@@ -0,0 +1,593 @@
+# This file is part of Pwman3.
+# Pwman3 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+# Pwman3 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with Pwman3; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+# Copyright (C) 2012 Oz Nahum <nahumoz@gmail.com>
+# Copyright (C) 2006 Ivan Kelly <ivan@ivankelly.net>
+# pylint: disable=I0011
+Base Class and Old UI classes, should be removed in next pwman release
+from __future__ import print_function
+import pwman
+import pwman.exchange.importer as importer
+import pwman.exchange.exporter as exporter
+import pwman.util.generator as generator
+from pwman.data.nodes import Node
+from pwman.data.tags import Tag
+from pwman.util.crypto import CryptoEngine
+from pwman.util.crypto import zerome
+import pwman.util.config as config
+import re
+import sys
+import os
+import cmd
+import time
+import select as uselect
+import ast
+from pwman.ui import tools
+from pwman.ui.tools import CliMenu
+from pwman.ui.tools import CliMenuItem
+from colorama import Fore
+from pwman.ui.base import HelpUI, BaseUI
+from pwman.ui.tools import CLICallback
+ import readline
+ _readline_available = True
+except ImportError, e: # pragma: no cover
+ _readline_available = False
+def get_pass_conf():
+ numerics = config.get_value("Generator", "numerics").lower() == 'true'
+ # TODO: allow custom leetifying through the config
+ leetify = config.get_value("Generator", "leetify").lower() == 'true'
+ special_chars = config.get_value("Generator", "special_chars"
+ ).lower() == 'true'
+ return numerics, leetify, special_chars
+# pylint: disable=R0904
+class PwmanCliOld(cmd.Cmd, HelpUI, BaseUI):
+ """
+ UI class for MacOSX
+ """
+ def error(self, exception):
+ if (isinstance(exception, KeyboardInterrupt)):
+ print('')
+ else:
+ print("Error: {0} ".format(exception))
+ def do_exit(self, args):
+ """exit the ui"""
+ self._db.close()
+ return True
+ def get_ids(self, args):
+ """
+ Command can get a single ID or
+ a range of IDs, with begin-end.
+ e.g. 1-3 , will get 1 to 3.
+ """
+ ids = []
+ rex = re.compile("^(?P<begin>\d+)(?:-(?P<end>\d+))?$")
+ rex = rex.match(args)
+ if hasattr(rex, 'groupdict'):
+ try:
+ begin = int(rex.groupdict()['begin'])
+ end = int(rex.groupdict()['end'])
+ if not end > begin:
+ print("Start node should be smaller than end node")
+ return ids
+ ids += range(begin, end+1)
+ return ids
+ except TypeError:
+ ids.append(int(begin))
+ else:
+ print("Could not understand your input...")
+ return ids
+ def get_filesystem_path(self, default="", reader=raw_input):
+ return tools.getinput("Enter filename: ", default, reader=reader)
+ def get_username(self, default="", reader=raw_input):
+ return tools.getinput("Username: ", default, reader)
+ def get_password(self, argsgiven, numerics=False, leetify=False,
+ symbols=False, special_signs=False, reader=raw_input):
+ """
+ in the config file:
+ numerics -> numerics
+ leetify -> symbols
+ special_chars -> special_signs
+ """
+ # TODO: replace this code with tools.getpassword
+ if argsgiven == 1:
+ length = tools.getinput("Password length (default 7): ", "7")
+ length = len(length)
+ password, dumpme = generator.generate_password(length, length,
+ True, leetify,
+ numerics,
+ special_signs)
+ print ("New password: %s" % (password))
+ return password
+ # no args given
+ password = tools.getpassword("Password (Blank to generate): ",
+ tools._defaultwidth, False, reader)
+ if not password:
+ length = tools.getinput("Password length (default 7): ", "7")
+ if length:
+ length = int(length)
+ else:
+ length = 7
+ password, dumpme = generator.generate_password(length, length,
+ True, leetify,
+ numerics,
+ special_signs)
+ print ("New password: %s" % (password))
+ return password
+ def get_url(self, default="", reader=raw_input):
+ return tools.getinput("Url: ", default, reader)
+ def get_notes(self, default="", reader=raw_input):
+ return tools.getinput("Notes: ", default, reader)
+ def get_tags(self, default=None):
+ """read node tags from user"""
+ defaultstr = ''
+ if default:
+ for t in default:
+ defaultstr += "%s " % (t.get_name())
+ else:
+ tags = self._db.currenttags()
+ for t in tags:
+ defaultstr += "%s " % (t.get_name())
+ strings = []
+ tags = self._db.listtags(True)
+ for t in tags:
+ strings.append(t.get_name())
+ def complete(text, state):
+ count = 0
+ for s in strings:
+ if s.startswith(text):
+ if count == state:
+ return s
+ else:
+ count += 1
+ taglist = tools.getinput("Tags: ", defaultstr, complete)
+ tagstrings = taglist.split()
+ tags = []
+ for tn in tagstrings:
+ tags.append(Tag(tn))
+ return tags
+ def print_node(self, node):
+ width = str(tools._defaultwidth)
+ print ("Node %d." % (node._id))
+ print ("%" + width + "s %s") % (tools.typeset("Username:", Fore.RED),
+ node.get_username())
+ print ("%" + width + "s %s") % (tools.typeset("Password:", Fore.RED),
+ node.get_password())
+ print ("%" + width + "s %s") % (tools.typeset("Url:", Fore.RED),
+ node.get_url())
+ print ("%" + width + "s %s") % (tools.typeset("Notes:", Fore.RED),
+ node.get_notes())
+ print (tools.typeset("Tags: ", Fore.RED)),
+ for t in node.get_tags():
+ print (" %s \n" % t.get_name()),
+ def heardEnter():
+ inpt, out, err = uselect.select([sys.stdin], [], [], 0.0001)
+ for stream in inpt:
+ if stream == sys.stdin:
+ sys.stdin.readline()
+ return True
+ return False
+ def waituntil_enter(somepredicate, timeout, period=0.25):
+ mustend = time.time() + timeout
+ while time.time() < mustend:
+ cond = somepredicate()
+ if cond:
+ break
+ time.sleep(period)
+ self.do_cls('')
+ flushtimeout = int(config.get_value("Global", "cls_timeout"))
+ if flushtimeout > 0:
+ print ("Type Enter to flush screen (autoflash in "
+ "%d sec.)" % flushtimeout)
+ waituntil_enter(heardEnter, flushtimeout)
+ def do_tags(self, arg):
+ tags = self._db.listtags()
+ if len(tags) > 0:
+ tags[0].get_name() # hack to get password request before output
+ print ("Tags: "),
+ if len(tags) == 0:
+ print ("None"),
+ for t in tags:
+ print ("%s " % (t.get_name())),
+ print
+ def complete_filter(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
+ strings = []
+ enc = CryptoEngine.get()
+ if not enc.alive():
+ return strings
+ tags = self._db.listtags()
+ for t in tags:
+ name = t.get_name()
+ if name.startswith(text):
+ strings.append(t.get_name())
+ return strings
+ def do_filter(self, args):
+ tagstrings = args.split()
+ try:
+ tags = []
+ for ts in tagstrings:
+ tags.append(Tag(ts))
+ self._db.filter(tags)
+ tags = self._db.currenttags()
+ print ("Current tags: "),
+ if len(tags) == 0:
+ print ("None"),
+ for t in tags:
+ print ("%s " % (t.get_name())),
+ print
+ except Exception, e:
+ self.error(e)
+ def do_clear(self, args):
+ try:
+ self._db.clearfilter()
+ except Exception, e:
+ self.error(e)
+ def do_edit(self, arg):
+ ids = self.get_ids(arg)
+ for i in ids:
+ try:
+ i = int(i)
+ node = self._db.getnodes([i])[0]
+ menu = CliMenu()
+ print ("Editing node %d." % (i))
+ menu.add(CliMenuItem("Username", self.get_username,
+ node.get_username,
+ node.set_username))
+ menu.add(CliMenuItem("Password", self.get_password,
+ node.get_password,
+ node.set_password))
+ menu.add(CliMenuItem("Url", self.get_url,
+ node.get_url,
+ node.set_url))
+ menu.add(CliMenuItem("Notes", self.get_notes,
+ node.get_notes,
+ node.set_notes))
+ menu.add(CliMenuItem("Tags", self.get_tags,
+ node.get_tags,
+ node.set_tags))
+ menu.run()
+ self._db.editnode(i, node)
+ # when done with node erase it
+ zerome(node._password)
+ except Exception, e:
+ self.error(e)
+ def do_import(self, arg):
+ try:
+ args = arg.split()
+ if len(args) == 0:
+ types = importer.Importer.types()
+ intype = tools.select("Select filetype:", types)
+ imp = importer.Importer.get(intype)
+ infile = tools.getinput("Select file:")
+ imp.import_data(self._db, infile)
+ else:
+ for i in args:
+ types = importer.Importer.types()
+ intype = tools.select("Select filetype:", types)
+ imp = importer.Importer.get(intype)
+ imp.import_data(self._db, i)
+ except Exception, e:
+ self.error(e)
+ def do_export(self, arg):
+ try:
+ nodes = self.get_ids(arg)
+ types = exporter.Exporter.types()
+ ftype = tools.select("Select filetype:", types)
+ exp = exporter.Exporter.get(ftype)
+ out_file = tools.getinput("Select output file:")
+ if len(nodes) > 0:
+ b = tools.getyesno("Export nodes %s?" % (nodes), True)
+ if not b:
+ return
+ exp.export_data(self._db, out_file, nodes)
+ else:
+ nodes = self._db.listnodes()
+ tags = self._db.currenttags()
+ tagstr = ""
+ if len(tags) > 0:
+ tagstr = " for "
+ for t in tags:
+ tagstr += "'%s' " % (t.get_name())
+ b = tools.getyesno("Export all nodes%s?" % (tagstr), True)
+ if not b:
+ return
+ exp.export_data(self._db, out_file, nodes)
+ print ("Data exported.")
+ except Exception, e:
+ self.error(e)
+ def do_new(self, args):
+ """
+ can override default config settings the following way:
+ Pwman3 0.2.1 (c) visit: http://github.com/pwman3/pwman3
+ pwman> n {'leetify':False, 'numerics':True, 'special_chars':True}
+ Password (Blank to generate):
+ """
+ errmsg = ("could not parse config override, please input some"
+ " kind of dictionary, e.g.: n {'leetify':False, "
+ " numerics':True, 'special_chars':True}")
+ try:
+ username = self.get_username()
+ if args:
+ try:
+ args = ast.literal_eval(args)
+ except Exception:
+ raise Exception(errmsg)
+ if not isinstance(args, dict):
+ raise Exception(errmsg)
+ password = self.get_password(1, **args)
+ else:
+ numerics = config.get_value("Generator",
+ "numerics").lower() == 'true'
+ # TODO: allow custom leetifying through the config
+ leetify = config.get_value("Generator",
+ "leetify").lower() == 'true'
+ special_chars = config.get_value("Generator",
+ "special_chars").lower() == \
+ 'true'
+ password = self.get_password(0,
+ numerics=numerics,
+ symbols=leetify,
+ special_signs=special_chars)
+ url = self.get_url()
+ notes = self.get_notes()
+ node = Node(username, password, url, notes)
+ tags = self.get_tags()
+ node.set_tags(tags)
+ self._db.addnodes([node])
+ print ("Password ID: %d" % (node.get_id()))
+ except Exception, e:
+ self.error(e)
+ def do_print(self, arg):
+ for i in self.get_ids(arg):
+ try:
+ node = self._db.getnodes([i])
+ self.print_node(node[0])
+ except Exception, e: # pragma: no cover
+ self.error(e)
+ def do_delete(self, arg):
+ ids = self.get_ids(arg)
+ try:
+ nodes = self._db.getnodes(ids)
+ for n in nodes:
+ b = tools.getyesno("Are you sure you want to delete '%s@%s'?"
+ % (n.get_username(), n.get_url()), False)
+ if b is True:
+ self._db.removenodes([n])
+ print ("%s@%s deleted" % (n.get_username(), n.get_url()))
+ except Exception, e:
+ self.error(e)
+ def do_list(self, args):
+ """
+ TODO: in order to make this code testable
+ The functionality in this method should
+ go to a method that returns a string.
+ This method should only do the printing.
+ """
+ if len(args.split()) > 0:
+ self.do_clear('')
+ self.do_filter(args)
+ try:
+ if sys.platform != 'win32':
+ rows, cols = tools.gettermsize()
+ else:
+ rows, cols = 18, 80
+ nodeids = self._db.listnodes()
+ nodes = self._db.getnodes(nodeids)
+ cols -= 8
+ i = 0
+ for n in nodes:
+ tags = n.get_tags()
+ tagstring = ''
+ first = True
+ for t in tags:
+ if not first:
+ tagstring += ", "
+ else:
+ first = False
+ tagstring += t.get_name()
+ name = "%s@%s" % (n.get_username(), n.get_url())
+ name_len = cols * 2 / 3
+ tagstring_len = cols / 3
+ if len(name) > name_len:
+ name = name[:name_len - 3] + "..."
+ if len(tagstring) > tagstring_len:
+ tagstring = tagstring[:tagstring_len - 3] + "..."
+ fmt = "%%5d. %%-%ds %%-%ds" % (name_len, tagstring_len)
+ print (tools.typeset(fmt % (n.get_id(), name, tagstring),
+ Fore.YELLOW, False))
+ i += 1
+ if i > rows - 2:
+ i = 0
+ c = tools.getonechar("Press <Space> for more, "
+ "or 'Q' to cancel")
+ if c == 'q':
+ break
+ except Exception, e:
+ self.error(e)
+ def do_forget(self, args):
+ try:
+ enc = CryptoEngine.get()
+ enc.forget()
+ except Exception, e:
+ self.error(e)
+ def do_passwd(self, args):
+ try:
+ self._db.changepassword()
+ except Exception, e:
+ self.error(e)
+ def do_set(self, args):
+ argstrs = args.split()
+ try:
+ if len(argstrs) == 0:
+ conf = config.get_conf()
+ for s in conf.keys():
+ for n in conf[s].keys():
+ print ("%s.%s = %s" % (s, n, conf[s][n]))
+ elif len(argstrs) == 1:
+ r = re.compile("(.+)\.(.+)")
+ m = r.match(argstrs[0])
+ if m is None or len(m.groups()) != 2:
+ print ("Invalid option format")
+ self.help_set()
+ return
+ print ("%s.%s = %s" % (m.group(1), m.group(2),
+ config.get_value(m.group(1),
+ m.group(2))))
+ elif len(argstrs) == 2:
+ r = re.compile("(.+)\.(.+)")
+ m = r.match(argstrs[0])
+ if m is None or len(m.groups()) != 2:
+ print ("Invalid option format")
+ self.help_set()
+ return
+ config.set_value(m.group(1), m.group(2), argstrs[1])
+ else:
+ self.help_set()
+ except Exception, e:
+ self.error(e)
+ def do_save(self, args):
+ argstrs = args.split()
+ try:
+ if len(argstrs) > 0:
+ config.save(argstrs[0])
+ else:
+ config.save()
+ print ("Config saved.")
+ except Exception, e:
+ self.error(e)
+ def do_cls(self, args):
+ os.system('clear')
+ def do_copy(self, args):
+ if self.hasxsel:
+ ids = self.get_ids(args)
+ if len(ids) > 1:
+ print ("Can copy only 1 password at a time...")
+ return None
+ try:
+ node = self._db.getnodes(ids)
+ tools.text_to_clipboards(node[0].get_password())
+ print ("copied password for {}@{} clipboard".format(
+ node[0].get_username(), node[0].get_url()))
+ print ("erasing in 10 sec...")
+ time.sleep(10)
+ tools.text_to_clipboards("")
+ except Exception, e:
+ self.error(e)
+ else:
+ print ("Can't copy to clipboard, no xsel found in the system!")
+ def do_open(self, args):
+ ids = self.get_ids(args)
+ if not args:
+ self.help_open()
+ return
+ if len(ids) > 1:
+ print ("Can open only 1 link at a time ...")
+ return None
+ try:
+ node = self._db.getnodes(ids)
+ url = node[0].get_url()
+ tools.open_url(url)
+ except Exception, e:
+ self.error(e)
+ def postloop(self):
+ try:
+ readline.write_history_file(self._historyfile)
+ except Exception:
+ pass
+ def __init__(self, db, hasxsel):
+ """
+ initialize CLI interface, set up the DB
+ connecion, see if we have xsel ...
+ """
+ _dbwarning = "\n*** WARNNING: You are using the old database format" \
+ + " which is unsecure." \
+ + " It's highly recommended to switch to the new database " \
+ + "format. Do note: support for this DB format will be dropped in"\
+ + " v0.5." \
+ + " Check the help (pwman3 -h) or look at the manpage which" \
+ + " explains how to proceed. ***"
+ cmd.Cmd.__init__(self)
+ self.intro = "%s %s (c) visit: %s %s" % (pwman.appname, pwman.version,
+ pwman.website, _dbwarning)
+ self._historyfile = config.get_value("Readline", "history")
+ self.hasxsel = hasxsel
+ try:
+ enc = CryptoEngine.get()
+ enc.set_callback(CLICallback())
+ self._db = db
+ self._db.open()
+ except Exception, e:
+ self.error(e)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ try:
+ readline.read_history_file(self._historyfile)
+ except IOError, e:
+ pass
+ self.prompt = "!pwman> "