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Why does travis fail to open a db file?

oz123 10 jaren geleden
2 gewijzigde bestanden met toevoegingen van 71 en 71 verwijderingen
  1. 70 70
  2. 1 1

+ 70 - 70

@@ -96,76 +96,76 @@ class DBTests(unittest.TestCase):
         # it will have a file name associated
         self.assertTrue(hasattr(self.db, '_filename'))
-    def test_create_node(self):
-        "test that a node can be successfuly created"
-        # this method does not test do_new
-        # which is a UI method, rather we test
-        # _db.addnodes
-        username = 'tester'
-        password = 'Password'
-        url = ''
-        notes = 'some notes'
-        #node = NewNode(username, password, url, notes)
-        node = NewNode()
-        node.username = username
-        node.password = password
-        node.url = url
-        node.notes = notes
-        #node = NewNode(username, password, url, notes)
-        tags = [TagNew(tn) for tn in ['testing1', 'testing2']]
-        node.tags = tags
-        self.db.addnodes([node])
-        idx_created = node._id
-        new_node = self.db.getnodes([idx_created])[0]
-        for key, attr in {'password': password, 'username': username,
-                          'url': url, 'notes': notes}.iteritems():
-            self.assertEquals(attr, getattr(new_node, key))
-        self.db.close()
-    def test_tags(self):
-        enc = CryptoEngine.get()
-        got_tags = self.tester.cli._tags(enc)
-        self.assertEqual(2, len(got_tags))
-    def test_change_pass(self):
-        enc = CryptoEngine.get()
-        enc._callback = DummyCallback2()
-        self.assertRaises(CryptoBadKeyException,
-                          self.tester.cli._db.changepassword)
-    def test_db_change_pass(self):
-        "fuck yeah, we change the password and the new dummy works"
-        enc = CryptoEngine.get()
-        enc._callback = DummyCallback3()
-        self.tester.cli._db.changepassword()
-        self.tester.cli.do_forget('')
-        enc._callback = DummyCallback4()
-        self.tester.cli.do_ls('')
-    def test_db_list_tags(self):
-        # tags are return as ecrypted strings
-        tags = self.tester.cli._db.listtags()
-        self.assertEqual(2, len(tags))
-        self.tester.cli.do_filter('testing1')
-        tags = self.tester.cli._db.listtags()
-        self.assertEqual(2, len(tags))
-        self.tester.cli.do_ls('')
-    def test_db_remove_node(self):
-        node = self.tester.cli._db.getnodes([1])
-        self.tester.cli._db.removenodes(node)
-        # create the removed node again
-        node = NewNode()
-        node.username = 'tester'
-        node.password = 'Password'
-        node.url = ''
-        node.notes = 'some notes'
-        tags = [TagNew(tn) for tn in ['testing1', 'testing2']]
-        node.tags = tags
-        self.db.addnodes([node])
+   # def test_create_node(self):
+   #     "test that a node can be successfuly created"
+   #     # this method does not test do_new
+   #     # which is a UI method, rather we test
+   #     # _db.addnodes
+   #     username = 'tester'
+   #     password = 'Password'
+   #     url = ''
+   #     notes = 'some notes'
+   #     #node = NewNode(username, password, url, notes)
+   #     node = NewNode()
+   #     node.username = username
+   #     node.password = password
+   #     node.url = url
+   #     node.notes = notes
+   #     #node = NewNode(username, password, url, notes)
+   #     tags = [TagNew(tn) for tn in ['testing1', 'testing2']]
+   #     node.tags = tags
+   #
+   #     self.db.addnodes([node])
+   #     idx_created = node._id
+   #     new_node = self.db.getnodes([idx_created])[0]
+   #     for key, attr in {'password': password, 'username': username,
+   #                       'url': url, 'notes': notes}.iteritems():
+   #         self.assertEquals(attr, getattr(new_node, key))
+   #     self.db.close()
+   # def test_tags(self):
+   #     enc = CryptoEngine.get()
+   #     got_tags = self.tester.cli._tags(enc)
+   #     self.assertEqual(2, len(got_tags))
+   # def test_change_pass(self):
+   #     enc = CryptoEngine.get()
+   #     enc._callback = DummyCallback2()
+   #     self.assertRaises(CryptoBadKeyException,
+   #                       self.tester.cli._db.changepassword)
+   # def test_db_change_pass(self):
+   #     "fuck yeah, we change the password and the new dummy works"
+   #     enc = CryptoEngine.get()
+   #     enc._callback = DummyCallback3()
+   #     self.tester.cli._db.changepassword()
+   #     self.tester.cli.do_forget('')
+   #     enc._callback = DummyCallback4()
+   #     self.tester.cli.do_ls('')
+   # def test_db_list_tags(self):
+   #     # tags are return as ecrypted strings
+   #     tags = self.tester.cli._db.listtags()
+   #     self.assertEqual(2, len(tags))
+   #     self.tester.cli.do_filter('testing1')
+   #     tags = self.tester.cli._db.listtags()
+   #     self.assertEqual(2, len(tags))
+   #     self.tester.cli.do_ls('')
+   # def test_db_remove_node(self):
+   #     node = self.tester.cli._db.getnodes([1])
+   #     self.tester.cli._db.removenodes(node)
+   #     # create the removed node again
+   #     node = NewNode()
+   #     node.username = 'tester'
+   #     node.password = 'Password'
+   #     node.url = ''
+   #     node.notes = 'some notes'
+   #     tags = [TagNew(tn) for tn in ['testing1', 'testing2']]
+   #     node.tags = tags
+   #
+   #     self.db.addnodes([node])
 class TestDBFalseConfig(unittest.TestCase):

+ 1 - 1

@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ class Dumb(unittest.TestCase):
 def suite():
     loader = unittest.TestLoader()
     suite = unittest.TestSuite()
-    #suite.addTest(loader.loadTestsFromTestCase(DBTests))
+    suite.addTest(loader.loadTestsFromTestCase(DBTests))