Mars Rover Kata - version 1.2 ============================= This is a solution to the Kata in Python3. The requirements to run this code are: * Python3 * pip * GNU Make (optional) To run the code create a virtual environment and install the dependecies and then the code itself. If you are familiar with Python you can also use Pipenv and skip the following instructions: ``` # These istructions assume you use a shell on a UNIX like system (Mac or Linux) $ python3 -m venv rover-env $ source rover-env/bin/activate $ pip install -r requirements.txt ``` If you have GNU Make installed on your system you can simply use: ``` $ make setup/dev $ source rover/env/activate ``` USAGE ----- To land the rover on mars: ``` $ rover land Landed on (7, 2) Facing East. ``` To move the rover ``` $ rover move FSF Moved to (8, 1) Facing South. ```