from collections import OrderedDict from frank.frank import parse_yaml, ordered_load, run_action from frank.frank import Shell test_yaml = """ commands: - test - build_sphinx - publish test: shell: - pip install -e . - python test build_sphinx: shell: cwd: docs cmd: make html """ def mk_yaml(): with open('.frank.yaml', 'w') as f: f.write(test_yaml) mk_yaml() def test_parse_yaml(): y = parse_yaml('.') assert isinstance(y, dict) def test_ordered_load(): ans = ordered_load(""" commands: - test - build_sphinx - publish""") assert isinstance(ans['commands'], list) ans = ordered_load(""" commands: - test - build_sphinx - publish test: shell: - pip install -e . - python test """) assert isinstance(ans['test'], OrderedDict) assert isinstance(ans['test']['shell'], list) # If 'shell' is a list run the commands as ordered ans = ordered_load(""" commands: - test - build_sphinx - publish test: shell: - pip install -e . - python test build_sphinx: shell: cwd: docs cmd: make html """) assert isinstance(ans['test']['shell'], list) assert isinstance(ans['build_sphinx'], OrderedDict) assert isinstance(ans['build_sphinx']['shell'], OrderedDict) # If 'shell' is an OrderedDict run the command with the keywords given def test_Shell_run(): sh = Shell()'ls -l', cwd='/tmp/') assert not sh.code assert isinstance(sh.output(), list) sh = Shell()'ls -l', cwd='/no-such-directory/') assert is None assert isinstance(sh.exception, OSError) def test_run_action_shell(): # test shell commands axn = ['shell', 'touch /tmp/testaxn', 'touch /tmp/testaxn2', 'rm /tmp/testaxn'] results = run_action(axn) # all these commands should have succeeded assert not any([result.code for result in results]) axn = ['shell', 'touch /nosuchdir/testaxn', 'touch /tmp/testaxn2', 'rm /tmp/testaxn'] results = run_action(axn) assert len(results) == 1 assert results[0].code == 1 axn = ['shell', 'touch /tmp/works', 'touch /nosuchdir/fails', 'touch /tmp/testaxn2', 'rm /tmp/testaxn'] results = run_action(axn) assert len(results) == 2 assert results[0].code == 0 assert results[1].code == 1 def test_run_action_shell_with_kwargs(): # test shell commands axn = OrderedDict([('shell', OrderedDict([('cwd', 'tmp'), ('cmd', 'touch foo')]))]) results = run_action(axn) assert len(results) == 1 assert results[0].code == 0 axn = OrderedDict([('shell', OrderedDict([('cwd', 'nosuchdir'), ('cmd', 'touch foo')]))]) results = run_action(axn) assert len(results) == 1 assert isinstance(results[0].exception, OSError) axn = OrderedDict([('shell', OrderedDict([('cwd', '/tmp'), ('cmd', 'touch /nosuchdir/foo')]))]) results = run_action(axn) assert len(r)esults) == 1 assert results[0].code == 1 # missing arguments to touch axn = OrderedDict([('shell', OrderedDict([('cwd', '/tmp'), ('cmd', 'touch')]))]) assert len(results) == 1 assert results[0].code == 1 assert ['touch: missing file operand', "Try `touch --help' for more information."] == results[0].errors()