""" Blogit configuration module. Following projects like sphinx or django this project, chooses python code as a configuration language instead of choosing the ini, yaml, or what ever DSL for configuration. """ import datetime import tinydb db = tinydb.TinyDB('blogit.db') CONFIG = { 'content_root': 'content', # where the markdown files are 'output_to': 'oz123.github.com', 'raw_content': 'oz123.github.com/writings_raw/content', 'templates': 'templates', 'date_format': '%Y-%m-%d', 'base_url': 'http://oz123.github.com', 'http_port': 3030, 'content_encoding': 'utf-8', 'author': 'Oz Nahum Tiram', 'editor': 'editor' } DB = {'posts': db.table('posts'), 'tags': db.table('tags'), 'pages': db.table('pages'), 'templates': db.table('templates') } # EDIT THIS PARAMETER TO CHANGE ARCHIVE SIZE # 0 Means that all the entries will be in the archive # 10 meas that all the entries except the last 10 ARCHIVE_SIZE = 0 GLOBAL_TEMPLATE_CONTEXT = { 'media_base': '/media/', 'media_url': '../media/', 'site_url': 'http://oz123.github.com', 'last_build': datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"), 'twitter': 'https://twitter.com/#!/OzNTiram', 'stackoverflow': "http://stackoverflow.com/users/492620/oz123", 'github': "https://github.com/oz123", } KINDS = { 'writing': { 'name': 'writing', 'name_plural': 'writings', }, 'note': { 'name': 'note', 'name_plural': 'notes', }, 'link': { 'name': 'link', 'name_plural': 'links', }, 'photo': { 'name': 'photo', 'name_plural': 'photos', }, 'page': { 'name': 'page', 'name_plural': 'pages', }, }