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+You don't need ansible to a set of task on a remote machine.
+Using BASH and SSH is more than enough. But most people tend
+to skip learning the fine details of using SSH, sudo and BASH.
+Here is an exterme minimal framework to run a script on a remote server.
+banshible.sh <remote server> <script-name>
+If you need to execute a command with escalated priveleges you can use sudo
+on the remote machine. If you need a password to become root you can echo it.
+Here is an example script that you can run on a remote machine:
+$ cat test.sh
+echo $PW | sudo -S 2>/dev/null whoami
+To run this script on a remote machine:
+export PW=<yourVerySecretPassword>
+$ ./banshible.sh <server> test.sh
+You can run this script also with specifying the user on the remote machine:
+export PW=<VerySecretPasswordOfRemoteUser>
+$ ./banshible.sh <RemoteUser@server> test.sh