#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (C) 2013 Oz Nahum # # Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim or modified # copies of this license document, and changing it is allowed as long # as the name is changed. # # TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION # # 0. You just DO WHATEVER THE FUCK YOU WANT TO. (IT'S SLOPPY CODE ANYWAY) # # WARANTIES: # 0. Are you kidding me? # 1. Seriously, Are you fucking kidding me? # 2. If anything goes wrong, sue the "The Empire". # Note about Summary # has to be 1 line, no '\n' allowed! """ Summary: | some summary ... Your post """ """ Everything the Header can't have ":" or "..." in it, you can't have title with ":" it makes markdown break! """ """ The content directory can contain only mardown or txt files, no images allowed! """ import os import re import datetime import yaml # in debian python-yaml from StringIO import StringIO import codecs from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader # in debian python-jinja2 try: import markdown2 except ImportError: import markdown as markdown2 import argparse import sys from distutils import dir_util import shutil CONFIG = { 'content_root': 'content', # where the markdown files are 'output_to': 'oz123.github.com', 'templates': 'templates', 'date_format': '%Y-%m-%d', 'base_url': 'http://oz123.github.com', 'http_port': 3030, 'content_encoding': 'utf-8', 'author': 'Oz Nahum Tiram' } # EDIT THIS PARAMETER TO CHANGE ARCHIVE SIZE # 0 Means that all the entries will be in the archive # 10 meas that all the entries except the last 10 ARCHIVE_SIZE = 0 GLOBAL_TEMPLATE_CONTEXT = { 'media_base': '/media/', 'media_url': '../media/', 'site_url': 'http://oz123.github.com', 'last_build': datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"), 'twitter': 'https://twitter.com/#!/OzNTiram', 'stackoverflow': "http://stackoverflow.com/users/492620/oz123", 'github': "https://github.com/oz123", } KINDS = { 'writing': { 'name': 'writing', 'name_plural': 'writings', }, 'note': { 'name': 'note', 'name_plural': 'notes', }, 'link': { 'name': 'link', 'name_plural': 'links', }, 'photo': { 'name': 'photo', 'name_plural': 'photos', }, 'page': { 'name': 'page', 'name_plural': 'pages', }, } jinja_env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(CONFIG['templates'])) class Tag(object): def __init__(self, name): super(Tag, self).__init__() self.name = name self.prepare() self.permalink = GLOBAL_TEMPLATE_CONTEXT["site_url"] def prepare(self): _slug = self.name.lower() _slug = re.sub(r'[;;,. ]', '-', _slug) self.slug = _slug class Entry(object): def __init__(self, path): super(Entry, self).__init__() path = path.split('content/')[-1] self.path = path self.prepare() def __str__(self): return self.path def __repr__(self): return self.path @property def name(self): return os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(self.path))[0] @property def abspath(self): return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(CONFIG['content_root'], self.path)) @property def destination(self): dest = "%s/%s/index.html" % (KINDS[ self.kind]['name_plural'], self.name) print dest return os.path.join(CONFIG['output_to'], dest) @property def title(self): return self.header['title'] @property def summary_html(self): return "%s" % markdown2.markdown(self.header['summary'].strip()) @property def credits_html(self): return "%s" % markdown2.markdown(self.header['credits'].strip()) @property def summary_atom(self): summarya = markdown2.markdown(self.header['summary'].strip()) summarya = re.sub("


", "", summarya) more = ' continue reading...' % (self.permalink) return summarya+more @property def published_html(self): if self.kind in ['link', 'note', 'photo']: return self.header['published'].strftime("%B %d, %Y %I:%M %p") return self.header['published'].strftime("%B %d, %Y") @property def published_atom(self): return self.published.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") @property def atom_id(self): return "tag:%s,%s:%s" % \ ( self.published.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), self.permalink, GLOBAL_TEMPLATE_CONTEXT["site_url"] ) @property def body_html(self): return markdown2.markdown(self.body) # , extras=['code-color']) @property def permalink(self): return "/%s/%s" % (KINDS[self.kind]['name_plural'], self.name) @property def tags(self): tags = list() for t in self.header['tags']: tags.append(Tag(t)) return tags def prepare(self): file = codecs.open(self.abspath, 'r') header = ['---'] while True: line = file.readline() line = line.rstrip() if not line: break header.append(line) self.header = yaml.load(StringIO('\n'.join(header))) for h in self.header.items(): if h: try: setattr(self, h[0], h[1]) except: pass body = list() for line in file.readlines(): body.append(line) self.body = ''.join(body) file.close() if self.kind == 'link': from urlparse import urlparse self.domain_name = urlparse(self.url).netloc elif self.kind == 'photo': pass elif self.kind == 'note': pass elif self.kind == 'writing': pass def render(self): if not self.header['public']: return False try: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(self.destination)) except: pass context = GLOBAL_TEMPLATE_CONTEXT.copy() context['entry'] = self template = jinja_env.get_template("entry.html") html = template.render(context) destination = codecs.open( self.destination, 'w', CONFIG['content_encoding']) destination.write(html) destination.close() return True class Link(Entry): def __init__(self, path): super(Link, self).__init__(path) @property def permalink(self): print "self.url", self.url raw_input() return self.url def entry_factory(): pass def _sort_entries(entries): _entries = dict() sorted_entries = list() for entry in entries: _published = entry.header['published'].isoformat() _entries[_published] = entry sorted_keys = sorted(_entries.keys()) sorted_keys.reverse() for key in sorted_keys: sorted_entries.append(_entries[key]) return sorted_entries def render_index(entries): """ this function renders the main page located at index.html under oz123.github.com """ context = GLOBAL_TEMPLATE_CONTEXT.copy() context['entries'] = entries[:10] template = jinja_env.get_template('entry_index.html') html = template.render(context) destination = codecs.open("%s/index.html" % CONFIG[ 'output_to'], 'w', CONFIG['content_encoding']) destination.write(html) destination.close() def render_archive(entries, render_to=None): """ this function creates the archive page """ context = GLOBAL_TEMPLATE_CONTEXT.copy() context['entries'] = entries[ARCHIVE_SIZE:] template = jinja_env.get_template('archive_index.html') html = template.render(context) if not render_to: render_to = "%s/archive/index.html" % CONFIG['output_to'] dir_util.mkpath("%s/archive" % CONFIG['output_to']) destination = codecs.open("%s/archive/index.html" % CONFIG[ 'output_to'], 'w', CONFIG['content_encoding']) destination.write(html) destination.close() def render_atom_feed(entries, render_to=None): context = GLOBAL_TEMPLATE_CONTEXT.copy() context['entries'] = entries[:10] template = jinja_env.get_template('atom.xml') html = template.render(context) if not render_to: render_to = "%s/atom.xml" % CONFIG['output_to'] destination = codecs.open(render_to, 'w', CONFIG['content_encoding']) destination.write(html) destination.close() def render_tag_pages(tag_tree): context = GLOBAL_TEMPLATE_CONTEXT.copy() for t in tag_tree.items(): context['tag'] = t[1]['tag'] context['entries'] = _sort_entries(t[1]['entries']) destination = "%s/tags/%s" % (CONFIG['output_to'], context['tag'].slug) try: os.makedirs(destination) except: pass template = jinja_env.get_template('tag_index.html') html = template.render(context) file = codecs.open("%s/index.html" % destination, 'w', CONFIG['content_encoding']) file.write(html) file.close() render_atom_feed(context[ 'entries'], render_to="%s/atom.xml" % destination) def build(): print print "Rendering website now..." print print " entries:" entries = list() tags = dict() for root, dirs, files in os.walk(CONFIG['content_root']): for fileName in files: try: if fileName.endswith('md') or fileName.endswith('markdown'): entry = Entry(os.path.join(root, fileName)) except Exception, e: print "Found some problem in: ", fileName print e raw_input("Please correct") sys.exit() if entry.render(): entries.append(entry) for tag in entry.tags: if tag.name not in tags: tags[tag.name] = { 'tag': tag, 'entries': list(), } tags[tag.name]['entries'].append(entry) print " %s" % entry.path print " :done" print print " tag pages & their atom feeds:" render_tag_pages(tags) print " :done" print print " site wide index" entries = _sort_entries(entries) render_index(entries) print "................done" print " archive index" render_archive(entries) print "................done" print " site wide atom feeds" render_atom_feed(entries) print "...........done" print print "All done " def preview(PREVIEW_ADDR='', PREVIEW_PORT=11000): """ launch an HTTP to preview the website """ import SimpleHTTPServer import SocketServer Handler = SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler httpd = SocketServer.TCPServer(("", CONFIG['http_port']), Handler) os.chdir(CONFIG['output_to']) print "and ready to test at" % CONFIG['http_port'] print "Hit Ctrl+C to exit" try: httpd.serve_forever() except KeyboardInterrupt: print print "Shutting Down... Bye!." print httpd.server_close() def publish(GITDIRECTORY=CONFIG['output_to']): pass def new_post(GITDIRECTORY=CONFIG['output_to']): """ This function should create a template for a new post with a title read from the user input. Most other fields should be defaults. """ title = raw_input("Give the title of the post:") # TODO check there is not : in the title author = CONFIG['author'] date = datetime.datetime.strftime(datetime.datetime.now(), '%Y-%m-%d') tags = '['+raw_input("Give the tags, separated by ', ':")+']' published = 'yes' chronological = 'yes' kind = 'writing' summary = ("summary: |\n Type your summary here\nDo not change the " "indentation" "to the left\n...\nStart writing your post here!") # make file name fname = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'content', kind, datetime.datetime.strftime(datetime.datetime.now(), '%Y'), date+'-'+title.replace(' ', '-')+'.markdown') print fname def clean(GITDIRECTORY="oz123.github.com"): directoriestoclean = ["writings", "notes", "links", "tags", "archive"] os.chdir(GITDIRECTORY) for directory in directoriestoclean: shutil.rmtree(directory) def dist(SOURCEDIR=os.getcwd()+"/content/", DESTDIR="oz123.github.com/writings_raw/content/"): """ sync raw files from SOURCE to DEST """ import subprocess as sp sp.call(["rsync", "-avP", SOURCEDIR, DESTDIR], shell=False, cwd=os.getcwd()) if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='blogit - a tool to blog on github.') parser.add_argument('-b', '--build', action="store_true", help='convert the markdown files to HTML') parser.add_argument('-p', '--preview', action="store_true", help='Launch HTTP server to preview the website') parser.add_argument('-c', '--clean', action="store_true", help='clean output files') parser.add_argument('-n', '--new', action="store_true", help='create new post') parser.add_argument('-d', '--dist', action="store_true", help='sync raw files from SOURCE to DEST') args = parser.parse_args() if len(sys.argv) < 2: parser.print_help() sys.exit() if args.clean: clean() if args.build: build() if args.dist: dist() if args.preview: preview() if args.new: new_post()