oz123 10 år sedan
5 ändrade filer med 22 tillägg och 186 borttagningar
  1. 0 168
  2. 0 9
  3. 4 4
  4. 1 1
  5. 17 4

+ 0 - 168

@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ from pwman.data import factory
 from pwman.util.config import get_pass_conf
 #from pwman.util.generator import leetlist
 from pwman.util.crypto_engine import CryptoEngine
-from pwman.ui import get_ui_platform
 from pwman.ui.tools import CMDLoop, CliMenuItem
 # from pwman import (parser_options, get_conf_options, get_conf, set_umask)
 from pwman.data.database import __DB_FORMAT__
@@ -49,126 +48,14 @@ cls_timeout = 5
-#def node_factory(username, password, url, notes, tags=None):
-#    node = NewNode()
-#    node.username = username
-#    node.password = password
-#    node.url = url
-#    node.notes = notes
-#    tags = [TagNew(tn) for tn in tags]
-#    node.tags = tags
-#    return node
 _saveconfig = False
-PwmanCliNew, OSX = get_ui_platform(sys.platform)
 from .test_tools import (SetupTester)  # DummyCallback2,
                          #  DummyCallback3, DummyCallback4)
 testdb = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "test.pwman.db")
-#class DBTests(unittest.TestCase):
-#    """test everything related to db"""
-#    def setUp(self):
-#        "test that the right db instance was created"
-#        dbver = __DB_FORMAT__
-#        self.dbtype = 'SQLite'
-#        self.db = factory.create(self.dbtype, dbver, testdb)
-#        self.tester = SetupTester(dbver, testdb)
-#        self.tester.create()
-#    def test_1_db_created(self):
-#        "test that the right db instance was created"
-#        self.assertIn(self.dbtype, self.db.__class__.__name__)
-#    def test_2_db_opened(self):
-#        "db was successfuly opened"
-#        # it will have a file name associated
-#        self.assertTrue(hasattr(self.db, '_filename'))
-#    def test_3_create_node(self):
-#        "test that a node can be successfuly created"
-#        # this method does not test do_new
-#        # which is a UI method, rather we test
-#        # _db.addnodes
-#        username = u'tester'
-#        password = u'Password'
-#        url = u'example.org'
-#        notes = u'some notes'
-#        node = NewNode()
-#        node.username = username
-#        node.password = password
-#        node.url = url
-#        node.notes = notes
-#        # node = NewNode(username, password, url, notes)
-#        tags = [TagNew(tn) for tn in ['testing1', 'testing2']]
-#        node.tags = tags
-#        self.db.open()
-#        self.db.addnodes([node])
-#        idx_created = node._id
-#        new_node = self.db.getnodes([idx_created])[0]
-#        for key, attr in {'password': password, 'username': username,
-#                          'url': url, 'notes': notes}.items():
-#            self.assertEqual(attr, getattr(new_node, key).decode())
-#        self.db.close()
-#    def test_4_tags(self):
-#        enc = CryptoEngine.get()
-#        got_tags = self.tester.cli._tags(enc)
-#        self.assertEqual(2, len(got_tags))
-#    def test_5_change_pass(self):
-#        enc = CryptoEngine.get()
-#        enc.callback = DummyCallback2()
-#        self.tester.cli._db.changepassword()
-#    @unittest.skip("This is broken as long as changepassword isn't working.")
-#    def test_6_db_change_pass(self):
-#        "fuck yeah, we change the password and the new dummy works"
-#        enc = CryptoEngine.get()
-#        enc.callback = DummyCallback3()
-#        self.tester.cli._db.changepassword()
-#        self.tester.cli.do_forget('')
-#        enc.callback = DummyCallback4()
-#        # TODO: this is broken!
-#        self.tester.cli.do_ls('')
-#    def test_7_db_list_tags(self):
-#        # tags are return as ecrypted strings
-#        tags = self.tester.cli._db.listtags()
-#        self.assertEqual(2, len(tags))
-#        self.tester.cli.do_filter('testing1')
-#        tags = self.tester.cli._db.listtags()
-#        self.assertEqual(2, len(tags))
-#        self.tester.cli.do_ls('')
-#    def test_8_db_remove_node(self):
-#        node = self.tester.cli._db.getnodes([1])
-#        self.tester.cli._db.removenodes(node)
-#        # create the removed node again
-#        node = NewNode()
-#        node.username = 'tester'
-#        node.password = 'Password'
-#        node.url = 'example.org'
-#        node.notes = 'some notes'
-#        tags = [TagNew(tn) for tn in ['testing1', 'testing2']]
-#        node.tags = tags
-#        self.db.open()
-#        self.db.addnodes([node])
-#    def test_9_sqlite_init(self):
-#        db = SQLiteDatabaseNewForm("test")
-#        self.assertEqual("test", db._filename)
 class CLITests(unittest.TestCase):
@@ -195,16 +82,6 @@ class CLITests(unittest.TestCase):
         password = self.tester.cli.get_password(None, length=7)
         self.assertEqual(len(password), 7)
-    #def test_random_leet_password(self):
-    #    password = self.tester.cli.get_password(None, leetify=True, length=7)
-    #    l_num = 0
-    #    for v in leetlist.values():
-    #        if v in password:
-    #            l_num += 1
-        # sometime despite all efforts, randomness dictates that no
-        # leetifying happens ...
-    #    self.assertTrue(l_num >= 0)
     def test_leet_password(self):
         password = self.tester.cli.get_password(None, leetify=True,
                                                 reader=lambda x: u'HAtman')
@@ -226,51 +103,6 @@ class CLITests(unittest.TestCase):
                                           u'test 123\n test 456')
         self.assertEqual(notes, u'test 123\n test 456')
-    #def test_get_tags(self):
-    #    tags = self.tester.cli.get_tags(reader=lambda: u'looking glass')
-    #    for t in tags:
-    #        self.assertIsInstance(t, TagNew)
-    #    for t, n in zip(tags, u'looking glass'.split()):
-    #        self.assertEqual(t.name.strip().decode(), n)
-    # creating all the components of the node does
-    # the node is still not added !
-    #def test_add_new_entry(self):
-    #    # node = NewNode('alice', 'dough!', 'example.com',
-        #               'lorem impsum')
-    #    node = NewNode()
-    #    node.username = b'alice'
-    #    node.password = b'dough!'
-    #    node.url = b'example.com'
-    #    node.notes = b'somenotes'
-    #    node.tags = b'lorem ipsum'
-    #    tags = self.tester.cli.get_tags(reader=lambda: u'looking glass')
-    #    node.tags = tags
-    #    self.tester.cli._db.addnodes([node])
-    #    self.tester.cli._db._cur.execute(
-    #    rows = self.tester.cli._db._cur.fetchall()
-        # by now the db should have 2 new nodes
-        # the first one was added by test_create_node in DBTests
-        # the second was added just now.
-        # This will pass only when running all the tests then ...
-    #    self.assertEqual(len(rows), 2)
-    #    node = NewNode()
-    #    node.username = b'alice'
-    #    node.password = b'dough!'
-    #    node.url = b'example.com'
-    #    node.notes = b'somenotes'
-    #    node.tags = b'lorem ipsum'
-    #    tags = self.tester.cli.get_tags(reader=lambda: u'looking glass')
-    #    node.tags = tags
-    #    self.tester.cli._db.addnodes([node])
     def test_get_ids(self):
         # used by do_cp or do_open,
         # this spits many time could not understand your input

+ 0 - 9

@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ from pwman.data.database import __DB_FORMAT__
 from .test_tools import (SetupTester)
 from pwman.data import factory
 from pwman.data.nodes import Node
-from pwman.ui import get_ui_platform
 testdb = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
@@ -66,14 +65,6 @@ class TestBaseUI(unittest.TestCase):
         self.tester = SetupTester(dbver, testdb)
-    def test_get_ui_platform(self):
-        _, osx = get_ui_platform('darwin')
-        self.assertTrue(osx)
-        _, osx = get_ui_platform('win')
-        self.assertFalse(osx)
-        _, osx = get_ui_platform('foo')
-        self.assertFalse(osx)
     def test_get_tags(self):
         sys.stdin = StringIO("foo bar baz\n")
         tags = self.tester.cli._get_tags(reader=lambda: "foo bar baz")

+ 4 - 4

@@ -22,13 +22,12 @@ import unittest
 import os
 import os.path
 from pwman.data import factory
-from pwman.data.drivers.sqlite import DatabaseException, SQLite
+from pwman.data.database import DatabaseException
+from pwman.data.drivers.sqlite import SQLite
 from pwman.data.drivers.postgresql import PostgresqlDatabase
-from pwman.ui import get_ui_platform
 from pwman.data.database import __DB_FORMAT__
 from .test_tools import (SetupTester)
-PwmanCliNew, OSX = get_ui_platform(sys.platform)
 testdb = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
 _saveconfig = False
@@ -65,7 +64,8 @@ class TestFactory(unittest.TestCase):
         self.assertIsInstance(db, SQLite)
-        self.assertRaises(DatabaseException, factory.createdb, *('UNKNOWN',0.6))
+        self.assertRaises(DatabaseException, factory.createdb, *('UNKNOWN',
+                                                                 0.6))
     def test_factory_createdb(self):
         db = factory.createdb("sqlite:///test.db", 0.6)

+ 1 - 1

@@ -62,6 +62,6 @@ def suite():
-    # if 'win' not in sys.platform:
+    #if 'win' not in sys.platform:
     #    suite.addTest(loader.loadTestsFromTestCase(Ferrum))
     return suite

+ 17 - 4

@@ -9,9 +9,22 @@ else:
 from pwman.data import factory
 from pwman.util import config
 from pwman import which
-from pwman.ui import get_ui_platform
 from pwman.util.callback import Callback
+def get_ui_platform(platform):  # pragma: no cover
+    if 'darwin' in platform:
+        from pwman.ui.mac import PwmanCliMac as PwmanCli
+        OSX = True
+    elif 'win' in platform:
+        from pwman.ui.win import PwmanCliWin as PwmanCli
+        OSX = False
+    else:
+        from pwman.ui.cli import PwmanCli
+        OSX = False
+    return PwmanCli, OSX
 PwmanCliNew, OSX = get_ui_platform(sys.platform)
@@ -86,9 +99,9 @@ class SetupTester(object):
         self.configp.set_value('Database', 'dburi',
-                               'sqlite://' + os.path.join(os.path.abspath(
-                                                          os.path.dirname(__file__)),
-                                                          "test.pwman.db")
+                               'sqlite://' + os.path.join(
+                                   os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)),
+                                   "test.pwman.db")
         if not OSX: