pwman.data.database import Database, DatabaseException
+import pwman.util.config as config
+def create(type):
+    """
+    create(params) -> Database
+    Create a Database instance. 
+    'type' can only be 'SQLite' at the moment
+    """
+    if type == "BerkeleyDB":
+        pass
+#        db = BerkeleyDatabase.BerkeleyDatabase(params)
+    elif (type == "SQLite"):
+        try: 
+            from pwman.data.drivers import sqlite
+            db = sqlite.SQLiteDatabase()
+        except ImportError, e:
+            raise DatabaseException("python-sqlite not installed")
+    elif (type == "Postgresql"):
+        try:
+            from pwman.data.drivers import postgresql
+            db = postgresql.PostgresqlDatabase()
+        except ImportError, e:
+            raise DatabaseException("python-pygresql not installed")
+    elif (type == "MySQL"):
+        try:
+            from pwman.data.drivers import mysql
+            db = mysql.MySQLDatabase()
+        except ImportError, e:
+            raise DatabaseException("python-mysqldb not installed")
+    else:
+        raise DatabaseException("Unknown database type specified")
+    return db

+ 93 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+# This file is part of Pwman3.
+# Pwman3 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; 
+# Pwman3 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with Pwman3; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+# Copyright (C) 2006 Ivan Kelly <ivan@ivankelly.net>
+from pwman.util.crypto import CryptoEngine
+class Node:
+    def __init__(self,username="",password="",url="",notes="",tags=[]):
+        """Initialise everything to null."""
+        self._id = 0;
+        enc = CryptoEngine.get()
+        self._username = enc.encrypt(username)
+        self._password = enc.encrypt(password)
+        self._url = enc.encrypt(url)
+        self._notes = enc.encrypt(notes)
+        self._tags = []
+        self.set_tags(tags)
+    def get_tags(self):
+        tags = []
+        enc = CryptoEngine.get()
+        for i in self._tags:
+            tags.append(enc.decrypt(i))
+        return tags
+    def set_tags(self, tags):
+        self._tags = []
+        enc = CryptoEngine.get()
+        for i in tags:
+            self._tags.append(enc.encrypt(i))
+    def get_id(self):
+        return self._id
+    def set_id(self, id):
+        self._id = id
+    def get_username(self):
+        """Return the username."""
+        enc = CryptoEngine.get()
+        return enc.decrypt(self._username)
+    def set_username(self, username):
+        """Set the username."""
+        enc = CryptoEngine.get()
+        self._username = enc.encrypt(username)
+    def get_password(self):
+        """Return the password."""
+        enc = CryptoEngine.get()
+        return enc.decrypt(self._password)
+    def set_password(self, password):
+        """Set the password."""
+        enc = CryptoEngine.get()
+        self._password = enc.encrypt(password)
+    def get_url(self):
+        """Return the URL."""
+        enc = CryptoEngine.get()
+        return enc.decrypt(self._url)
+    def set_url(self, url):
+        """Set the URL."""
+        enc = CryptoEngine.get()
+        self._url = enc.encrypt(url)
+    def get_notes(self):
+        """Return the Notes."""
+        enc = CryptoEngine.get()
+        return enc.decrypt(self._notes)
+    def set_notes(self, notes):
+        """Set the Notes."""
+        enc = CryptoEngine.get()
+        self._notes = enc.encrypt(notes)

+ 42 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# This file is part of Pwman3.
+# Pwman3 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; 
+# Pwman3 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with Pwman3; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+# Copyright (C) 2006 Ivan Kelly <ivan@ivankelly.net>
+from pwman.util.crypto import CryptoEngine
+class Tag:
+    def __init__(self, name):
+        self.set_name(name)
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if other._name == self._name:
+            return True
+        else:
+            return False
+    def get_name(self):
+        enc = CryptoEngine.get()
+        return enc.decrypt(self._name)
+    def set_name(self, name):
+        enc = CryptoEngine.get()
+        self._name = enc.encrypt(name)
+    def __str__(self):
+        return self.get_name()

+ 0 - 0

+ 53 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# This file is part of Pwman3.
+# Pwman3 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; 
+# Pwman3 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with Pwman3; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+# Copyright (C) 2006 Ivan Kelly <ivan@ivankelly.net>
+from cElementTree import Element, SubElement, dump, ElementTree
+from pwman.data.nodes import Node
+from pwman.data.tags import Tag
+class Exporter:
+    def types(self):
+        return ["pwman3"]
+    types = classmethod(types)
+    def get(self, type):
+        if type == "pwman3":
+            return Pwman3Exporter()
+    get = classmethod(get)
+    def export_data(self, db, file, nodeids):
+        pass
+class Pwman3Exporter(Exporter):
+    def export_data(self, db, file, nodeids):
+        nodeids = db.listnodes()
+        nodes = db.getnodes(nodeids)
+        root = Element("PwmanXmlList", version="3.0")
+        for n in nodes:
+            sub = SubElement(root, "Node")
+            SubElement(sub, "username").text = n.get_username()
+            SubElement(sub, "password").text = n.get_password()
+            SubElement(sub, "url").text = n.get_url()
+            SubElement(sub, "notes").text = n.get_notes()
+            tagelement = SubElement(sub, "tags")
+            for t in n.get_tags():
+                SubElement(tagelement, "name").text = t.get_name()
+        ElementTree(root).write(file)

+ 92 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+# This file is part of Pwman3.
+# Pwman3 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; 
+# Pwman3 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with Pwman3; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+# Copyright (C) 2006 Ivan Kelly <ivan@ivankelly.net>
+import cElementTree as ET
+from pwman.data.nodes import Node
+from pwman.data.tags import Tag
+class Importer:
+    def types(self):
+        return ["pwman3", "pwman1"]
+    types = classmethod(types)
+    def get(self, type):
+        if type == "pwman3":
+            return Pwman3Importer()
+        if type == "pwman1":
+            return Pwman1Importer()
+    get = classmethod(get)
+    def import_data(self, db, file):
+        pass
+class Pwman1Importer(Importer):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.tagstack = []
+        self.nodes = []
+    def parse_list(self, db, list):
+        lists = list.findall("PwList")
+        for l in lists:
+            name = l.get("name").lower().replace(' ', '')
+            self.tagstack.append(name)
+            self.parse_list(db, l)
+            self.tagstack.pop()
+        items = list.findall("PwItem")
+        tags = []
+        for t in self.tagstack:
+            tags.append(Tag(t))
+        for i in items:
+            username = i.findtext("user")
+            password = i.findtext("passwd")
+            url = i.findtext("host")
+            notes = "%s | %s" % (i.findtext("name"), i.findtext("launch"))
+            n = Node(username, password, url, notes)
+            n.set_tags(tags)
+            self.nodes.append(n)
+    def import_data(self, db, file):
+        tree = ET.parse(file)
+        root = tree.getroot()
+        list = root.find("PwList")
+        self.parse_list(db, list)
+        db.addnodes(self.nodes)
+class Pwman3Importer(Importer):
+    def import_data(self, db, file):
+        tree = ET.parse(file)
+        root = tree.getroot()
+        nodes = root.findall("Node")
+        nodesarray = []
+        for n in nodes:
+            username = n.findtext("username")
+            password = n.findtext("password")
+            url = n.findtext("url")
+            notes = n.findtext("notes")
+            node = Node(username, password, url, notes)
+            tagnames = n.find("tags").findall("name")
+            tags = []
+            for t in tagnames:
+                tags.append(Tag(t.text))
+            node.set_tags(tags)
+            nodesarray.append(node)
+        db.addnodes(nodesarray)

+ 0 - 0

+ 670 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,670 @@
+# This file is part of Pwman3.
+# Pwman3 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; 
+# Pwman3 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with Pwman3; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+# Copyright (C) 2006 Ivan Kelly <ivan@ivankelly.net>
+import pwman
+import pwman.exchange.importer as importer
+import pwman.exchange.exporter as exporter
+import pwman.util.generator as generator
+from pwman.data.nodes import Node
+from pwman.data.tags import Tag
+from pwman.util.crypto import CryptoEngine, CryptoBadKeyException, \
+     CryptoPasswordMismatchException
+from pwman.util.callback import Callback
+import pwman.util.config as config
+import re
+import sys
+import tty
+import os
+import getpass
+import cmd
+import traceback
+    import readline
+    _readline_available = True
+except ImportError, e:
+    _readline_available = False
+class CLICallback(Callback):
+    def getinput(self, question):
+        return raw_input(question)
+    def getsecret(self, question):
+        return getpass.getpass(question + ":")
+class ANSI(object):
+    Reset = 0
+    Bold = 1
+    Underscore = 2
+    Black = 30
+    Red = 31
+    Green = 32
+    Yellow = 33
+    Blue = 34
+    Magenta = 35
+    Cyan = 36
+    White = 37
+class PwmanCli(cmd.Cmd):
+    def error(self, exception):
+        if (isinstance(exception, KeyboardInterrupt)):
+            print
+        else:
+#            traceback.print_exc()
+            print "Error: %s " % (exception)
+    def do_EOF(self, args):
+        return self.do_exit(args)
+    def do_exit(self, args):
+        print
+        try:
+            self._db.close()
+        except Exception, e:
+            self.error(e)
+        return True
+    def get_ids(self, args):
+        ids = []
+        rx =re.compile(r"^(\d+)-(\d+)$")
+        idstrs = args.split()
+        for i in idstrs:
+            m = rx.match(i)
+            if m == None:
+                ids.append(int(i))
+            else:
+                ids += range(int(m.group(1)),
+                             int(m.group(2))+1)
+        return ids
+    def get_filesystem_path(self, default=""):
+        return getinput("Enter filename: ", default)
+    def get_username(self, default=""):
+        return getinput("Username: ", default)
+    def get_password(self, default=""):
+        password = getpassword("Password (Blank to generate): ", _defaultwidth, True)
+        if len(password) == 0:
+            length = getinput("Password length (default 7): ", "7")
+            length = int(length)
+            (password, dumpme) = generator.generate_password(length, length)
+            print "New password: %s" % (password)
+            return password
+        else:
+            return password
+    def get_url(self, default=""):
+        return getinput("Url: ", default)
+    def get_notes(self, default=""):
+        return getinput("Notes: ", default)
+    def get_tags(self, default=[]):
+        defaultstr = ''
+        if len(default) > 0:
+            for t in default:
+                defaultstr += "%s " % (t.get_name())
+        else:
+            tags = self._db.currenttags()
+            for t in tags:
+                defaultstr += "%s " % (t.get_name())
+        strings = []
+        tags = self._db.listtags(True)
+        for t in tags:
+            strings.append(t.get_name())
+        def complete(text, state):
+            count = 0
+            for s in strings:
+                if s.startswith(text):
+                    if count == state:
+                        return s
+                    else:
+                        count += 1
+        taglist = getinput("Tags: ", defaultstr, complete)
+        tagstrings = taglist.split()
+        tags = []
+        for tn in tagstrings:
+            tags.append(Tag(tn))
+        return tags
+    def print_node(self, node):
+        width = str(_defaultwidth)
+        print "Node %d." % (node.get_id())
+        print ("%"+width+"s %s") % (typeset("Username:", ANSI.Red),
+                                    node.get_username())
+        print ("%"+width+"s %s") % (typeset("Password:", ANSI.Red),
+                                    node.get_password())
+        print ("%"+width+"s %s") % (typeset("Url:", ANSI.Red),
+                                    node.get_url())
+        print ("%"+width+"s %s") % (typeset("Notes:", ANSI.Red),
+                                    node.get_notes())
+        print typeset("Tags: ", ANSI.Red),
+        for t in node.get_tags():
+            print "%s " % t.get_name(),
+        print
+    def do_tags(self, arg):
+        tags = self._db.listtags()
+        if len(tags) > 0:
+            tags[0].get_name() # hack to get password request before output
+        print "Tags: ",
+        if len(tags) == 0:
+            print "None",
+        for t in tags:
+            print "%s " % (t.get_name()),
+        print
+    def complete_filter(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
+        strings = []
+        enc = CryptoEngine.get()
+        if not enc.alive():
+            return strings
+        tags = self._db.listtags()
+        for t in tags:
+            name = t.get_name()
+            if name.startswith(text):
+                strings.append(t.get_name())
+        return strings
+    def do_filter(self, args):
+        tagstrings = args.split()
+        try:
+            tags = []
+            for ts in tagstrings:
+                tags.append(Tag(ts))
+            self._db.filter(tags)
+            tags = self._db.currenttags()
+            print "Current tags: ",
+            if len(tags) == 0:
+                print "None",
+            for t in tags:
+                print "%s " % (t.get_name()),
+            print
+        except Exception, e:
+            self.error(e)
+    def do_clear(self, args):
+        try:
+            self._db.clearfilter()
+        except Exception, e:
+            self.error(e)
+    def do_edit(self, arg):
+        ids = self.get_ids(arg)
+        for i in ids:
+            try:
+                i = int(i)
+                node = self._db.getnodes([i])[0]
+                menu = CliMenu()
+                print "Editing node %d." % (i)
+                menu.add(CliMenuItem("Username", self.get_username,
+                                     node.get_username,
+                                     node.set_username))
+                menu.add(CliMenuItem("Password", self.get_password,
+                                     node.get_password,
+                                     node.set_password))
+                menu.add(CliMenuItem("Url", self.get_url,
+                                     node.get_url,
+                                     node.set_url))
+                menu.add(CliMenuItem("Notes", self.get_notes,
+                                     node.get_notes,
+                                     node.set_notes))
+                menu.add(CliMenuItem("Tags", self.get_tags,
+                                     node.get_tags,
+                                     node.set_tags))
+                menu.run()
+                self._db.editnode(i, node)
+            except Exception, e:
+                self.error(e)
+    def do_import(self, arg):
+        try:
+            args = arg.split()
+            if len(args) == 0:
+                types = importer.Importer.types()
+                type = select("Select filetype:", types)
+                imp = importer.Importer.get(type)
+                file = getinput("Select file:")
+                imp.import_data(self._db, file)
+            else:
+                for i in args:
+                    types = importer.Importer.types()
+                    type = select("Select filetype:", types)
+                    imp = importer.Importer.get(type)
+                    imp.import_data(self._db, i)
+        except Exception, e:
+            self.error(e)
+    def do_export(self, arg):
+        try:
+            nodes = self.get_ids(arg)
+            types = exporter.Exporter.types()
+            type = select("Select filetype:", types)
+            exp = exporter.Exporter.get(type)
+            file = getinput("Select output file:")
+            if len(nodes) > 0:
+                b = getyesno("Export nodes %s?" % (nodes), True)
+                if not b:
+                    return
+                exp.export_data(self._db, file, nodes)
+            else:
+                nodes = self._db.listnodes()
+                tags = self._db.currenttags()
+                tagstr = ""
+                if len(tags) > 0:
+                    tagstr = " for "
+                    for t in tags:
+                        tagstr += "'%s' " % (t.get_name())
+                b = getyesno("Export all nodes%s?" % (tagstr), True)
+                if not b:
+                    return
+                exp.export_data(self._db, file, nodes)
+            print "Data exported."
+        except Exception, e:
+            self.error(e)
+    def do_new(self, arg):
+        try:
+            username = self.get_username()
+            password = self.get_password()
+            url = self.get_url()
+            notes = self.get_notes()
+            node = Node(username, password, url, notes)
+            tags = self.get_tags()
+            node.set_tags(tags)
+            self._db.addnodes([node])
+            print "Password ID: %d" % (node.get_id())
+        except Exception, e:
+            self.error(e)
+    def do_print(self, arg):
+        for i in self.get_ids(arg):
+            try:
+                node = self._db.getnodes([i])
+                self.print_node(node[0])
+            except Exception, e:
+                self.error(e)
+    def do_rm(self, arg):
+        self.do_delete(arg)
+    def do_delete(self, arg):
+         ids = self.get_ids(arg)
+         try:
+             nodes = self._db.getnodes(ids)
+             for n in nodes:
+                 b = getyesno("Are you sure you want to delete '%s@%s'?"
+                              % (n.get_username(), n.get_url()), False)
+                 if b == True:
+                     self._db.removenodes([n])
+                     print "%s@%s deleted" % (n.get_username(), n.get_url())
+         except Exception, e:
+             self.error(e)
+    def do_ls(self, args):
+        self.do_list(args)
+    def do_list(self, args):
+        self.do_filter('')
+        try:
+            nodeids = self._db.listnodes()
+            nodes = self._db.getnodes(nodeids)
+            i = 0
+            for n in nodes:
+                tags=n.get_tags()
+                tagstring = ''
+                first = True
+                for t in tags:
+                    if not first:
+                        tagstring += ", "
+                    else:
+                        first=False
+                    tagstring += t.get_name()
+                name = "%s@%s" % (n.get_username(), n.get_url())
+                if len(name) > 30:
+                    name = name[:27] + "..."
+                if len(tagstring) > 20:
+                    tagstring = tagstring[:17] + "..."
+                print typeset("%5d. %-30s %-20s" % (n.get_id(), name, tagstring),
+                              ANSI.Yellow, False)
+                i += 1
+                if i > 23:
+                    i = 0
+                    c = getonechar("Press <Space> for more, or 'Q' to cancel")
+                    if c == 'q':
+                        break
+        except Exception, e:
+            self.error(e)
+    def do_forget(self, args):
+        try:
+            enc = CryptoEngine.get()
+            enc.forget()
+        except Exception,e:
+            self.error(e)
+    def do_passwd(self, args):
+        try:
+            self._db.changepassword()
+        except Exception, e:
+            self.error(e)
+    def do_set(self, args):
+        argstrs = args.split()
+        try:
+            if len(argstrs) == 0:
+                conf = config.get_conf()
+                for s in conf.keys():
+                    for n in conf[s].keys():
+                        print "%s.%s = %s" % (s, n, conf[s][n])
+            elif len(argstrs) == 1:
+                r = re.compile("(.+)\.(.+)")
+                m = r.match(argstrs[0])
+                if m is None or len(m.groups()) != 2:
+                    print "Invalid option format"
+                    self.help_set()
+                    return
+                print "%s.%s = %s" % (m.group(1), m.group(2),
+                                      config.get_value(m.group(1), m.group(2)))
+            elif len(argstrs) == 2:
+                r = re.compile("(.+)\.(.+)")
+                m = r.match(argstrs[0])
+                if m is None or len(m.groups()) != 2:
+                    print "Invalid option format"
+                    self.help_set()
+                    return
+                config.set_value(m.group(1), m.group(2), argstrs[1])
+            else:
+                self.help_set()
+        except Exception, e:
+            self.error(e)
+    def do_save(self, args):
+        argstrs = args.split()
+        try:
+            if len(argstrs) > 0:
+                config.save(argstrs[0])
+            else:
+                config.save()
+            print "Config saved."
+        except Exception, e:
+            self.error(e)
+    ##
+    ## Help functions
+    ##
+    def usage(self, string):
+        print "Usage: %s" % (string)
+    def help_ls(self):
+        self.help_list()
+    def help_list(self):
+        self.usage("list")
+        print "List nodes that match current filter. ls is an alias."
+    def help_EOF(self):
+        self.help_quit()
+    def help_delete(self):
+        self.usage("delete <ID> ...")
+        print "Deletes nodes. rm is an alias."
+        self._mult_id_help()
+    def help_help(self):
+        self.usage("help [topic]")
+        print "Prints a help message for a command."
+    def help_edit(self):
+        self.usage("edit <ID> ... ")
+        print "Edits a nodes."
+        self._mult_id_help()
+    def help_import(self):
+        self.usage("import [filename] ...")
+        print "Imports a nodes from a file."
+    def help_export(self):
+        self.usage("export <ID> ... ")
+        print "Exports a list of ids to an external format. If no IDs are specified, then all nodes under the current filter are exported."
+        self._mult_id_help()
+    def help_new(self):
+        self.usage("new")
+        print "Creates a new node."
+    def help_rm(self):
+        self.help_delete()
+    def help_print(self):
+        self.usage("print <ID> ...")
+        print "Displays a node. ",
+        self._mult_id_help()
+    def _mult_id_help(self):
+        print "Multiple ids can be specified, separated by a space. A range of ids can be specified in the format n-N. e.g. 10-20 would specify all ids from 10 to 20 inclusive."
+    def help_exit(self):
+        self.usage("exit")
+        print "Exits the application."
+    def help_save(self):
+        self.usage("save [filename]")
+        print "Saves the current configuration to [filename]. If no filename is given, the configuration is saved to the file from which the initial configuration was loaded."
+    def help_set(self):
+        self.usage("set [configoption] [value]")
+        print "Sets a configuration option. If no value is specified, the current value for [configoption] is output. If neither [configoption] nor [value] are specified, the whole current configuration is output. [configoption] must be of the format <section>.<option>"
+    def help_ls(self):
+        self.help_list()
+    def help_passwd(self):
+        self.usage("passwd")
+        print "Changes the password on the database. "
+    def help_forget(self):
+        self.usage("forget")
+        print "Forgets the database password. Your password will need to be reentered before accessing the database again."
+    def help_clear(self):
+        self.usage("clear")
+        print "Clears the filter criteria. "
+    def help_filter(self):
+        self.usage("filter <tag> ...")
+        print "Filters nodes on tag. Arguments can be zero or more tags. Displays current tags if called without arguments."
+    def help_tags(self):
+        self.usage("tags")
+        print "Displays all tags in used in the database."
+    def postloop(self):
+        try:
+            readline.write_history_file(self._historyfile)
+        except Exception, e:
+            pass
+    def __init__(self, db):
+        cmd.Cmd.__init__(self)
+        self.intro = "%s %s (c) %s <%s>" % (pwman.appname, pwman.version,
+                                            pwman.author, pwman.authoremail)
+        self._historyfile = config.get_value("Readline", "history")
+        try:
+            enc = CryptoEngine.get()
+            enc.set_callback(CLICallback())
+            self._db = db
+            self._db.open()
+        except Exception, e:
+            self.error(e)
+            sys.exit(1)
+        try:
+            readline.read_history_file(self._historyfile)
+        except Exception, e:
+            pass
+        _colors = True
+        self.prompt = "pwman> "
+_defaultwidth = 10
+_colors = True
+def getonechar(question, width=_defaultwidth):
+    question = "%s " % (question)
+    print question.ljust(width),
+    sys.stdout.flush()
+    fd = sys.stdin.fileno()
+    tty_mode = tty.tcgetattr(fd)
+    tty.setcbreak(fd)
+    try:
+        ch = os.read(fd, 1)
+    finally:
+        tty.tcsetattr(fd, tty.TCSAFLUSH, tty_mode)
+    print ch
+    return ch
+def getyesno(question, defaultyes=False, width=_defaultwidth):
+    if (defaultyes):
+        default = "[Y/n]"
+    else:
+        default = "[y/N]"
+    ch = getonechar("%s %s" % (question, default), width)
+    if (ch == '\n'):
+        if (defaultyes):
+            return True
+        else:
+            return False
+    elif (ch == 'y' or ch == 'Y'):
+        return True
+    elif (ch == 'n' or ch == 'N'):
+        return False
+    else:
+        return getyesno(question, defaultyes, width)
+def getinput(question, default="", completer=None, width=_defaultwidth):
+    if (not _readline_available):
+        return raw_input(question.ljust(width))
+    else:
+        def defaulter(): readline.insert_text(default)
+        readline.set_startup_hook(defaulter)
+        oldcompleter = readline.get_completer()
+        readline.set_completer(completer)
+        x = raw_input(question.ljust(width))
+        readline.set_completer(oldcompleter)
+        readline.set_startup_hook()
+        return x
+def getpassword(question, width=_defaultwidth, echo=False):
+    if echo:
+        print question.ljust(width),
+        return sys.stdin.readline().rstrip()
+    else:
+        return getpass.getpass(question.ljust(width))
+def typeset(text, color, bold=False, underline=False):
+    if (not _colors):
+        return text
+    if (bold):
+        bold = "%d;" %(ANSI.Bold)
+    else:
+        bold = ""
+    if (underline):
+        underline = "%d;" % (ANSI.Underline)
+    else:
+        underline = ""
+    return "\033[%s%s%sm%s\033[%sm" % (bold, underline, color,
+                                       text, ANSI.Reset)
+def select(question, possible):
+    for i in range(0, len(possible)):
+        print ("%d - %-"+str(_defaultwidth)+"s") % (i+1, possible[i])
+    while 1:
+        input = getonechar(question)
+        if input.isdigit() and int(input) in range(1, len(possible)+1):
+            return possible[int(input)-1]
+class CliMenu(object):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.items = []
+    def add(self, item):
+        if (isinstance(item, CliMenuItem)):
+            self.items.append(item)
+        else:
+            print item.__class__
+    def run(self):
+        while True:
+            i = 0
+            for x in self.items:
+                i = i + 1
+                current = x.getter()
+                currentstr = ''
+                if type(current) == list:
+                    for c in current:
+                        currentstr += ("%s " % (c))
+                else:
+                    currentstr = current
+                print ("%d - %-"+str(_defaultwidth)+"s %s") % (i, x.name+":",
+                                                               currentstr)
+            print "%c - Finish editing" % ('X')
+            option = getonechar("Enter your choice:")
+            try:
+                # substract 1 because array subscripts start at 1
+                selection = int(option) - 1 
+                value = self.items[selection].editor(self.items[selection].getter())
+                self.items[selection].setter(value)
+            except (ValueError,IndexError):
+                if (option.upper() == 'X'):
+                    break
+                print "Invalid selection"
+class CliMenuItem(object):
+    def __init__(self, name, editor, getter, setter):
+        self.name = name
+        self.editor = editor
+        self.getter = getter
+        self.setter = setter

+ 0 - 0

+ 52 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+# This file is part of Pwman3.
+# Pwman3 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; 
+# Pwman3 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with Pwman3; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+# Copyright (C) 2006 Ivan Kelly <ivan@ivankelly.net>
+"""Callback interface
+To be used when UI needs to be back to get info from user.
+class Callback:
+    """Callback interface. Callback classes must implement this."""
+    def getinput(self, question):
+        """Return text"""
+        pass
+    def getsecret(self, question):
+        """Return key"""
+        pass
+    def error(self, error):
+        """Present error to user"""
+        pass
+    def warning(self, warning):
+        """Present warning to user"""
+        pass
+    def notice(self, warning):
+        """Present notice to user"""
+        pass
+class CallbackCancelException(Exception):
+    def __init__(self, message):
+        self.message = message
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "CallbackCancelException: %s" % (self.message)

+ 125 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+# This file is part of Pwman3.
+# Pwman3 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; 
+# Pwman3 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with Pwman3; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+# Copyright (C) 2006 Ivan Kelly <ivan@ivankelly.net>
+from ConfigParser import ConfigParser,ParsingError
+import copy
+class ConfigException(Exception):
+    """Basic exception for config."""
+    def __init__(self, message):
+        self.message = message
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "%s: %s" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.message)
+class ConfigNoConfigException(ConfigException):
+    pass
+_file = None
+_conf = dict()
+_defaults = dict()
+def set_defaults(defaults):
+    global _defaults
+    _defaults = defaults
+def add_defaults(defaults):
+    global _defaults
+    for n in defaults.keys():
+        if not _defaults.has_key(n):
+            _defaults[n] = dict()
+        for k in defaults[n].keys():
+            _defaults[n][k] = defaults[n][k]
+def get_value(section, name):
+    global _conf, _defaults
+    try:
+        return _conf[section][name]
+    except KeyError, e:
+        pass
+    try:
+        value = _defaults[section][name]
+        set_value(section, name, value)
+        return value
+    except KeyError, e:
+        pass
+    return ''
+def set_value(section, name, value):
+    global _conf
+    if not _conf.has_key(section):
+        _conf[section] = dict()
+    _conf[section][name] = value
+def get_conf():
+    """Get a copy of the config. Modifications have no effect. This function only serves for allowing applications to output the config to the user"""
+    global _conf
+    return copy.deepcopy(_conf)
+def load(filename):
+    """Load configuration from 'filename'."""
+    global _conf, _file
+    _file = filename
+    parser = ConfigParser()
+    fp = None
+    try:
+        try:
+            fp = file(filename, "r")
+            res = parser.readfp(fp)
+        except ParsingError,e:
+            raise ConfigException(e)
+        except IOError, e:
+            raise ConfigNoConfigException(e)
+    finally:
+        if (fp):
+            fp.close()
+    for section in parser.sections():
+        for option in parser.options(section):
+            set_value(section, option, parser.get(section, option))
+def save(filename=None):
+    """Save the configuration to 'filename'."""
+    global _conf, _file
+    if filename == None:
+        filename = _file
+    parser = ConfigParser()
+    for key in _conf.keys():
+        if not parser.has_section(key):
+            parser.add_section(key)
+        sectiondict = _conf[key]
+        if (type(sectiondict) == dict):
+            for optionkey in sectiondict.keys():
+                parser.set(key, optionkey, sectiondict[optionkey])
+    try:
+        fp = file(filename, "w+")
+        parser.write(fp)
+        fp.close()
+    except IOError, e:
+        raise ConfigException(str(e))

+ 312 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+# This file is part of Pwman3.
+# Pwman3 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; 
+# Pwman3 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with Pwman3; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+# Copyright (C) 2006 Ivan Kelly <ivan@ivankelly.net>
+"""Encryption Module used by PwmanDatabase
+Supports AES, ARC2, Blowfish, CAST, DES, DES3, IDEA, RC5.
+import pwman.util.crypto.CryptoEngine as CryptoEngine
+class myCallback(CryptoEngine.Callback):
+    def execute(self):
+        return "mykey"
+params = {'encryptionAlgorithm': 'AES',
+          'encryptionCallback': callbackFunction}
+crypto = CryptoEngine.get()
+ciphertext = crypto.encrypt("plaintext")
+plaintext = cyypto.decrypt(ciphertext)
+from Crypto.Cipher import *
+from Crypto.Util.randpool import RandomPool
+from pwman.util.callback import Callback
+import pwman.util.config as config
+import cPickle
+import time
+_instance = None
+# Use this to tell if crypto is successful or not
+class CryptoException(Exception):
+    """Generic Crypto Exception."""
+    def __init__(self, message):
+        self.message = message
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "CryptoException: " + self.message
+class CryptoUnsupportedException(CryptoException):
+    """Unsupported feature requested."""
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "CryptoUnsupportedException: " +self.message
+class CryptoBadKeyException(CryptoException):
+    """Encryption key is incorrect."""
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "CryptoBadKeyException: " + self.message
+class CryptoNoKeyException(CryptoException):
+    """No key has been initalised."""
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "CryptoNoKeyException: " + self.message
+class CryptoNoCallbackException(CryptoException):
+    """No Callback has been set."""
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "CryptoNoCallbackException: " + self.message
+class CryptoPasswordMismatchException(CryptoException):
+    """Entered passwords do not match."""
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "CryptoPasswordMismatchException: " + self.message
+class CryptoEngine:
+    """Cryptographic Engine"""
+    _timeoutcount = 0
+    _instance = None
+    _callback = None
+    def get(cls):
+        """
+        get() -> CryptoEngine
+        Return an instance of CryptoEngine.
+        If no instance is found, a CryptoException is raised.
+        """
+        if (CryptoEngine._instance == None):
+            algo = config.get_value("Encryption", "algorithm")
+            if algo == "Dummy":
+                CryptoEngine._instance = DummyCryptoEngine()
+            else:
+                CryptoEngine._instance = CryptoEngine()
+        return CryptoEngine._instance
+    get = classmethod(get)
+    def __init__(self):
+        """Initialise the Cryptographic Engine
+        params is a dictionary. Valid keys are:
+        algorithm: Which cipher to use
+        callback:  Callback class.
+        keycrypted: This should be set by the database layer.
+        timeout:   Time after which key will be forgotten.
+                             Default is -1 (disabled).
+        """
+        algo = config.get_value("Encryption", "algorithm")
+        if len(algo) > 0:
+            self._algo = algo
+        else:
+            raise CryptoException("Parameters missing [%s]" % (e) )
+        callback = config.get_value("Encryption", "callback")
+        if isinstance(callback, Callback):
+            self._callback = callback
+        else:
+            self._callback = None
+        keycrypted = config.get_value("Encryption", "keycrypted")
+        if len(keycrypted) > 0:
+            self._keycrypted = keycrypted
+        else:
+            self._keycrypted = None
+        timeout = config.get_value("Encryption", "timeout")
+        if timeout.isdigit():
+            self._timeout = timeout
+        else:
+            self._timeout = -1
+        self._cipher = None
+    def encrypt(self, obj):
+        """
+        encrypt(obj) -> ciphertext
+        Encrypt obj and return its ciphertext. obj must be a picklable class.
+        Can raise a CryptoException and CryptoUnsupportedException"""
+        cipher = self._getcipher()
+        plaintext = self._preparedata(obj, cipher.block_size)
+        ciphertext = cipher.encrypt(plaintext)
+        return str(ciphertext).encode('base64')
+    def decrypt(self, ciphertext):
+        """
+        decrypt(ciphertext) -> obj
+        Decrypt ciphertext and returns the obj that was encrypted.
+        If key is bad, a CryptoBadKeyException is raised
+        Can also raise a CryptoException and CryptoUnsupportedException"""
+        cipher = self._getcipher()
+        ciphertext = str(ciphertext).decode('base64')
+        plaintext = cipher.decrypt(ciphertext)
+        return self._retrievedata(plaintext)
+    def set_cryptedkey(self, key):
+        self._keycrypted = key
+    def get_cryptedkey(self):
+        return self._keycrypted
+    def set_callback(self, callback):
+        self._callback = callback
+    def get_callback(self):
+        return self._callback
+    def changepassword(self):
+        """
+        Creates a new key. The key itself is actually stored in
+        the database in crypted form. This key is encrypted using the
+        password that the user provides. This makes it easy to change the
+        password for the database.
+        If oldKeyCrypted is none, then a new password is generated."""
+        if (self._callback == None):
+            raise CryptoNoCallbackException("No call back class has been specified")
+        if (self._keycrypted == None):
+            # Generate a new key, 32 bits in length, if that's
+            # too long for the Cipher, _getCipherReal will sort it out
+            random = RandomPool()
+            key = str(random.get_bytes(32)).encode('base64')
+        else:
+            password = self._callback.getsecret("Please enter your current password")
+            cipher = self._getcipher_real(password, self._algo)
+            plainkey = cipher.decrypt(str(self._keycrypted).decode('base64'))
+            key = self._retrievedata(plainkey)
+        newpassword1 = self._callback.getsecret("Please enter your new password");
+        newpassword2 = self._callback.getsecret("Please enter your new password again");
+        if (newpassword1 != newpassword2):
+            raise CryptoPasswordMismatchException("Passwords do not match")
+        newcipher = self._getcipher_real(newpassword1, self._algo)
+        self._keycrypted = str(newcipher.encrypt(self._preparedata(key, newcipher.block_size))).encode('base64')
+        # we also want to create the cipher if there isn't one already
+        # so this CryptoEngine can be used from now on
+        if (self._cipher == None):
+            self._cipher = self._getcipher_real(str(key).decode('base64'), self._algo)
+            CryptoEngine._timeoutcount = time.time()        
+        return self._keycrypted
+    def alive(self):
+        if (self._cipher != None):
+            return True
+        else:
+            return False
+    def forget(self):
+        self._cipher = None
+    def _getcipher(self):
+        if (self._cipher != None
+            and (self._timeout == -1
+                 or (time.time() - CryptoEngine._timeoutcount) < self._timeout)):
+            return self._cipher
+        if (self._callback == None):
+            raise CryptoNoCallbackException("No Callback exception")
+        if (self._keycrypted == None):
+            raise CryptoNoKeyException("Encryption key has not been generated")
+        password = self._callback.getsecret("Please enter your password")
+        tmpcipher = self._getcipher_real(password, self._algo)
+        plainkey = tmpcipher.decrypt(str(self._keycrypted).decode('base64'))
+        key = self._retrievedata(plainkey)
+        self._cipher = self._getcipher_real(str(key).decode('base64'), self._algo)
+        CryptoEngine._timeoutcount = time.time()
+        return self._cipher
+    def _getcipher_real(self, key, algo):
+        if (algo == "AES"):
+            key = self._padkey(key, [16, 24, 32])
+            cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_ECB)
+        elif (algo == 'ARC2'):
+            cipher = ARC2.new(key, ARC2.MODE_ECB)
+        elif (algo == 'ARC4'):
+            raise CryptoUnsupportedException("ARC4 is currently unsupported")
+        elif (algo == 'Blowfish'):
+            cipher = Blowfish.new(key, Blowfish.MODE_ECB)
+        elif (algo == 'CAST'):
+            cipher = CAST.new(key, CAST.MODE_ECB)
+        elif (algo == 'DES'):
+            self._padkey(key, [8])
+            cipher = DES.new(key, DES.MODE_ECB)
+        elif (algo == 'DES3'):
+            key = self._padkey(key, [16, 24])
+            cipher = DES3.new(key, DES3.MODE_ECB)
+        elif (algo == 'IDEA'):
+            key = self._padkey(key, [16])
+            cipher = IDEA.new(key, IDEA.MODE_ECB)
+        elif (algo == 'RC5'):
+            cipher = RC5.new(key, RC5.MODE_ECB)
+        elif (algo == 'XOR'):
+            raise CryptoUnsupportedException("XOR is currently unsupported")
+        else:
+            raise CryptoException("Invalid algorithm specified")        
+        return cipher
+    def _padkey(self, key, acceptable_lengths):
+        maxlen = max(acceptable_lengths)
+        keylen = len(key)
+        if (keylen > maxlen):
+            return key[0:maxlen]
+        acceptable_lengths.sort()
+        acceptable_lengths.reverse()
+        newkeylen = None
+        for i in acceptable_lengths:
+            if (i < keylen):
+                break
+            newkeylen = i
+        return key.ljust(newkeylen)
+    def _preparedata(self, obj, blocksize):
+        plaintext = cPickle.dumps(obj)
+        plaintext = _TAG + plaintext
+        numblocks = (len(plaintext)/blocksize) + 1
+        newdatasize = blocksize*numblocks
+        return plaintext.ljust(newdatasize)
+    def _retrievedata(self, plaintext):
+        if (plaintext.startswith(_TAG)):
+            plaintext = plaintext[len(_TAG):]
+        else:
+            raise CryptoBadKeyException("Error decrypting, bad key")
+        return cPickle.loads(plaintext)
+class DummyCryptoEngine(CryptoEngine):
+    """Dummy CryptoEngine used when database doesn't ask for encryption.
+    Only for testing and debugging the DB drivers really."""
+    def __init__(self):
+        pass
+    def encrypt(self, obj):
+        """Return the object pickled."""
+        return cPickle.dumps(obj)
+    def decrypt(self, ciphertext):
+        """Unpickle the object."""
+        return cPickle.loads(str(ciphertext))
+    def changepassword(self):
+        return ''

+ 2276 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,2276 @@
+# This file is part of Pwman3.
+# Pwman3 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; 
+# Pwman3 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with Pwman3; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+# Copyright (C) 2006 Ivan Kelly <ivan@ivankelly.net>
+Functions to generate passwords.
+Based heavily on passogva.py (c) 2004 Mo-Tsuki, LLC.
+import pwman.util.generator as PwGen
+minlen = 6
+maxlen = 8
+(word, hypenated_word) = PwGen.generate_password(minlen, maxlen)
+import random
+class PasswordGenerationException(Exception):
+    def __init__(self, message):
+        self.message = message
+    def __str__(self):
+        return self.message
+def generate_password(minlen, maxlen, capitals = True, symbols = False):
+    (password, hyphenated) = generate_password_shazel(minlen, maxlen)
+    if (capitals):
+        password = randomly_capitalize(password)
+    if (symbols):
+        password = leetify(password)
+    return (password, hyphenated)
+def randomly_capitalize(password):
+    newpassword = str()
+    for l in password:
+        if (random.random() >= 0.5):
+            l = l.upper()
+        newpassword = newpassword + l
+    return newpassword
+def leetify(password):
+    newpassword = str()
+    for l in password:
+        if (random.random() >= 0.5):
+            l = leetify_char(l)
+        newpassword = newpassword + l
+    return newpassword
+# Dictionary of mappings for leetness
+leetlist = {
+    'w': "\/\/", 'W': "\/\/", 'e': '3', 'E': '3', 't': '+', 'T': '7',
+    'i': '1', 'I': '1', 'o': '0', 'O': '0', 'A': '4', 's': '5', 'S': '$',
+    'g': '9', 'K': '|<', 'k': '|<', 'x': '><', 'X': '><', 'c': '<', 'C': '<',
+    'v': '\/', 'V': '\/', 'n': '|\|', 'N': '|\|', 'm': '|\/|', 'M': '|\/|'
+    }
+def leetify_char(l):
+    try:
+        return leetlist[l]
+    except KeyError:
+        return l
+# Beyond this point layeth Steve Hazel's code
+# Steven Hazel <sah@mosuki.com>
+# I've added exceptions
+grams = ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l',
+         'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y',
+         'z', 'ch', 'gh', 'ph', 'rh', 'sh', 'th', 'wh', 'qu', 'ck')
+vowel_grams = ('a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u', 'y')
+occurrence_frequencies = {
+    'a'  : 10,      'b'  :  8,      'c'  : 12,      'd'  : 12,
+    'e'  : 12,      'f'  :  8,      'g'  :  8,      'h'  :  6,
+    'i'  : 10,      'j'  :  8,      'k'  :  8,      'l'  :  6,
+    'm'  :  6,      'n'  : 10,      'o'  : 10,      'p'  :  6,
+    'r'  : 10,      's'  :  8,      't'  : 10,      'u'  :  6,
+    'v'  :  8,      'w'  :  8,      'x'  :  1,      'y'  :  8,
+    'z'  :  1,      'ch' :  1,      'gh' :  1,      'ph' :  1,
+    'rh' :  1,      'sh' :  2,      'th' :  1,      'wh' :  1,
+    'qu' :  1,      'ck' :  1}
+numbers = []
+for gram in grams:
+    for i in range(occurrence_frequencies[gram]):
+        numbers.append(gram)
+vowel_numbers = []
+for gram in vowel_grams:
+    for i in range(occurrence_frequencies[gram]):
+        vowel_numbers.append(gram)
+# Bit flags
+# gram rules:
+VOWEL = 0x02
+# digram rules:
+BEGIN = 0x80
+NOT_BEGIN = 0x40
+BREAK = 0x20
+PREFIX = 0x10
+SUFFIX = 0x04
+END = 0x02
+NOT_END = 0x01
+gram_rules = dict()
+for gram in grams:
+    gram_rules[ gram ] = NO_SPECIAL_RULE
+for gram in vowel_grams:
+    gram_rules[ gram ] = VOWEL
+gram_rules['e'] |= NO_FINAL_SPLIT
+gram_rules['y'] |= ALTERNATE_VOWEL
+gram_rules['x']  = NOT_BEGIN_SYLLABLE
+gram_rules['ck'] = NOT_BEGIN_SYLLABLE
+digram_rules = dict()
+digram_rules['a'] = dict()
+digram_rules['a']['a'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['a']['b'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['a']['c'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['a']['d'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['a']['e'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['a']['f'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['a']['g'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['a']['h'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['a']['i'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['a']['j'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['a']['k'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['a']['l'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['a']['m'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['a']['n'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['a']['o'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['a']['p'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['a']['r'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['a']['s'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['a']['t'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['a']['u'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['a']['v'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['a']['w'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['a']['x'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['a']['y'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['a']['z'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['a']['ch'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['a']['gh'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['a']['ph'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['a']['rh'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['a']['sh'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['a']['th'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['a']['wh'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['a']['qu'] = BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['a']['ck'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['b'] = dict()
+digram_rules['b']['a'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['b']['b'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['b']['c'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['b']['d'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['b']['e'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['b']['f'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['b']['g'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['b']['h'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['b']['i'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['b']['j'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['b']['k'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['b']['l'] = BEGIN | SUFFIX | NOT_END
+digram_rules['b']['m'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['b']['n'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['b']['o'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['b']['p'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['b']['r'] = BEGIN | END
+digram_rules['b']['s'] = NOT_BEGIN
+digram_rules['b']['t'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['b']['u'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['b']['v'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['b']['w'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['b']['x'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['b']['y'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['b']['z'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['b']['ch'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['b']['gh'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['b']['ph'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['b']['rh'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['b']['sh'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['b']['th'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['b']['wh'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['b']['qu'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['b']['ck'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['c'] = dict()
+digram_rules['c']['a'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['c']['b'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['c']['c'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['c']['d'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['c']['e'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['c']['f'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['c']['g'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['c']['h'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['c']['i'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['c']['j'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['c']['k'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['c']['l'] = SUFFIX | NOT_END
+digram_rules['c']['m'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['c']['n'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['c']['o'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['c']['p'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['c']['r'] = NOT_END
+digram_rules['c']['s'] = NOT_BEGIN | END
+digram_rules['c']['t'] = NOT_BEGIN | PREFIX
+digram_rules['c']['u'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['c']['v'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['c']['w'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['c']['x'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['c']['y'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['c']['z'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['c']['ch'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['c']['gh'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['c']['ph'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['c']['rh'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['c']['sh'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['c']['th'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['c']['wh'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['c']['qu'] = NOT_BEGIN | SUFFIX | NOT_END
+digram_rules['c']['ck'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['d'] = dict()
+digram_rules['d']['a'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['d']['b'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['d']['c'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['d']['d'] = NOT_BEGIN
+digram_rules['d']['e'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['d']['f'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['d']['g'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['d']['h'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['d']['i'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['d']['j'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['d']['k'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['d']['l'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['d']['m'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['d']['n'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['d']['o'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['d']['p'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['d']['r'] = BEGIN | NOT_END
+digram_rules['d']['s'] = NOT_BEGIN | END
+digram_rules['d']['t'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['d']['u'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['d']['v'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['d']['w'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['d']['x'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['d']['y'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['d']['z'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['d']['ch'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['d']['gh'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['d']['ph'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['d']['rh'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['d']['sh'] = NOT_BEGIN | NOT_END
+digram_rules['d']['th'] = NOT_BEGIN | PREFIX
+digram_rules['d']['wh'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['d']['qu'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['d']['ck'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['e'] = dict()
+digram_rules['e']['a'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['e']['b'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['e']['c'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['e']['d'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['e']['e'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['e']['f'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['e']['g'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['e']['h'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['e']['i'] = NOT_END
+digram_rules['e']['j'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['e']['k'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['e']['l'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['e']['m'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['e']['n'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['e']['o'] = BREAK
+digram_rules['e']['p'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['e']['r'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['e']['s'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['e']['t'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['e']['u'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['e']['v'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['e']['w'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['e']['x'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['e']['y'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['e']['z'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['e']['ch'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['e']['gh'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['e']['ph'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['e']['rh'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['e']['sh'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['e']['th'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['e']['wh'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['e']['qu'] = BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['e']['ck'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['f'] = dict()
+digram_rules['f']['a'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['f']['b'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['f']['c'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['f']['d'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['f']['e'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['f']['f'] = NOT_BEGIN
+digram_rules['f']['g'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['f']['h'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['f']['i'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['f']['j'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['f']['k'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['f']['l'] = BEGIN | SUFFIX | NOT_END
+digram_rules['f']['m'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['f']['n'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['f']['o'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['f']['p'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['f']['r'] = BEGIN | NOT_END
+digram_rules['f']['s'] = NOT_BEGIN
+digram_rules['f']['t'] = NOT_BEGIN
+digram_rules['f']['u'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['f']['v'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['f']['w'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['f']['x'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['f']['y'] = NOT_BEGIN
+digram_rules['f']['z'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['f']['ch'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['f']['gh'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['f']['ph'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['f']['rh'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['f']['sh'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['f']['th'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['f']['wh'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['f']['qu'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['f']['ck'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['g'] = dict()
+digram_rules['g']['a'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['g']['b'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['g']['c'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['g']['d'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['g']['e'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['g']['f'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['g']['g'] = NOT_BEGIN
+digram_rules['g']['h'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['g']['i'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['g']['j'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['g']['k'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['g']['l'] = BEGIN | SUFFIX | NOT_END
+digram_rules['g']['m'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['g']['n'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['g']['o'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['g']['p'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['g']['r'] = BEGIN | NOT_END
+digram_rules['g']['s'] = NOT_BEGIN | END
+digram_rules['g']['t'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['g']['u'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['g']['v'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['g']['w'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['g']['x'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['g']['y'] = NOT_BEGIN
+digram_rules['g']['z'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['g']['ch'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['g']['gh'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['g']['ph'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['g']['rh'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['g']['sh'] = NOT_BEGIN
+digram_rules['g']['th'] = NOT_BEGIN
+digram_rules['g']['wh'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['g']['qu'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['g']['ck'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['h'] = dict()
+digram_rules['h']['a'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['h']['b'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['h']['c'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['h']['d'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['h']['e'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['h']['f'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['h']['g'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['h']['h'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['h']['i'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['h']['j'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['h']['k'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['h']['l'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['h']['m'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['h']['n'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['h']['o'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['h']['p'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['h']['r'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['h']['s'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['h']['t'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['h']['u'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['h']['v'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['h']['w'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['h']['x'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['h']['y'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['h']['z'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['h']['ch'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['h']['gh'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['h']['ph'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['h']['rh'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['h']['sh'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['h']['th'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['h']['wh'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['h']['qu'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['h']['ck'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['i'] = dict()
+digram_rules['i']['a'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['i']['b'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['i']['c'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['i']['d'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['i']['e'] = NOT_BEGIN
+digram_rules['i']['f'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['i']['g'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['i']['h'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['i']['i'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['i']['j'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['i']['k'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['i']['l'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['i']['m'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['i']['n'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['i']['o'] = BREAK
+digram_rules['i']['p'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['i']['r'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['i']['s'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['i']['t'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['i']['u'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['i']['v'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['i']['w'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['i']['x'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['i']['y'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['i']['z'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['i']['ch'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['i']['gh'] = NOT_BEGIN
+digram_rules['i']['ph'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['i']['rh'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['i']['sh'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['i']['th'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['i']['wh'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['i']['qu'] = BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['i']['ck'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['j'] = dict()
+digram_rules['j']['a'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['j']['b'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['j']['c'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['j']['d'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['j']['e'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['j']['f'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['j']['g'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['j']['h'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['j']['i'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['j']['j'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['j']['k'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['j']['l'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['j']['m'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['j']['n'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['j']['o'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['j']['p'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['j']['r'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['j']['s'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['j']['t'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['j']['u'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['j']['v'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['j']['w'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['j']['x'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['j']['y'] = NOT_BEGIN
+digram_rules['j']['z'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['j']['ch'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['j']['gh'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['j']['ph'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['j']['rh'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['j']['sh'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['j']['th'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['j']['wh'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['j']['qu'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['j']['ck'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['k'] = dict()
+digram_rules['k']['a'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['k']['b'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['k']['c'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['k']['d'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['k']['e'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['k']['f'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['k']['g'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['k']['h'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['k']['i'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['k']['j'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['k']['k'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['k']['l'] = SUFFIX | NOT_END
+digram_rules['k']['m'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['k']['n'] = BEGIN | SUFFIX | NOT_END
+digram_rules['k']['o'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['k']['p'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['k']['r'] = SUFFIX | NOT_END
+digram_rules['k']['s'] = NOT_BEGIN | END
+digram_rules['k']['t'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['k']['u'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['k']['v'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['k']['w'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['k']['x'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['k']['y'] = NOT_BEGIN
+digram_rules['k']['z'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['k']['ch'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['k']['gh'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['k']['ph'] = NOT_BEGIN | PREFIX
+digram_rules['k']['rh'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['k']['sh'] = NOT_BEGIN
+digram_rules['k']['th'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['k']['wh'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['k']['qu'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['k']['ck'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['l'] = dict()
+digram_rules['l']['a'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['l']['b'] = NOT_BEGIN | PREFIX
+digram_rules['l']['c'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['l']['d'] = NOT_BEGIN | PREFIX
+digram_rules['l']['e'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['l']['f'] = NOT_BEGIN | PREFIX
+digram_rules['l']['g'] = NOT_BEGIN | PREFIX
+digram_rules['l']['h'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['l']['i'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['l']['j'] = NOT_BEGIN | PREFIX
+digram_rules['l']['k'] = NOT_BEGIN | PREFIX
+digram_rules['l']['l'] = NOT_BEGIN | PREFIX
+digram_rules['l']['m'] = NOT_BEGIN | PREFIX
+digram_rules['l']['n'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['l']['o'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['l']['p'] = NOT_BEGIN | PREFIX
+digram_rules['l']['r'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['l']['s'] = NOT_BEGIN
+digram_rules['l']['t'] = NOT_BEGIN | PREFIX
+digram_rules['l']['u'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['l']['v'] = NOT_BEGIN | PREFIX
+digram_rules['l']['w'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['l']['x'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['l']['y'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['l']['z'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['l']['ch'] = NOT_BEGIN | PREFIX
+digram_rules['l']['gh'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['l']['ph'] = NOT_BEGIN | PREFIX
+digram_rules['l']['rh'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['l']['sh'] = NOT_BEGIN | PREFIX
+digram_rules['l']['th'] = NOT_BEGIN | PREFIX
+digram_rules['l']['wh'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['l']['qu'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['l']['ck'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['m'] = dict()
+digram_rules['m']['a'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['m']['b'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['m']['c'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['m']['d'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['m']['e'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['m']['f'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['m']['g'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['m']['h'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['m']['i'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['m']['j'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['m']['k'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['m']['l'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['m']['m'] = NOT_BEGIN
+digram_rules['m']['n'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['m']['o'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['m']['p'] = NOT_BEGIN
+digram_rules['m']['r'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['m']['s'] = NOT_BEGIN
+digram_rules['m']['t'] = NOT_BEGIN
+digram_rules['m']['u'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['m']['v'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['m']['w'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['m']['x'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['m']['y'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['m']['z'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['m']['ch'] = NOT_BEGIN | PREFIX
+digram_rules['m']['gh'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['m']['ph'] = NOT_BEGIN
+digram_rules['m']['rh'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['m']['sh'] = NOT_BEGIN
+digram_rules['m']['th'] = NOT_BEGIN
+digram_rules['m']['wh'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['m']['qu'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['m']['ck'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['n'] = dict()
+digram_rules['n']['a'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['n']['b'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['n']['c'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['n']['d'] = NOT_BEGIN
+digram_rules['n']['e'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['n']['f'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['n']['g'] = NOT_BEGIN | PREFIX
+digram_rules['n']['h'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['n']['i'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['n']['j'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['n']['k'] = NOT_BEGIN | PREFIX
+digram_rules['n']['l'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['n']['m'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['n']['n'] = NOT_BEGIN
+digram_rules['n']['o'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['n']['p'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['n']['r'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['n']['s'] = NOT_BEGIN
+digram_rules['n']['t'] = NOT_BEGIN
+digram_rules['n']['u'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['n']['v'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['n']['w'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['n']['x'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['n']['y'] = NOT_BEGIN
+digram_rules['n']['z'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['n']['ch'] = NOT_BEGIN | PREFIX
+digram_rules['n']['gh'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['n']['ph'] = NOT_BEGIN | PREFIX
+digram_rules['n']['rh'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['n']['sh'] = NOT_BEGIN
+digram_rules['n']['th'] = NOT_BEGIN
+digram_rules['n']['wh'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['n']['qu'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['n']['ck'] = NOT_BEGIN | PREFIX
+digram_rules['o'] = dict()
+digram_rules['o']['a'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['o']['b'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['o']['c'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['o']['d'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['o']['e'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['o']['f'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['o']['g'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['o']['h'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['o']['i'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['o']['j'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['o']['k'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['o']['l'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['o']['m'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['o']['n'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['o']['o'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['o']['p'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['o']['r'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['o']['s'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['o']['t'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['o']['u'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['o']['v'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['o']['w'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['o']['x'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['o']['y'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['o']['z'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['o']['ch'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['o']['gh'] = NOT_BEGIN
+digram_rules['o']['ph'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['o']['rh'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['o']['sh'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['o']['th'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['o']['wh'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['o']['qu'] = BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['o']['ck'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['p'] = dict()
+digram_rules['p']['a'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['p']['b'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['p']['c'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['p']['d'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['p']['e'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['p']['f'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['p']['g'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['p']['h'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['p']['i'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['p']['j'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['p']['k'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['p']['l'] = SUFFIX | NOT_END
+digram_rules['p']['m'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['p']['n'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['p']['o'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['p']['p'] = NOT_BEGIN | PREFIX
+digram_rules['p']['r'] = NOT_END
+digram_rules['p']['s'] = NOT_BEGIN | END
+digram_rules['p']['t'] = NOT_BEGIN | END
+digram_rules['p']['u'] = NOT_BEGIN | END
+digram_rules['p']['v'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['p']['w'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['p']['x'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['p']['y'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['p']['z'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['p']['ch'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['p']['gh'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['p']['ph'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['p']['rh'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['p']['sh'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['p']['th'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['p']['wh'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['p']['qu'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['p']['ck'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['r'] = dict()
+digram_rules['r']['a'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['r']['b'] = NOT_BEGIN | PREFIX
+digram_rules['r']['c'] = NOT_BEGIN | PREFIX
+digram_rules['r']['d'] = NOT_BEGIN | PREFIX
+digram_rules['r']['e'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['r']['f'] = NOT_BEGIN | PREFIX
+digram_rules['r']['g'] = NOT_BEGIN | PREFIX
+digram_rules['r']['h'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['r']['i'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['r']['j'] = NOT_BEGIN | PREFIX
+digram_rules['r']['k'] = NOT_BEGIN | PREFIX
+digram_rules['r']['l'] = NOT_BEGIN | PREFIX
+digram_rules['r']['m'] = NOT_BEGIN | PREFIX
+digram_rules['r']['n'] = NOT_BEGIN | PREFIX
+digram_rules['r']['o'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['r']['p'] = NOT_BEGIN | PREFIX
+digram_rules['r']['r'] = NOT_BEGIN | PREFIX
+digram_rules['r']['s'] = NOT_BEGIN | PREFIX
+digram_rules['r']['t'] = NOT_BEGIN | PREFIX
+digram_rules['r']['u'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['r']['v'] = NOT_BEGIN | PREFIX
+digram_rules['r']['w'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['r']['x'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['r']['y'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['r']['z'] = NOT_BEGIN | PREFIX
+digram_rules['r']['ch'] = NOT_BEGIN | PREFIX
+digram_rules['r']['gh'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['r']['ph'] = NOT_BEGIN | PREFIX
+digram_rules['r']['rh'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['r']['sh'] = NOT_BEGIN | PREFIX
+digram_rules['r']['th'] = NOT_BEGIN | PREFIX
+digram_rules['r']['wh'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['r']['qu'] = NOT_BEGIN | PREFIX | NOT_END
+digram_rules['r']['ck'] = NOT_BEGIN | PREFIX
+digram_rules['s'] = dict()
+digram_rules['s']['a'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['s']['b'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['s']['c'] = NOT_END
+digram_rules['s']['d'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['s']['e'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['s']['f'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['s']['g'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['s']['h'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['s']['i'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['s']['j'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['s']['k'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['s']['l'] = BEGIN | SUFFIX | NOT_END
+digram_rules['s']['m'] = SUFFIX | NOT_END
+digram_rules['s']['n'] = PREFIX | SUFFIX | NOT_END
+digram_rules['s']['o'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['s']['p'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['s']['r'] = NOT_BEGIN | NOT_END
+digram_rules['s']['s'] = NOT_BEGIN | PREFIX
+digram_rules['s']['t'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['s']['u'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['s']['v'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['s']['w'] = BEGIN | SUFFIX | NOT_END
+digram_rules['s']['x'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['s']['y'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['s']['z'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['s']['ch'] = BEGIN | SUFFIX | NOT_END
+digram_rules['s']['gh'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['s']['ph'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['s']['rh'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['s']['sh'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['s']['th'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['s']['wh'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['s']['qu'] = SUFFIX | NOT_END
+digram_rules['s']['ck'] = NOT_BEGIN
+digram_rules['t'] = dict()
+digram_rules['t']['a'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['t']['b'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['t']['c'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['t']['d'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['t']['e'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['t']['f'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['t']['g'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['t']['h'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['t']['i'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['t']['j'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['t']['k'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['t']['l'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['t']['m'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['t']['n'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['t']['o'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['t']['p'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['t']['r'] = NOT_END
+digram_rules['t']['s'] = NOT_BEGIN | END
+digram_rules['t']['t'] = NOT_BEGIN | PREFIX
+digram_rules['t']['u'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['t']['v'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['t']['w'] = BEGIN | SUFFIX | NOT_END
+digram_rules['t']['x'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['t']['y'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['t']['z'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['t']['ch'] = NOT_BEGIN
+digram_rules['t']['gh'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['t']['ph'] = NOT_BEGIN | END
+digram_rules['t']['rh'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['t']['sh'] = NOT_BEGIN | END
+digram_rules['t']['th'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['t']['wh'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['t']['qu'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['t']['ck'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['u'] = dict()
+digram_rules['u']['a'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['u']['b'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['u']['c'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['u']['d'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['u']['e'] = NOT_BEGIN
+digram_rules['u']['f'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['u']['g'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['u']['h'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['u']['i'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['u']['j'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['u']['k'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['u']['l'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['u']['m'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['u']['n'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['u']['o'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK
+digram_rules['u']['p'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['u']['r'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['u']['s'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['u']['t'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['u']['u'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['u']['v'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['u']['w'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['u']['x'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['u']['y'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['u']['z'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['u']['ch'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['u']['gh'] = NOT_BEGIN | PREFIX
+digram_rules['u']['ph'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['u']['rh'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['u']['sh'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['u']['th'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['u']['wh'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['u']['qu'] = BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['u']['ck'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['v'] = dict()
+digram_rules['v']['a'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['v']['b'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['v']['c'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['v']['d'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['v']['e'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['v']['f'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['v']['g'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['v']['h'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['v']['i'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['v']['j'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['v']['k'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['v']['l'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['v']['m'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['v']['n'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['v']['o'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['v']['p'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['v']['r'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['v']['s'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['v']['t'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['v']['u'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['v']['v'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['v']['w'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['v']['x'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['v']['y'] = NOT_BEGIN
+digram_rules['v']['z'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['v']['ch'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['v']['gh'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['v']['ph'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['v']['rh'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['v']['sh'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['v']['th'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['v']['wh'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['v']['qu'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['v']['ck'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['w'] = dict()
+digram_rules['w']['a'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['w']['b'] = NOT_BEGIN | PREFIX
+digram_rules['w']['c'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['w']['d'] = NOT_BEGIN | PREFIX | END
+digram_rules['w']['e'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['w']['f'] = NOT_BEGIN | PREFIX
+digram_rules['w']['g'] = NOT_BEGIN | PREFIX | END
+digram_rules['w']['h'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['w']['i'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['w']['j'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['w']['k'] = NOT_BEGIN | PREFIX
+digram_rules['w']['l'] = NOT_BEGIN | PREFIX | SUFFIX
+digram_rules['w']['m'] = NOT_BEGIN | PREFIX
+digram_rules['w']['n'] = NOT_BEGIN | PREFIX
+digram_rules['w']['o'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['w']['p'] = NOT_BEGIN | PREFIX
+digram_rules['w']['r'] = BEGIN | SUFFIX | NOT_END
+digram_rules['w']['s'] = NOT_BEGIN | PREFIX
+digram_rules['w']['t'] = NOT_BEGIN | PREFIX
+digram_rules['w']['u'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['w']['v'] = NOT_BEGIN | PREFIX
+digram_rules['w']['w'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['w']['x'] = NOT_BEGIN | PREFIX
+digram_rules['w']['y'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['w']['z'] = NOT_BEGIN | PREFIX
+digram_rules['w']['ch'] = NOT_BEGIN
+digram_rules['w']['gh'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['w']['ph'] = NOT_BEGIN
+digram_rules['w']['rh'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['w']['sh'] = NOT_BEGIN
+digram_rules['w']['th'] = NOT_BEGIN
+digram_rules['w']['wh'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['w']['qu'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['w']['ck'] = NOT_BEGIN
+digram_rules['x'] = dict()
+digram_rules['x']['a'] = NOT_BEGIN
+digram_rules['x']['b'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['x']['c'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['x']['d'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['x']['e'] = NOT_BEGIN
+digram_rules['x']['f'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['x']['g'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['x']['h'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['x']['i'] = NOT_BEGIN
+digram_rules['x']['j'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['x']['k'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['x']['l'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['x']['m'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['x']['n'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['x']['o'] = NOT_BEGIN
+digram_rules['x']['p'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['x']['r'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['x']['s'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['x']['t'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['x']['u'] = NOT_BEGIN
+digram_rules['x']['v'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['x']['w'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['x']['x'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['x']['y'] = NOT_BEGIN
+digram_rules['x']['z'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['x']['ch'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['x']['gh'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['x']['ph'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['x']['rh'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['x']['sh'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['x']['th'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['x']['wh'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['x']['qu'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['x']['ck'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['y'] = dict()
+digram_rules['y']['a'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['y']['b'] = NOT_BEGIN
+digram_rules['y']['c'] = NOT_BEGIN | NOT_END
+digram_rules['y']['d'] = NOT_BEGIN
+digram_rules['y']['e'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['y']['f'] = NOT_BEGIN | NOT_END
+digram_rules['y']['g'] = NOT_BEGIN
+digram_rules['y']['h'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['y']['i'] = BEGIN | NOT_END
+digram_rules['y']['j'] = NOT_BEGIN | NOT_END
+digram_rules['y']['k'] = NOT_BEGIN
+digram_rules['y']['l'] = NOT_BEGIN | NOT_END
+digram_rules['y']['m'] = NOT_BEGIN
+digram_rules['y']['n'] = NOT_BEGIN
+digram_rules['y']['o'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['y']['p'] = NOT_BEGIN
+digram_rules['y']['r'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['y']['s'] = NOT_BEGIN
+digram_rules['y']['t'] = NOT_BEGIN
+digram_rules['y']['u'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['y']['v'] = NOT_BEGIN | NOT_END
+digram_rules['y']['w'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['y']['x'] = NOT_BEGIN
+digram_rules['y']['y'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['y']['z'] = NOT_BEGIN
+digram_rules['y']['ch'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['y']['gh'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['y']['ph'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['y']['rh'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['y']['sh'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['y']['th'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['y']['wh'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['y']['qu'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['y']['ck'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['z'] = dict()
+digram_rules['z']['a'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['z']['b'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['z']['c'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['z']['d'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['z']['e'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['z']['f'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['z']['g'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['z']['h'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['z']['i'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['z']['j'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['z']['k'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['z']['l'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['z']['m'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['z']['n'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['z']['o'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['z']['p'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['z']['r'] = NOT_BEGIN | NOT_END
+digram_rules['z']['s'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['z']['t'] = NOT_BEGIN
+digram_rules['z']['u'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['z']['v'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['z']['w'] = SUFFIX | NOT_END
+digram_rules['z']['x'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['z']['y'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['z']['z'] = NOT_BEGIN
+digram_rules['z']['ch'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['z']['gh'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['z']['ph'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['z']['rh'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['z']['sh'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['z']['th'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['z']['wh'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['z']['qu'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['z']['ck'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['ch'] = dict()
+digram_rules['ch']['a'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['ch']['b'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['ch']['c'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['ch']['d'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['ch']['e'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['ch']['f'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['ch']['g'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['ch']['h'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['ch']['i'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['ch']['j'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['ch']['k'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['ch']['l'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['ch']['m'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['ch']['n'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['ch']['o'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['ch']['p'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['ch']['r'] = NOT_END
+digram_rules['ch']['s'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['ch']['t'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['ch']['u'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['ch']['v'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['ch']['w'] = NOT_BEGIN | NOT_END
+digram_rules['ch']['x'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['ch']['y'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['ch']['z'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['ch']['ch'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['ch']['gh'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['ch']['ph'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['ch']['rh'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['ch']['sh'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['ch']['th'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['ch']['wh'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['ch']['qu'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['ch']['ck'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['gh'] = dict()
+digram_rules['gh']['a'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['gh']['b'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | PREFIX | NOT_END
+digram_rules['gh']['c'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | PREFIX | NOT_END
+digram_rules['gh']['d'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | PREFIX | NOT_END
+digram_rules['gh']['e'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['gh']['f'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | PREFIX | NOT_END
+digram_rules['gh']['g'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | PREFIX | NOT_END
+digram_rules['gh']['h'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | PREFIX | NOT_END
+digram_rules['gh']['i'] = BEGIN | NOT_END
+digram_rules['gh']['j'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | PREFIX | NOT_END
+digram_rules['gh']['k'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | PREFIX | NOT_END
+digram_rules['gh']['l'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | PREFIX | NOT_END
+digram_rules['gh']['m'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | PREFIX | NOT_END
+digram_rules['gh']['n'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | PREFIX | NOT_END
+digram_rules['gh']['o'] = BEGIN | NOT_END
+digram_rules['gh']['p'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['gh']['r'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | PREFIX | NOT_END
+digram_rules['gh']['s'] = NOT_BEGIN | PREFIX
+digram_rules['gh']['t'] = NOT_BEGIN | PREFIX
+digram_rules['gh']['u'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | PREFIX | NOT_END
+digram_rules['gh']['v'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | PREFIX | NOT_END
+digram_rules['gh']['w'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | PREFIX | NOT_END
+digram_rules['gh']['x'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['gh']['y'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | PREFIX | NOT_END
+digram_rules['gh']['z'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | PREFIX | NOT_END
+digram_rules['gh']['ch'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | PREFIX | NOT_END
+digram_rules['gh']['gh'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['gh']['ph'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | PREFIX | NOT_END
+digram_rules['gh']['rh'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['gh']['sh'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | PREFIX | NOT_END
+digram_rules['gh']['th'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | PREFIX | NOT_END
+digram_rules['gh']['wh'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['gh']['qu'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | PREFIX | NOT_END
+digram_rules['gh']['ck'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['ph'] = dict()
+digram_rules['ph']['a'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['ph']['b'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['ph']['c'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['ph']['d'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['ph']['e'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['ph']['f'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['ph']['g'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['ph']['h'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['ph']['i'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['ph']['j'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['ph']['k'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['ph']['l'] = BEGIN | SUFFIX | NOT_END
+digram_rules['ph']['m'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['ph']['n'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['ph']['o'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['ph']['p'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['ph']['r'] = NOT_END
+digram_rules['ph']['s'] = NOT_BEGIN
+digram_rules['ph']['t'] = NOT_BEGIN
+digram_rules['ph']['u'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['ph']['v'] = NOT_BEGIN | NOT_END
+digram_rules['ph']['w'] = NOT_BEGIN | NOT_END
+digram_rules['ph']['x'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['ph']['y'] = NOT_BEGIN
+digram_rules['ph']['z'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['ph']['ch'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['ph']['gh'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['ph']['ph'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['ph']['rh'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['ph']['sh'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['ph']['th'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['ph']['wh'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['ph']['qu'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['ph']['ck'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['rh'] = dict()
+digram_rules['rh']['a'] = BEGIN | NOT_END
+digram_rules['rh']['b'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['rh']['c'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['rh']['d'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['rh']['e'] = BEGIN | NOT_END
+digram_rules['rh']['f'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['rh']['g'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['rh']['h'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['rh']['i'] = BEGIN | NOT_END
+digram_rules['rh']['j'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['rh']['k'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['rh']['l'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['rh']['m'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['rh']['n'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['rh']['o'] = BEGIN | NOT_END
+digram_rules['rh']['p'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['rh']['r'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['rh']['s'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['rh']['t'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['rh']['u'] = BEGIN | NOT_END
+digram_rules['rh']['v'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['rh']['w'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['rh']['x'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['rh']['y'] = BEGIN | NOT_END
+digram_rules['rh']['z'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['rh']['ch'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['rh']['gh'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['rh']['ph'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['rh']['rh'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['rh']['sh'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['rh']['th'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['rh']['wh'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['rh']['qu'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['rh']['ck'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['sh'] = dict()
+digram_rules['sh']['a'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['sh']['b'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['sh']['c'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['sh']['d'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['sh']['e'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['sh']['f'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['sh']['g'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['sh']['h'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['sh']['i'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['sh']['j'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['sh']['k'] = NOT_BEGIN
+digram_rules['sh']['l'] = BEGIN | SUFFIX | NOT_END
+digram_rules['sh']['m'] = BEGIN | SUFFIX | NOT_END
+digram_rules['sh']['n'] = BEGIN | SUFFIX | NOT_END
+digram_rules['sh']['o'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['sh']['p'] = NOT_BEGIN
+digram_rules['sh']['r'] = BEGIN | SUFFIX | NOT_END
+digram_rules['sh']['s'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['sh']['t'] = SUFFIX
+digram_rules['sh']['u'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['sh']['v'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['sh']['w'] = SUFFIX | NOT_END
+digram_rules['sh']['x'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['sh']['y'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['sh']['z'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['sh']['ch'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['sh']['gh'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['sh']['ph'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['sh']['rh'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['sh']['sh'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['sh']['th'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['sh']['wh'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['sh']['qu'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['sh']['ck'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['th'] = dict()
+digram_rules['th']['a'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['th']['b'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['th']['c'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['th']['d'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['th']['e'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['th']['f'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['th']['g'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['th']['h'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['th']['i'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['th']['j'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['th']['k'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['th']['l'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['th']['m'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['th']['n'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['th']['o'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['th']['p'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['th']['r'] = NOT_END
+digram_rules['th']['s'] = NOT_BEGIN | END
+digram_rules['th']['t'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['th']['u'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['th']['v'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['th']['w'] = SUFFIX | NOT_END
+digram_rules['th']['x'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['th']['y'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['th']['z'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['th']['ch'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['th']['gh'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['th']['ph'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['th']['rh'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['th']['sh'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['th']['th'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['th']['wh'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['th']['qu'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['th']['ck'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['wh'] = dict()
+digram_rules['wh']['a'] = BEGIN | NOT_END
+digram_rules['wh']['b'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['wh']['c'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['wh']['d'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['wh']['e'] = BEGIN | NOT_END
+digram_rules['wh']['f'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['wh']['g'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['wh']['h'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['wh']['i'] = BEGIN | NOT_END
+digram_rules['wh']['j'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['wh']['k'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['wh']['l'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['wh']['m'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['wh']['n'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['wh']['o'] = BEGIN | NOT_END
+digram_rules['wh']['p'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['wh']['r'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['wh']['s'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['wh']['t'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['wh']['u'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['wh']['v'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['wh']['w'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['wh']['x'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['wh']['y'] = BEGIN | NOT_END
+digram_rules['wh']['z'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['wh']['ch'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['wh']['gh'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['wh']['ph'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['wh']['rh'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['wh']['sh'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['wh']['th'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['wh']['wh'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['wh']['qu'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['wh']['ck'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['qu'] = dict()
+digram_rules['qu']['a'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['qu']['b'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['qu']['c'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['qu']['d'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['qu']['e'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['qu']['f'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['qu']['g'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['qu']['h'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['qu']['i'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['qu']['j'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['qu']['k'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['qu']['l'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['qu']['m'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['qu']['n'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['qu']['o'] = ANY_COMBINATION
+digram_rules['qu']['p'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['qu']['r'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['qu']['s'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['qu']['t'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['qu']['u'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['qu']['v'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['qu']['w'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['qu']['x'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['qu']['y'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['qu']['z'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['qu']['ch'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['qu']['gh'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['qu']['ph'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['qu']['rh'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['qu']['sh'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['qu']['th'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['qu']['wh'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['qu']['qu'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['qu']['ck'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['ck'] = dict()
+digram_rules['ck']['a'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['ck']['b'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['ck']['c'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['ck']['d'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['ck']['e'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['ck']['f'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['ck']['g'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['ck']['h'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['ck']['i'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['ck']['j'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['ck']['k'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['ck']['l'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['ck']['m'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['ck']['n'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['ck']['o'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['ck']['p'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['ck']['r'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['ck']['s'] = NOT_BEGIN
+digram_rules['ck']['t'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['ck']['u'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['ck']['v'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['ck']['w'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['ck']['x'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['ck']['y'] = NOT_BEGIN
+digram_rules['ck']['z'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['ck']['ch'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['ck']['gh'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['ck']['ph'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['ck']['rh'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['ck']['sh'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['ck']['th'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['ck']['wh'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+digram_rules['ck']['qu'] = NOT_BEGIN | BREAK | NOT_END
+digram_rules['ck']['ck'] = ILLEGAL_PAIR
+def marked(flag, first_unit, second_unit):
+    return digram_rules[first_unit][second_unit] & flag
+# Generates a random word, as well as its hyphenated form.  The
+# length of the returned word will be between minlen and maxlen.
+def generate_password_shazel(minlen = MIN_LENGTH_PASSWORD,
+                      maxlen = MAX_LENGTH_PASSWORD):
+    if (minlen > maxlen):
+        raise PasswordGenerationException("minlen minlen is greater than maxlen maxlen.")
+    #
+    # Check for zero length words.  This is technically not an error,
+    # so we take the short cut and return empty words.
+    #
+    if (maxlen == 0):
+        raise PasswordGenerationException("maxlen must be greater than 0.")
+    word = ''
+    for i in range(MAX_UNACCEPTABLE):
+        results = _random_word(random.randint(minlen, maxlen))
+        word = results[0]
+        hyphenated_word = results[1]
+        if (word != ''):
+            break
+    if (word == "" and (minlen > 0)):
+        raise PasswordGenerationException("failed to generate an acceptable random password.")
+    return (word, hyphenated_word)
+# Selects a random element from an array.
+def random_element(ar):
+    try:
+        keys = ar.keys()
+    except:
+        keys = range(len(ar))
+    return ar[ keys[random.randint(0, len(keys) - 1)] ]
+# This is the routine that returns a random word.  It collects random
+# syllables until a predetermined word length is found.  If a retry
+# threshold is reached, another word is tried.
+def _random_word(pwlen):
+    word = ''
+    word_syllables = []
+    max_retries = (4 * pwlen) + len(grams)
+    tries = 0 # count of retries.
+    # word_units used to be an array of indices into the 'rules' C-array.
+    # now it's an array of actual units (grams).
+    word_units = []
+    saved_pair = []
+    #
+    # Find syllables until the entire word is constructed.
+    #
+    while(len(word) < pwlen):
+        #
+        # Get the syllable and find its length.
+        #
+        new_syllable, syllable_units, saved_pair = get_syllable(pwlen - len(word), saved_pair)
+        #
+        # Append the syllable units to the word units.
+        #
+        word_units = word_units + syllable_units
+        #
+        # If the word has been improperly formed, throw out
+        # the syllable.  The checks performed here are those
+        # that must be formed on a word basis.  The other
+        # tests are performed entirely within the syllable.
+        # Otherwise, append the syllable to the word.
+        #
+        if not (
+            _improper_word(word_units)
+             or
+            (
+                 word == ''
+                 and
+                 _have_initial_y(syllable_units)
+            )
+             or
+             (
+                 len(word + new_syllable) == pwlen
+                 and
+                 _have_final_split(syllable_units)
+            )
+           ):
+            word = word + new_syllable
+            word_syllables.append(new_syllable)
+        #
+        # Keep track of the times we have tried to get syllables.
+        # If we have exceeded the threshold, start from scratch.
+        #
+        tries = tries + 1
+        if (tries > max_retries):
+            tries = 0
+            word = ''
+            word_syllables = []
+            word_units = []
+    return (word, '-'.join(word_syllables))
+# Selects a gram (aka "unit").  This is the standard random unit
+# generating routine for get_syllable().
+# This routine attempts to return grams (units) with a distribution
+# approaching that of the distribution of the units in English.
+# The distribution of the units may be altered in this procedure
+# without affecting the digram table or any other programs using the
+# random_word function, as long as the set of grams (units) is kept
+# consistent throughout this library.
+def _random_unit(type):
+    if (type & VOWEL):
+        # Sometimes, we are asked to explicitly get a vowel (i.e., if
+        # a digram pair expects one following it).  This is a
+        # shortcut to do that and avoid looping with rejected
+        # consonants.
+        return random_element(vowel_numbers)
+    else:
+        # Get any letter according to the English distribution.
+        return random_element(numbers)
+# Check that the word does not contain illegal combinations
+# that may span syllables.  Specifically, these are:
+#  1. An illegal pair of units between syllables.
+#  2. Three consecutive vowel units.
+#  3. Three consecutive consonant units.
+# The checks are made against units (1 or 2 letters), not against
+# the individual letters, so three consecutive units can have
+# the length of 6 at most.
+def _improper_word(units):
+    failure = 0
+    for unit_count in range(len(units)):
+        #
+        # Check for ILLEGAL_PAIR.
+        # This should have been caught for units within a syllable,
+        # but in some cases it would have gone unnoticed for units between syllables
+        # (e.g., when saved units in get_syllable() were not used).
+        #
+        if (unit_count > 0
+            and digram_rules[units[unit_count-1]][units[unit_count]]
+            & ILLEGAL_PAIR):
+            return 1 # Failure!
+        if (unit_count >= 2):
+            #
+            # Check for consecutive vowels or consonants.  Because the
+            # initial y of a syllable is treated as a consonant rather
+            # than as a vowel, we exclude y from the first vowel in the
+            # vowel test.  The only problem comes when y ends a syllable
+            # and two other vowels start the next, like fly-oint.  Since
+            # such words are still pronounceable, we accept this.
+            #
+            #
+            # Vowel check.
+            #
+            if ((
+                (gram_rules[units[unit_count - 2]] & VOWEL)
+                and
+                not (gram_rules[units[unit_count - 2]] & ALTERNATE_VOWEL)
+                and
+                (gram_rules[units[unit_count - 1]] & VOWEL)
+                and
+                (gram_rules[units[unit_count    ]] & VOWEL)
+                )
+            or
+            #
+            # Consonant check.
+            #
+                (
+                not (gram_rules[units[unit_count - 2]] & VOWEL)
+                and
+                not (gram_rules[units[unit_count - 1]] & VOWEL)
+                and
+                not (gram_rules[units[unit_count    ]] & VOWEL)
+                )):
+                return 1 # Failure!
+    return 0 # success
+# Treating y as a vowel is sometimes a problem.  Some words get
+# formed that look irregular.  One special group is when y starts a
+# word and is the only vowel in the first syllable.  The word ycl is
+# one example.  We discard words like these.
+def _have_initial_y(units):
+    vowel_count = 0
+    normal_vowel_count = 0
+    for unit_count in range(len(units)):
+        #
+        # Count vowels.
+        #
+        if (gram_rules[units[unit_count]] & VOWEL):
+            vowel_count = vowel_count + 1
+            #
+            # Count the vowels that are not:
+            #  1. 'y'
+            #  2. at the start of the word.
+            #
+            if (not (gram_rules[units[unit_count]] & ALTERNATE_VOWEL) or (unit_count > 0)):
+                normal_vowel_count = normal_vowel_count + 1
+    return (vowel_count <= 1) and (normal_vowel_count == 0)
+# Besides the problem with the letter y, there is one with a silent e
+# at the end of words, like face or nice.  We allow this silent e,
+# but we do not allow it as the only vowel at the end of the word or
+# syllables like ble will be generated.
+def _have_final_split(units):
+    vowel_count = 0
+    #
+    # Count all the vowels in the word.
+    #
+    for unit_count in range(len(units)):
+        if (gram_rules[units[unit_count]] & VOWEL):
+            vowel_count = vowel_count + 1
+    #
+    # Return TRUE iff the only vowel was e, found at the end if the word.
+    #
+    return ((vowel_count == 1)
+             and (gram_rules[units[len(units) - 1]] & NO_FINAL_SPLIT))
+def digram_is_invalid(first_unit, second_unit, current_unit_num,
+                      length_left, units_in_syllable, vowel_count):
+    #
+    # Reject ILLEGAL_PAIRS of units.
+    #
+    if (marked(ILLEGAL_PAIR,
+                first_unit,
+                second_unit)):
+        return 1
+    #
+    # Reject units that will be split between
+    # syllables when the syllable has no vowels
+    # in it.
+    #
+    if (marked(BREAK,
+                first_unit,
+                second_unit) and
+        (vowel_count == 0)):
+        return 1
+    #
+    # Reject a unit that will end a syllable when
+    # no previous unit was a vowel and neither is
+    # this one.
+    #
+    if (marked(END,
+                first_unit,
+                second_unit) and
+        (vowel_count == 0) and
+        not (gram_rules[second_unit] & VOWEL)):
+        return 1
+    if (current_unit_num == 1):
+        #
+        # Reject the unit if we are at the starting
+        # digram of a syllable and it does not fit.
+        #
+        if (marked(NOT_BEGIN,
+                    first_unit,
+                    second_unit)):
+            return 1
+    else:
+        # We are not at the start of a syllable.
+        #
+        # Do not allow syllables where the first letter is y
+        # and the next pair can begin a syllable.  This may
+        # lead to splits where y is left alone in a syllable.
+        # Also, the combination does not sound to good even
+        # if not split.
+        #
+        if ((current_unit_num == 2) and
+            marked(BEGIN,
+                    first_unit,
+                    second_unit) and
+            (gram_rules[units_in_syllable[0]] &
+              ALTERNATE_VOWEL)):
+            return 1
+        #
+        # If this is the last unit of a word, we
+        # should reject any digram that cannot end a
+        # syllable.
+        #
+        if (marked(NOT_END,
+                    first_unit,
+                    second_unit) and
+            (length_left == 0)):
+            return 1
+        #
+        # Reject the unit if the digram it forms wants
+        # to break the syllable, but the resulting
+        # digram that would end the syllable is not
+        # allowed to end a syllable.
+        #
+        if (marked(BREAK,
+                    first_unit,
+                    second_unit) and
+            (digram_rules[units_in_syllable[current_unit_num-2]]
+              [first_unit] & NOT_END)):
+            return 1
+        #
+        # Reject the unit if the digram it forms
+        # expects a vowel preceding it and there
+        # is none.
+        #
+        if (marked(PREFIX,
+                    first_unit,
+                    second_unit) and
+            not (gram_rules[ units_in_syllable[current_unit_num-2] ] &
+               VOWEL)):
+            return 1
+    return 0
+# Generate next unit to password, making sure that it follows these rules:
+# 1. Each syllable must contain exactly 1 or 2 consecutive vowels,
+# where y is considered a vowel.
+# 2. Syllable end is determined as follows:
+#    a. Vowel is generated and previous unit is a consonant and
+#       syllable already has a vowel.  In this case, new syllable is
+#       started and already contains a vowel.
+#    b. A pair determined to be a "break" pair is encountered.
+#       In this case new syllable is started with second unit of this pair.
+#    c. End of password is encountered.
+#    d. "begin" pair is encountered legally.  New syllable is started
+#    with this pair.
+#    e. "end" pair is legally encountered.  New syllable has nothing yet.
+# 3. Try generating another unit if:
+#    a. third consecutive vowel and not y.
+#    b. "break" pair generated but no vowel yet in current or
+#       previous 2 units are "not_end".
+#    c. "begin" pair generated but no vowel in syllable preceding begin pair,
+#       or both previous 2 pairs are designated "not_end".
+#    d. "end" pair generated but no vowel in current syllable or in
+#       "end" pair.
+#    e. "not_begin" pair generated but new syllable must begin
+#       (because previous syllable ended as defined in 2 above).
+#    f. vowel is generated and 2a is satisfied, but no syllable break
+#       is possible in previous 3 pairs.
+#    g. Second and third units of syllable must begin, and first unit
+#       is "alternate_vowel".
+def get_syllable(pwlen, saved_pair):
+    #
+    # This is needed if the saved_pair is tried and the syllable then
+    # discarded because of the retry limit. Since the saved_pair is OK and
+    # fits in nicely with the preceding syllable, we will always use it.
+    #
+    hold_saved_pair = saved_pair
+    max_retries = (4 * pwlen) + len(grams)
+    max_loops = 100
+    num_loops = 0
+    #
+    # Loop until valid syllable is found.
+    #
+    while True:  # do: ftso python while: not PEP 315.
+        #
+        # Try for a new syllable.  Initialize all pertinent
+        # syllable variables.
+        #
+        syllable = ""               # string, returned
+        units_in_syllable = dict()  # array of units, returned
+        # grams:
+        unit = ''
+        current_unit = 0
+        last_unit = ''
+        # numbers:
+        vowel_count = 0
+        tries = 0
+        length_left = pwlen
+        # flags:
+        rule_broken = 0
+        want_vowel = 0
+        want_another_unit = 1
+        saved_pair = hold_saved_pair
+        #
+        # This loop finds all the units for the syllable.
+        #
+        while True:  # do: ftso python while: not PEP 315.
+            want_vowel = 0
+            #
+            # This loop continues until a valid unit is found for the
+            # current position within the syllable.
+            #
+            while True:  # do: ftso python while: not PEP 315.
+                rule_broken = 0
+                #
+                # If there are saved units from the previous
+                # syllable, use them up first.
+                #
+                #
+                # If there were two saved units, the first is
+                # guaranteed (by checks performed in the previous
+                # syllable) to be valid.  We ignore the checks and
+                # place it in this syllable manually.
+                #
+                if (len(saved_pair) == 2):
+                    syllable = saved_pair.pop()
+                    units_in_syllable[0] = syllable
+                    if (gram_rules[syllable] & VOWEL):
+                        vowel_count = vowel_count + 1
+                    current_unit = current_unit + 1
+                    length_left -= len(syllable)
+                if (len(saved_pair) > 0):
+                    #
+                    # The unit becomes the last unit checked in the
+                    # previous syllable.
+                    #
+                    unit = saved_pair.pop()
+                    #
+                    # The saved units have been used.  Do not try to
+                    # reuse them in this syllable (unless this
+                    # particular syllable is rejected at which point
+                    # we start to rebuild it with these same saved
+                    # units).
+                    #
+                else:
+                    #
+                    # If we don't have to consider the saved units,
+                    # we generate a random one.
+                    #
+                    if (want_vowel):
+                        unit = _random_unit(VOWEL)
+                    else:
+                        unit = _random_unit(NO_SPECIAL_RULE)
+                length_left -= len(unit)
+                rule_broken = 0
+                #
+                # Prevent having a word longer than expected.
+                #
+                if (length_left < 0):
+                    rule_broken = 1
+                #
+                # First unit of syllable.  This is special because
+                # the digram tests require 2 units and we don't have
+                # that yet.  Nevertheless, we can perform some
+                # checks.
+                #
+                if (current_unit == 0):
+                    #
+                    # If this shouldn't begin a syllable, don't use it.
+                    #
+                    if (gram_rules[unit] & NOT_BEGIN_SYLLABLE):
+                        rule_broken = 1
+                    elif (length_left == 0):
+                        #
+                        # If this is the last unit of a word, we have
+                        # a one unit syllable.  Since each syllable
+                        # must have a vowel, we make sure the unit is
+                        # a vowel.  Otherwise, we discard it.
+                        #
+                        if (gram_rules[unit] & VOWEL):
+                            want_another_unit = 0
+                        else:
+                            rule_broken = 1
+                else:
+                    #
+                    # We are not at the start of a syllable.
+                    # Save the previous unit for later tests.
+                    #
+                    last_unit = units_in_syllable[current_unit-1]
+                    #
+                    # There are some digram tests that are
+                    # universally true.  We test them out.
+                    #
+                    if (digram_is_invalid(last_unit,
+                                               unit,
+                                               current_unit,
+                                               length_left,
+                                               units_in_syllable,
+                                               vowel_count)):
+                        rule_broken = 1
+                    #
+                    # The following checks occur when the current
+                    # unit is a vowel and we are not looking at a
+                    # word ending with an e.
+                    #
+                    if (not rule_broken and
+                        (gram_rules[unit] & VOWEL) and
+                        ((length_left > 0)
+                          or not (gram_rules[last_unit] & NO_FINAL_SPLIT))):
+                        #
+                        # Don't allow 3 consecutive vowels in a
+                        # syllable.  Although some words formed
+                        # like this are OK, like "beau", most are
+                        # not.
+                        #
+                        if ((vowel_count > 1) and
+                            (gram_rules[last_unit] & VOWEL)):
+                            rule_broken = 1
+                        #
+                        # Check for the case of
+                        # vowels-consonants-vowel, which is only
+                        # legal if the last vowel is an e and we
+                        # are the end of the word (which is not
+                        # happening here due to a previous
+                        # check).
+                        #
+                        elif ((vowel_count != 0) and not (gram_rules[last_unit] & VOWEL)):
+                            #
+                            # Try to save the vowel for the next
+                            # syllable, but if the syllable left here
+                            # is not proper (i.e., the resulting last
+                            # digram cannot legally end it), just
+                            # discard it and try for another.
+                            #
+                            if (digram_rules[ units_in_syllable[ current_unit - 2] ][last_unit] & NOT_END):
+                                rule_broken = 1
+                            else:
+                                saved_pair = [unit]
+                                want_another_unit = 0
+                    #
+                    # The unit picked and the digram formed are legal.
+                    # We now determine if we can end the syllable.  It may,
+                    # in some cases, mean the last unit(s) may be deferred to
+                    # the next syllable.  We also check here to see if the
+                    # digram formed expects a vowel to follow.
+                    #
+                    if (not rule_broken and want_another_unit):
+                        if ((vowel_count != 0) and
+                           (gram_rules[unit] & NO_FINAL_SPLIT) and
+                           (length_left == 0) and
+                           not (gram_rules[last_unit] & VOWEL)):
+                            #
+                            # This word ends in a silent e.
+                            #
+                            want_another_unit = 0
+                        elif (marked(END,
+                                     last_unit,
+                                     unit)
+                              or (length_left == 0)):
+                            #
+                            # This syllable ends either because the
+                            # digram is a END pair or we would
+                            # otherwise exceed the length of the
+                            # word.
+                            #
+                            want_another_unit = 0
+                        elif (vowel_count != 0 and length_left > 0):
+                            #
+                            # Since we have a vowel in the syllable
+                            # already, if the digram calls for the end of the
+                            # syllable, we can legally split it off. We also
+                            # make sure that we are not at the end of the
+                            # dangerous because that syllable may not have
+                            # vowels, or it may not be a legal syllable end,
+                            # and the retrying mechanism will loop infinitely
+                            # with the same digram.
+                            #
+                            #
+                            # If we must begin a syllable, we do so if
+                            # the only vowel in THIS syllable is not part
+                            # of the digram we are pushing to the next
+                            # syllable.
+                            #
+                            if (marked(BEGIN,
+                                        last_unit,
+                                        unit) and
+                                (current_unit > 1) and
+                                not ((vowel_count == 1) and
+                                   (gram_rules[last_unit] & VOWEL))):
+                                saved_pair = [unit, last_unit]
+                                want_another_unit = 0
+                            elif (
+                                marked(BREAK,
+                                       last_unit,
+                                       unit)):
+                                saved_pair = [unit]
+                                want_another_unit = 0
+                        elif (
+                            marked(SUFFIX,
+                                   last_unit,
+                                   unit)):
+                            want_vowel = 1
+                tries = tries + 1
+                #
+                # If this unit was illegal, redetermine the amount of
+                # letters left to go in the word.
+                #
+                if (rule_broken):
+                    length_left += len(unit)
+                if not (rule_broken and tries <= max_retries):
+                    break
+            #
+            # The unit fit OK.
+            #
+            if (tries <= max_retries):
+                #
+                # If the unit were a vowel, count it in.  However, if
+                # the unit were a y and appear at the start of the
+                # syllable, treat it like a constant (so that words
+                # like "year" can appear and not conflict with the 3
+                # consecutive vowel rule).
+                #
+                if (
+                    (gram_rules[unit] & VOWEL)
+                and
+                    ((current_unit > 0) or not (gram_rules[unit] & ALTERNATE_VOWEL))
+               ):
+                    vowel_count = vowel_count + 1
+                #
+                # If a unit or units were to be saved, we must adjust
+                # the syllable formed.  Otherwise, we append the
+                # current unit to the syllable.
+                #
+                if (len(saved_pair) == 2):
+                    syllable = syllable[0:
+                                        len(syllable) -
+                                        len(last_unit)]
+                    length_left += len(last_unit)
+                    current_unit -= 2
+                elif (len(saved_pair) == 1):
+                    current_unit = current_unit - 1
+                else:
+                    units_in_syllable[ current_unit ] = unit
+                    syllable = syllable + unit
+            else:
+                #
+                # Whoops!  Too many tries.  We set rule_broken so we
+                # can loop in the outer loop and try another
+                # syllable.
+                #
+                rule_broken = 1
+            current_unit = current_unit + 1
+            if not (tries <= max_retries and want_another_unit):
+                break
+        num_loops = num_loops + 1
+        if not ((rule_broken or _illegal_placement(units_in_syllable))):
+            break
+    return (syllable, units_in_syllable.values(), saved_pair)
+# goes through an individual syllable and checks for illegal
+# combinations of letters that go beyond looking at digrams.
+# We look at things like 3 consecutive vowels or consonants, or
+# syllables with consonants between vowels (unless one of them is the
+# final silent e).
+def _illegal_placement(units):
+    vowel_count = 0
+    failure = 0
+    for unit_count in range(len(units)):
+        if (failure):
+            break
+        if (unit_count >= 1):
+            #
+            # Don't allow vowels to be split with consonants in a
+            # single syllable.  If we find such a combination (except
+            # for the silent e) we have to discard the syllable.
+            #
+            if (
+                (
+                    not (gram_rules[units[unit_count-1]] & VOWEL)
+                 and
+                     (gram_rules[units[unit_count  ]] & VOWEL)
+                 and
+                    not ((gram_rules[units[unit_count  ]] & NO_FINAL_SPLIT) and (unit_count == len(units)))
+                 and
+                     vowel_count
+                )
+             or
+                 #
+                 # Perform these checks when we have at least 3 units.
+                 #
+                 (
+                     (unit_count >= 2)
+                 and
+                     (
+                         #
+                         # Disallow 3 consecutive consonants.
+                         #
+                         (
+                             not (gram_rules[units[unit_count-2]] & VOWEL)
+                         and
+                             not (gram_rules[units[unit_count-1]] & VOWEL)
+                         and
+                             not (gram_rules[units[unit_count]] & VOWEL)
+                        )
+                     or
+                         #
+                         # Disallow 3 consecutive vowels, where the
+                         # first is not a y.
+                         #
+                         (
+                             (gram_rules[units[unit_count-2]] & VOWEL)
+                         and
+                             not ((gram_rules[units[0]] & ALTERNATE_VOWEL)
+                                  and (unit_count == 2))
+                         and
+                             (gram_rules[units[unit_count-1]] & VOWEL)
+                         and
+                             (gram_rules[units[unit_count]] & VOWEL)
+                        )
+                    )
+                )
+            ):
+                    failure = 1
+        #
+        # Count the vowels in the syllable.  As mentioned somewhere
+        # above, exclude the initial y of a syllable.  Instead, treat
+        # it as a consonant.
+        #
+        if (
+            (gram_rules[units[unit_count]] & VOWEL)
+        and
+            not (
+                (gram_rules[units[0]] & ALTERNATE_VOWEL)
+            and
+                (unit_count == 0)
+            and
+                (len(units) > 1)
+           )
+       ):
+            vowel_count = vowel_count + 1
+    return failure

+ 109 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+# This file is part of Pwman3.
+# Pwman3 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; 
+# Pwman3 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with Pwman3; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+# Copyright (C) 2006 Ivan Kelly <ivan@ivankelly.net>
+from pwman.util.crypto import CryptoEngine
+from pwman.ui.cli import PwmanCli
+import pwman.util.config as config
+import pwman.data.factory
+import getopt,sys
+import os
+import os.path
+_saveconfig = True
+def print_help():
+    print """Syntax: %s [options]
+ -c, --config FILE      Read configuration from FILE
+ -d, --database FILE    Use FILE as database
+ -e, --encryption ALGO  Use ALGO to encrypt data
+                        Possible options are:
+                         AES, ARC2, ARC4, Blowfish(default),
+                         CAST, DES, DES3, IDEA, RC5
+ -h, --help             Display this help and exit
+Please report bugs at http://pwman.bleurgh.com
+""" % (sys.argv[0])
+    config_dir = os.path.expanduser("~/.pwman")
+    if not os.path.isdir(config_dir):
+        os.mkdir(config_dir)
+    config_file = os.path.join(config_dir, "config")
+    default_config = {'Global': {'umask': '0077'},
+                      'Database':{'type':'SQLite',
+                                  'filename':os.path.join(config_dir, "pwman.db")},
+                      'Encryption':{'algorithm': 'Blowfish'},
+                      'Readline': {'history':os.path.join(config_dir, "history")}
+                      }
+    config.set_defaults(default_config)
+    opts, args =  getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'c:d:e:h',
+                                ["config=", "database=", "encryption=", "help"])
+    for o in opts:
+        if o[0] == '-c' or o[0] == "--config":
+            config_file = os.path.expanduser(o[1])
+        if o[0] == '-h' or o[0] == "--help":
+            print_help()
+            sys.exit(0)
+    if os.path.exists(config_file):
+        config.load(config_file)
+    for o in opts:
+        if o[0] == '-d' or o[0] == "--database":
+            config.set_value("Database", "filename",
+                             os.path.expanduser(o[1]))
+            _saveconfig=False
+        if o[0] == '-e' or o[0] == "--encryption":
+            config.set_value("Encryption", "algorithm", o[1])
+            _saveconfig=False
+    # set umask before creating/opening any files
+    umask = int(config.get_value("Global", "umask"))
+    os.umask(umask)
+    enc = CryptoEngine.get()
+    type = config.get_value("Database", "type")
+    db = pwman.data.factory.create(type)
+    cli = PwmanCli(db)
+except SystemExit, e:
+    sys.exit(e)
+except Exception, e:
+    print "Error: %s" % (e)
+    sys.exit(-1)
+    try:
+        cli.cmdloop()
+    except KeyboardInterrupt, e:
+        print 
+    try:
+        if _saveconfig:
+            config.save(config_file)
+    except Exception, e:
+        print "Error: %s" % (e)
+        sys.exit(-1)

+ 20 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+from distutils.core import setup
+import pwman
+      version=pwman.version,
+      description=pwman.description,
+      author=pwman.author,
+      author_email=pwman.authoremail,
+      url=pwman.website,
+      license="GNU GPL",
+      packages=['pwman',
+                'pwman.data',
+                'pwman.data.drivers',
+                'pwman.exchange',
+                'pwman.ui',
+                'pwman.util'],
+      scripts=['scripts/pwman3'],
+      )