@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
+Frank can be configured using the following yaml::
+ .frank.yml
+ commads:
+ - build
+ - test
+ - publish
+ - deploy
+ deploy:
+ - cmd
+ - runif:
+ - test
+ - newtag
+ newtag:
+ - python:
+ - frank.actions:detect_new_tag
+ publish:
+ - shell:
+ - cd docs; make html
+ - python:
+ - frank.actions:recursive_copy
+The sections commands is a simple list of command you would like to define.
+This section is optional. It's main purpose is for you to decalre
+which commands frank should execute upon recieving a load.
+Each command is a dictionary with the following possible keys::
+ cmd_name:
+ - cmd # not mandatory if you include it in the list of commands
+ - runif # a conditional to determine whether to run or skip the command
+ # it can contain multiple directives which can be python
+ # code to execute
+ # or shell code
+For example, let's say you would like to build the sphinx documentation
+of your project after every push. You start by defining a command
+build_docs in the following way::
+ build_docs:
+ - cmd
+ - shell:
+ - cd docs
+ - make html
+You could also specify::
+ build_docs:
+ - cmd
+ - shell: cd docs; make html
+ build_docs:
+ - shell:
+ - cwd: docs
+ - cmd: make html
+This tells that `build_docs` is a command that executes after every push.
+It will execute a shell and will run the shell commands
+`cd docs; make html`. Pretty straight forward!
+Now, let's refine. Suppose we want to build the docs only if the docs changed,
+thus ignoring completely, changes in the embeded docs strings*::
+ build_docs:
+ - cmd
+ - runif:
+ - shell:
+ - git --no-pager diff --name-status HEAD~1 | grep -v docs
+ - shell: cd docs; make html
+Now, the command will run if the latest git commit have changed the docs
+directory. Since the grep command will return exit with 1.
+Alternatively, the conditional to run can be some python code that returns
+True or False. Here is how to specify this:
+ build_docs:
+ - cmd
+ - runif:
+ - python: frank.githubparsers:detect_changes_in_docs
+ - shell: cd docs; make html
+This, will invoke the method ``detect_changes_in_docs`` which is
+found in the module `frank.githubparsers`.
+If this function will return True the shell command will execute.
+If the methods takes some arguments, they could also be given.
+Suppose the function is called `detect_changes_in` and this function
+takes a single paramter called path we can configure the
+build_docs command in the following way:
+ build_docs:
+ - cmd
+ - runif:
+ - python:
+ - function: frank.githubparsers:detect_changes_in
+ - args:
+ - path: docs
+* This is probably a lame idea, but it's good for demonstration.
+So, do write doc-strings, and do build your docs often.
+import hmac
+import os
+import subprocess
+import subprocess as sp
+import hashlib
+import yaml
+from flask import Flask, request, abort
+import conf
+from shell import Shell
+from collections import OrderedDict, namedtuple
+PythonCode = namedtupe('PythonCode', path, args, kwargs, code)
+def override_run(self, command, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Override Shell.run to handle exceptions and accept kwargs
+ that Popen accepts
+ """
+ self.last_command = command
+ command_bits = self._split_command(command)
+ _kwargs = {
+ 'stdout': subprocess.PIPE,
+ 'stderr': subprocess.PIPE,
+ 'universal_newlines': True,
+ }
+ if kwargs:
+ for kw in kwargs:
+ _kwargs[kw] = kwargs[kw]
+ _kwargs['shell'] = True
+ if self.has_input:
+ _kwargs['stdin'] = subprocess.PIPE
+ try:
+ self._popen = subprocess.Popen(
+ command_bits,
+ **_kwargs
+ )
+ except Exception as E:
+ self.exception = E
+ return self
+ self.pid = self._popen.pid
+ if not self.has_input:
+ self._communicate()
+ return self
+Shell.run = override_run
+def ordered_load(stream, Loader=yaml.Loader, selfect_pairs_hook=OrderedDict):
+ class OrderedLoader(Loader):
+ pass
+ def construct_mapping(loader, node):
+ loader.flatten_mapping(node)
+ return selfect_pairs_hook(loader.construct_pairs(node))
+ OrderedLoader.add_constructor(
+ yaml.resolver.BaseResolver.DEFAULT_MAPPING_TAG,
+ construct_mapping)
+ return yaml.load(stream, OrderedLoader)
+app = Flask(__name__)
+def parse_branch_gh(request_json):
+ """
+ parse the branch to clone from a github payload
+ "ref": "refs/heads/develop", -> should return develop
+ """
+ return request_json['ref'].split('/')[-1]
+def parse_yaml(clone_dest):
+ os.chdir(clone_dest)
+ if os.path.exists('.frank.yaml'):
+ with open('.frank.yaml') as f:
+ y = ordered_load(f, yaml.SafeLoader)
+ return y
+def load_actions(yaml):
+ pass
+def report_success(results):
+ pass
+def report_failure(results):
+ pass
+def run_action(axn):
+ results = []
+ if isinstance(axn, list):
+ if axn[0] == 'shell':
+ for cmd in axn[1:]:
+ sh = Shell()
+ assert isinstance(cmd, str)
+ sh.run(cmd)
+ results.append(sh)
+ if sh.code:
+ break
+ if axn[0] == 'python':
+ for func in axn[1:]:
+ mod, f = func.split(':')
+ mod = importlib.import(mod)
+ f = getattr(mod, f)
+ res = f()
+ results.append(PythonCode(func, None, None, res))
+ elif isinstance(axn, OrderedDict):
+ if 'shell' in axn:
+ sh = Shell()
+ cmd = axn['shell'].pop('cmd')
+ assert isinstance(cmd, str)
+ kwargs = axn['shell']
+ sh.run(cmd, **kwargs)
+ results.append(sh)
+ return results
+def clone(clone_url, branch, depth=1):
+ cmd = ('git clone --depth={d} -b {branch} --single-branch '
+ '{git_url} {dir}'.format(d=depth, branch=branch,
+ git_url=clone_url, dir=branch))
+ pull = sp.Popen(cmd, stderr=sp.STDOUT, shell=True)
+ out, err = pull.communicate()
+ return out, err
+@app.route('/', methods=['POST'])
+def start():
+ """
+ main logic:
+ 1. listen to post
+ 2a if authenticated post do:
+ 3. clone the latest commit (--depth 1)
+ 4. parse yaml config
+ 5. for each command in the config
+ 7. run command
+ 8. report success or failure
+ """
+ # This is authentication for github only
+ # We could\should check for other hostings
+ ans = hmac.new(app.config['POST_KEY'], request.data,
+ hashlib.sha1).hexdigest()
+ secret = request.headers['X-Hub-Signature'].split('=')[-1]
+ if ans != secret:
+ return abort(500)
+ request_as_json = request.get_json()
+ clone_dest = parse_branch_gh(request_as_json)
+ repo_name = request_as_json["repository"]['name']
+ try:
+ o, e = clone(request_as_json['repository']['ssh_url'], clone_dest)
+ except Exception as E:
+ print E, E.message
+ # parse yaml is still very crude ...
+ # it could yield selfect with a run method
+ # thus:
+ # for action in parse_yaml(clone_dest):
+ # action.run()
+ #
+ # this should also handle dependencies,
+ # the following implementation is very crud
+ failed = None
+ for action in parse_yaml(clone_dest):
+ results = run_action(action)
+ if any([result.code for result in results]):
+ report_failure(results)
+ else:
+ report_success(results)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ app.run(host='', debug=True)