single file json db -> using tinydb the following collections exists [ posts ] [ pages ] [ templates ] [ tags / categories ] - when adding a post only that page and the main page are compiled - when adding a post tags are extracted from it, and only these tags atom feeds are compiled # example post record, and page records [ {_id:1, title: "this is a post title", "published": [true, false], tags: ["foo, bar"], author: "mr. blogger", date: 2014-01-11, source: "path/to/", output: "path/to/file.html", template:"template_name"}] # example template record [ {"template_name": "basic.html", path: "/path/to/template.html" } ] tag : # { tag_name : "foo", posts_id: [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] } ---- rendering should be done with a call to a rendering function, e.g jinja2 or any other string manipulation function. This will make testing is easier! tinydb, does not have a unique id... when creating a new tag, first check it does not already exist.