import os import shutil from tinydb import Query from blogit2 import find_new_posts, DB, Entry, Tag from blogit2 import CONFIG, new_build from conf import db post_dummy = """title: Blog post {} author: Famous author published: 2015-01-16 tags: [python, git, bash] public: yes chronological: yes kind: writing summary: | This is a summry of post {} ... This is the body of post {} """ def insert_single(): Posts = Query() if not DB['posts'].contains(Posts.filename == ''): DB['posts'].insert({'filename': ''}) def create_posts(): os.mkdir('content') os.chdir('content') for p in range(1,4): with open('post'+str(p)+'.md', 'a') as f: f.write(post_dummy.format(p,p,p)) os.chdir('..') def clean_posts(): if os.path.exists('content'): shutil.rmtree('content') def test_find_new_posts(): db.purge_tables() insert_single() clean_posts() create_posts() new = list(find_new_posts(DB['posts'])) assert len(DB['posts'].all()) == 4 assert len(new) == 3 def test_tags(): t = Tag('bar') t.posts = [1] assert t.posts == [1] t.posts = [1,3,4,5] assert t.posts == [1,3,4,5] def test_new_build(): db.purge_tables() clean_posts() create_posts() import pdb; pdb.set_trace() new_build() post_dummy = """title: Blog post {} author: Famous author published: 2015-01-16 tags: [python, git, foo] public: yes chronological: yes kind: writing summary: | This is a summry of post {} ... This is the body of post {} """ def create_last_post(): os.chdir('content') with open('post'+str(5)+'.md', 'a') as f: f.write(post_dummy.format(5,5,5)) os.chdir('..') def test_new_build2(): import pdb; pdb.set_trace() create_last_post() new_build() # bug: creating a new post with existing tags # removes older tags ... #os.unlink('blogit.db')