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Update readme and fix spelling

Oz N Tiram hace 9 años
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  2. 3 3

+ 198 - 0

@@ -6,3 +6,201 @@ blogit
 [![Documentation Status](https://readthedocs.org/projects/blogit/badge/?version=latest)](http://blogit.readthedocs.org/en/latest/?badge=latest)
 A **quick** and simple static site generator based on markdown and jinja2.
+## About blogit:
+Blogit is a Python3 static site generator. It uses the markdown2 parser,
+and the Jinja2 template engine. It is a small code base, and does
+gradual builds of your content. Thus it is quick! New posts are added by
+demand, without the need to re-parse and  rebuild all the content every
+## Oh no, why another static site generator?
+Well, I looked into a few of them already a couple of years ago, and non
+made me happy. I wanted a tool written in Python so I could read the code
+and improve it. But, the ones I looked into where simply to big to just do
+what I needed - a simple and fast static site generator.
+Take a look for example at nikola, which has ~14,000 lines of code(!), or
+Pelican, which is smaller, but still has ~7600 lines of code. One of the mostly
+used static site generator, jekyll is written in Ruby, and has only a mere ~4800
+lines of code [#]_.
+Blogit, does all what they do, with a humble ~320 lines of code, in beautiful
+Python. A simple code, which is simply a wrapper around Jinja2 and
+Markdown. That is Unixy. It does not invent it's own template language, rather
+it uses the really good and established `Jinja2 template engine <http://jinja.pocoo.org/>`_.
+It does not include it's own markdown parser, it uses the excellent, feature rich and speedy
+`markdown2 <https://github.com/trentm/python-markdown2>`_ parser.
+It sticks to the following philosophy - less code equals less bugs.
+## Installing
+You can obtain blogit using pip::
+  $ pip3 install blogit
+## Getting started
+To use blogit you should create an empty directory containing a simple
+configuration file ``conf.py``, the file has the following content for a start
+        CONFIG = {
+            'content_root': 'content',  # where the markdown files are
+            'output_to': '.',
+            'templates': 'templates',
+            'http_port': 3030,
+            'content_encoding': 'utf-8',
+            'author': 'Oz Nahum Tiram',
+            'ARCHIVE_SIZE': 10,
+            'INDEX_SIZE': 10
+            }
+            'media_base': '/media/',
+            'media_url': '../media/',
+            'site_url': 'http://oz123.github.com',
+        }
+And that is it. It's pretty clear what you need to customize here for your own
+needs.  Blogit configuration is a Python module, with two dictionaries. You
+don't to be a Python expert to modify this file. This is not the only project
+that chooses this configuration style. Other well known projects,
+like sphinx or django, chose Python code as a configuration language,
+instead of choosing the ini, yaml formats or what ever DSL for configuration.
+Next, you need to create some Jinja templates inside the templates directory
+and some markdown files inside the content directory. When you are done, you
+can build your blog with
+    $ blogit -b
+You can preview the HTML generated files using
+    $ blogit -p
+And that is all in a quick way. To learn more, your probably need to know
+some Jinja2 and maybe some HTML to get a good looking website. Alas, you can
+use the existing example `blogit-mir` theme to quickly get started. To use this
+theme there is the `quick-start` option, just create a directory where you want
+your files to exist and issue
+    $ blogit --quick-start
+This command will create in your directory the following structure:
+        .
+        ├── conf.py
+        ├── content
+        │   ├── pages
+        │   │   └── about.md
+        │   └── posts
+        │       ├── 1865-11-26-down-the-rabbit-hole.md
+        │       ├── 1871-03-18-looking-glass-house.md
+        │       ├── 1912-07-24-out-to-sea.md
+        │       ├── 1948-12-12-the-purpose-of-education.md
+        │       ├── 1963-08-28-i-have-a-dream.md
+        │       └── 2014-08-12-the-businessman-and-fisherman.md
+        ├── media
+        │   ├── css
+        │   │   ├── bootstrap.min.css
+        │   │   ├── bootstrap-theme.min.css
+        │   │   ├── print.css
+        │   │   ├── pygments_style.css
+        │   │   ├── site.css
+        │   │   ├── style.css
+        │   │   └── tipsy.css
+        │   ├── img
+        │   │   ├── about.png
+        │   │   ├── body_bg.png
+        │   │   ├── code_top_bg.png
+        │   │   ├── flickr.png
+        │   │   ├── github.png
+        │   │   ├── g+.png
+        │   │   ├── home.png
+        │   │   ├── in.png
+        │   │   ├── noise.png
+        │   │   ├── rss.png
+        │   │   └── twitter.png
+        │   └── js
+        │       ├── bootstrap.min.js
+        │       ├── googlefonts.js
+        │       ├── highlight.pack.js
+        │       ├── jquery.js
+        │       ├── jquery.min.js
+        │       ├── jquery.tipsy.js
+        │       └── scripts.js
+        ├── __pycache__
+        │   └── conf.cpython-35.pyc
+        ├── README.md
+        └── templates
+            ├── about.html
+            ├── archive_index.html
+            ├── atom.xml
+            ├── base.html
+            ├── discuss.html
+            ├── entry.html
+            ├── entry_index.html
+            ├── explorer.html
+            ├── google_analytics.html
+            ├── sidebar.html
+            └── tag_index.html
+        9 directories, 46 files
+You can now build the example blog and start the demo webserver in one command:
+    $ blogit -bp
+    Rendering website now...
+    entries:
+    posts/1963-08-28-i-have-a-dream.md
+    posts/2014-08-12-the-businessman-and-fisherman.md
+    posts/1948-12-12-the-purpose-of-education.md
+    posts/1912-07-24-out-to-sea.md
+    posts/1865-11-26-down-the-rabbit-hole.md
+    pages/about.md
+    updating tag speeches
+    updating tag  fiction
+    updating tag fiction
+    updating tag fables
+    Updating index
+    Updating archive
+    and ready to test at
+    Hit Ctrl+C to exit
+The next time you will add a new post **only** that post will be build. Other,
+pages that will be updated are the posts tags, the archive and the main index.
+Everything else remains unchanged. Hence, the speed up in build times.
+There is only one caveat for the way blogit does gradual builds. Currently,
+once a post is built it is stored in the file ``content_root/blogit.db`` and
+it is not built again. Future versions of blogit will store also the last
+modification time of the file and will build the file if the change time is
+newer then the one stored in the database.
+If you can't wait until than, you can modify the database, or completely remove
+it. Modifying the database is straight forward. It's a simple JSON file. Just
+make sure you don't forget to close curly brackets when you edit the file.
+## Contributing
+Bug reports and pull requests are most welcome in https://github.com/oz123/blogit.
+If you happen to create a new theme you can also submit it. Porting jekyll themes
+isn't that hard too.

+ 3 - 3

@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ About blogit:
 Blogit is a Python3 static site generator. It uses the markdown2 parser,
 and the Jinja2 template engine. It is a small code base, and does
 gradual builds of your content. Thus it is quick! New posts are added by
-demand, without the need to reparse and  rebuild all the content every
+demand, without the need to re-parse and  rebuild all the content every
 Oh no, why another static site generator?
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ Pelican, which is smaller, but still has ~7600 lines of code. One of the mostly
 used static site generator, jekyll is written in Ruby, and has only a mere ~4800
 lines of code [#]_.
-Blogit, does all what they do, with a hubmle ~320 lines of code, in beatiful
+Blogit, does all what they do, with a humble ~320 lines of code, in beautiful
 Python. A simple code, which is simply a wrapper around Jinja2 and
 Markdown. That is Unixy. It does not invent it's own template language, rather
 it uses the really good and established `Jinja2 template engine <http://jinja.pocoo.org/>`_.
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ You can obtain blogit using pip::
 Getting started
-To use blogit you should create an empty directory contating a simple
+To use blogit you should create an empty directory containing a simple
 configuration file ``conf.py``, the file has the following content for a start::