@@ -158,6 +158,43 @@ class Tag(object):
class Entry(object):
+ """This is the base class for creating an HTML page from a Markdown
+ based page.
+ The file has the following structure for a page:
+ .. code:
+ title: example page
+ public: yes
+ kind: page
+ template: about.html
+ # some heading
+ content paragraph
+ ## heading 2
+ some more content
+ The file has the following structure for a blog entry:
+ .. code:
+ title: Blog post 1
+ author: Famous author
+ published: 2015-01-11
+ tags: [python, git, bash, linux]
+ public: yes
+ chronological: yes
+ kind: writing
+ summary: |
+ This is a summry of post 1. Donec id elit non mi porta
+ ...
+ This is the body of post 1. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida
+ """
def entry_from_db(kls, filename):